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Hi fellas,

I need to draw upon some of your experiences here... below is a brief snapshot of what happened followed by what the Police are hoping to charge me with through the Magistrates court; hoping for someone with prior experiences in this situation to shed some light on what are the possible outcomes...

Situation overview:

Basically around 7 months ago I was involved in a street drag race (stupid at the time) - we were travelling at around 100 Km/h in a 50 km/h zone in the streets of West Melbourne. Anyway, subsequently I lost control of my vehicle and spun into a residential home. Cops arrived 45 minutes later and took statements etc and the cops did say that they might summon me to court soon.

Now, I have never ever been summoned to court in my whole life - never been charged with anything or have had dashes with the law so all this is totally new to me and I am rather concerned.

Possible Charge (word for word):

"Manner Dangerous, Careless Driving & Exceed Speed Limit."

So the question is - I was obiviously involved in this and therefore accept that I am guilty - now, if I accept that I am guilty and get charged the above - what are the consequences? Will I be fined something; will it stick on my criminal records (is it this serious) and will it affect my employment etc? I mean, I am in a fairly senior position at work and if I ever get convicted of anything that is "criminal" then I will be sacked immediately.

Fellas, if this stays on my driving records etc then I don't give a hoot, even if I get fined etc then I do not really care, but I am really worried that it will be a criminal thing - is it this severe? It also says something about bail - what the fark is all this - would appreciate some support on this matter from those that have been through this personally before or have heard of friends involved in this.

Many thanks,


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Sounds like you better start looking for a new job, one that doesn't require you to have a license.

Going of what you have said above, it really doesn't sound like 'accepting guilt' is optional, and given the extent to which authorities are cracking down on hoons and dangerous drivers at present, I would expect a hefty loss of license, and a hefty fine to match it.

  Bluprint said:
Sounds like a civil offence not a criminal one

Thanks mate - does that mean that when they do a criminal check on me etc, this would not affect it?

Moreover, if they charge me - would you know what penalties etc I would have to bear?

Thanks again mate.

  Blitz said:
Sounds like you better start looking for a new job, one that doesn't require you to have a license.

Going of what you have said above, it really doesn't sound like 'accepting guilt' is optional, and given the extend to which authorities are cracking down on hoons and dangerous drivers at present, I would expect a hefty loss of license, and a hefty fine to match it.

Hefty fine - no worries as I was a dick and so I deserve every penny of it (fair enough).

Loss of license - also fair enough, can't winge about something that was done wrongly from my part.

However, do you think it's severe as a criminal conviction, say, if you hit someone, broke into someone's home or stole money from work etc? Because this is what I fear - the above two things are no biggies.

Damn, that was harsh.

As far as I know mate as long as you didn't actually hurt anyone it won't show up as a 'criminal' offence. I think driving drunk may do though but as you were sober you should be right.

I DO feel sorry for you mate, sure it was stupid and you were a total idiot and such, but I bet half the people that have a go at you for it have done the exact same things themselvs. Sure thats no excuse for doing it but I bet 90% of the people on this forum have at least once in their life given their car abit of a squirt off the lights or whatever. Good luck man

  Lachlan33 said:
Damn, that was harsh.

As far as I know mate as long as you didn't actually hurt anyone it won't show up as a 'criminal' offence. I think driving drunk may do though but as you were sober you should be right.

I DO feel sorry for you mate, sure it was stupid and you were a total idiot and such, but I bet half the people that have a go at you for it have done the exact same things themselvs. Sure thats no excuse for doing it but I bet 90% of the people on this forum have at least once in their life given their car abit of a squirt off the lights or whatever. Good luck man

Thanks champ - unlike the other "keyboard warriors" you're genuine and understanding - that's straight up respect.

Yeah, it was dumb, I'm in debt, nearly lost my Wife and kids over this, but it shows - when the shit hits the fan, only the closest are near you - damn, although I regret what happened - I guess it's a lesson well learnt... I never speed any more, always obey the law and will intend to demode my car... oh well, shit happens... just gotta move on and live life... :thumbsup:

Thanks again bro...

No Wukkas man.

If you wanna find out for SURE about the whole criminal thing theres a free legal advice line you can call, they offer good suggestions. I used em once to find out what legal action I could take when some chumps lets their dogs play on the road. $1,500 worth of damage to my old car and 1 dead dog :thumbsup:

I mean damn, I love dogs, so not only did I feel heaps bad for having run over it, I had a mashed up front end (was a big dog).

Anyway I don't know the number but they would be able to give you a certain answer, won't cost you anything.

  R31Nismoid said:
Any you thought the police were being unjust when they pinned you "3 times in a day".

Sounds like there is a key reason

Thanks Gumpy Smurf, how's Pappa Smurf? LOL

  R31Nismoid said:
And you thought the police were being unjust when they pinned you "3 times in a day".

Sounds like there is a key reason

That's what i was thinking Ash, as i was reading his first post.

Here he is bagging the police for being unjust, etc, when he has recently been charged with such offenses.

Grow up Monkey!!! You have farked up MAJORLY and now you will be paying for it for a long time. Sell the 'line and get yourself a std Camry. Every time a cop runs your plates they will see these records and will pick on you constantly.

I was done for something similiar (but didn't loose it or crash and no other cars involved) when I only just got my license 16 1/2 years of age. wow I was a silly boy back then.

It went on my record and still is to this day 11years later.

I recently underwent a police check and lo and behold there it was. :S

Listen her bro... :)

if its civil... sell the car and tell the courts you sold it for half of what it was... If you still have the car they will make you sell it for all its worth.

You say since you had the accident you never broke the law, yet you managed to cop several fines the other night.

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