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i found this line funny for some reason...

you contradict yourself so many times on the forum; one day its A the next day it's B. so obviously some people won't take you seriously, you understand right? respect.

You know what Eug, I really find it interesting that you always seem to post the same thing about my contradicting myself. That's good actually as I was hoping you can clarify and explain where and how I have contradicted myself for saying "thanks to someone for supporting me..." I think you got too much time on your hands.

However, thanks for your close attention to my posts. Respect. :)

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Another quality thread from Spunky Monkey you seriously are becoming the new AnDru around here! Mate how can you be broke with all that extra cash you made off the sale of your house?

Mate, I'm glad you've asked this question - I really don't have to answer it but I will this time as I think it's a fair question...

I sold the house and have made a humble profit - but now we will have to buy another house, and, although we do have a fair amount left over for other things - my mother has fallen ill all of a sudden and what's more - I have had my fair share in fines, infrindgement notices etc... to make it worst, the house that I had collided with a few months back has sued me for compensation and I have paid them off a fairly substantial amount.

Now with this new court case that I will be involved in soon - it will no doubt cost me more money so I guess this is why I consider myself in a financial disadvantage and hence being "broke."

I've answered your question based on fellowship of this forum - think what I want... I never mind being judged by people - this is life and surely a forum will not make a few lesser of an individual.


My attitude is that while compassion should be given, respect has to be earned.

This clown has done nothing to earn my respect. Spinning out into a person's house while street racing, and then bitching about police targetting afterwards, earns nothing but my derision (of which I have plenty of).

I agree - respect has to be earned. No doubt about it - couldn't agree more. Not asking you to respect me more etc - and not bitching about the court case etc... read the subject matter - read what I have written... not once have I asked for support for my past actions - I know I was wrong... of course, I was a dickhead... but hey, that's the past - neverless, I will have to deal with this matter sooner or later - just wanted to ask for opinions on whether this is a criminal conviction.

I think you're taking it the wrong way.


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