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Got a R34 GTT thought i would do a compression test this morning

i did 2 tests, first one is

1 = 180 4 = 154

2 = 170 5 = 182

3 = 180 6 = 179

did a second test to make sure as i got a supercheap compression tester

1 = 190 4 = 140

2 = 185 5 = 182

3 = 184 6 = 185

Number 4 is lower then all the others, it is to low or is this still ok?



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#4 is becoming a bit sad. Add a LITTLE BIT of engine oil into #4 cylinder and re-test. No change in compression suggests a valve problem, increase in compression suggests rings are going.

If you're new to DIY maintenance, that single post above is the best info you'll read all week.

You have a problem with number 4 cyl. A leakdown test will pinpoint your problem better than anything else . blind_elk 's suggestion is next best option, don't forget adding oil in any cyl will increase compression to some extent because the combustion chamber will be somewhat smaller...

Just about any mechanic has a compression gauge. A while back I paid $100 for a compression test and leak down test, so it'll be cheaper than that.

You can buy a compression gauge from eBay for around $60 and DIY too. You could do a spark plug change at the same time and save quite a few dollars.

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