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Well I am currently learning how to drive, I'm still 15 so i haven't been driving on public roads.

What i wanted to know is what can I do to improve my skills without driving on the roads??

I know there is no substitute for experience but I have to wait til next year to get my l's.

Is there anything I can do??

We used 2 have an old ED falcon that i learnt in, but now have a TJ magna (fwd :) and auto).

Also are these cars easy to break things in??

I'm talking when doing things like revving it to 5k in neutral and then dropping it into D???

Would that break the box or something??

I haven't gone past 5thou revs in this car (im scared to break it)...lol

But yes any driving tips would be appreciated.


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I'm talking when doing things like revving it to 5k in neutral and then dropping it into D???

why the hell would you want to do that?? :)

my only suggestion would be to get your parents to take you to a deserted car park and learn to take off without bunny hopping but that's probably still illegal and you dont have a manual car lol

you said you're worried about going past 5grand, does that mean you've been driving anyway?

Firstly, Great idea. If more parents taught their kids to drive in shitboxes away from everyone, there'd be less deaths on the road.

Where you go depends on where you live. If it's rural, go to the nearest paddock or open field, and get dad to take you around a bit. Just practice driving, especially around tight corners and such. Not fast, just try to set up a tight obstacle course, and have emergency stops at random times.

If you're in the city, we you're limited to wide open spaces that can only be found in suburbs (Avoid car parks, you might get booked there)

You'll have to find places that you can drive without getting A) booked or B) in a crash with the general public

Maybe just driving around the block, or something like that.

Practice avoiding obstacles, emergency stops (Get dad to yell out "STOP!" at random times) and just driving in crappy weather on slippery mud and stuff.

Just get the hours up.

Parking and such you can concentrate on when you're going for the license. It's more important to learn braking and car control first.

Wait till you get your licence then learn...

There is no reason to be driving at 15... If you own acreage then fair enough go on that but otherwise stay of the roads. You have less then a year to start driving so you dont have to wait that long...

Also i wouldnt reccommend droppin car into drive from 5000rpm. THe box will go before you know it and then you have no car to drive. Once you get your licence, gain the basic skills needed then if you like go to a defensive driving programme.

I was going to suggest you go to an open space car park or empty sports complex with ample parking space to learn - but, I would suggest that you get your L's first as the consequences will be severe if something happens... definitely go for your L's first bro then consider learning on the roads...

I admire your eagerness and that's good, but you should do it legally.


so you should be! :dry:

Seriously I am a huge fan of learning to drive a car before driving on the roads. It is hard enough for a young person to get their head around all the road rules, courtesies etc, without having to learn to control a car at the same time. My daughter just turned 12 and I will soon be starting to teach her.

My tip - go down to your local footy oval. There is usually a car park as well as a road/track of some sort around the perimeter and if you are sensible the cops should leave you alone (well they do around my part of the woods) Just be aware that you are in control of a 1.5 tonne steel weapon and you will be all good.

*edit - there is no point in ever revving a TR magna past 5K. You will break something if you do it too often (cyl heads were a weakness) as for dropping it in D at that engine speed? All you are doing is shock loading your entire drivetrain and something will eventually give in a spectacular fashion. My money is on the gearbox. Concentrate on driving smoothly and cleanly. Leave the heroics for the defensive driving course / skidpan

It sounds like you live in the country if you have property to learn to drive on. Get an old RWD datsun/escort/toyota for a few hundred bucks and learn to drive with that. I suppose it depends what state you live in... in SA we can buy and sell any old piece of shit, other states you need to have RWC. Start to drive (Slowly!) on dirt roads (obviously you need a license for public roads), the sooner you understand the principals of oversteer and understeer the safer driver you'll be for the rest of your life.

Putting it into drive at 5000 is just stupidity and trashing the car!

i rekon if more mothers and fathers got there kids into gokarting etc that it would be a great and fun way to learn thats how i learnt how to drive, i was givin mum lessons at 15 ahaha. but yea just ask dad ( not Mum in my case.) to take you for a drive around the block.

While sitting in the passenger seat, pay attention to what the real driver is doing at different times (things like foot control, where they look etc)

.........so they can learn all their bad habits?

What's the likelihood that he has access to a "real driver" over a "pretend driver" or "real commuter"?

If nice 28 starts learning from your typical license holder we have to share the road with and copies their "technique", then the balance of probability says he's just become another f**kwit rather than someone who can actually drive in a safe and conscientious manner.

sorry to hijack the thread, but i went for my driver qualification test today.....and failed :domokun:

your allowed 3 questions wrong in the multiple choice (out of 15 questions) i got 0 wrong

in part 2 (hazard perception test) you have to touch the screen when you would break, overtake, approach corners etc etc

anyways at the end of the exam they give you a print out of what you need to improve on:

* Slowing down to avoid hazards or crashes - i think i know why i got this one wrong, i was following a car abit too close (4 sec gap needed)

* understanding how you should respond to questions in part 2 of test. remember you only need to touch the screen ONCE for each different hazard or safe gap - im so certain i did this !!! :blush:

bloody need to go again ! (more $$) hopefully pass this time, first time i ever failed any of my driving tests :wacko:

I got my L's first go and my P's 3rd :domokun:

I failed for such stupid ass things though.

Such as '65 in an 80 zone (in the wet) was driving dangerously slow' - Whatever

Dumb RTA ho says 'Turn right here' so I start to turn then realise shes trying to lead me the WRONG WAY down a fkn 1 way street. I stopped turning and kept going straight and she put that down as 'Needed intervention to prevent dangerous situation' or some crap like that.

Oh yeah and I gave way to someone at a round-a-bout because I was being overly cautious during the test, and got marked down :blush:

God I hate the rta.......

What was this thread about? Oh yeah learning to drive.....

Umm Im with everyone else, just get some RWD crapbox and a dirt field and let loose. Sticking to the RTA guidlines for driving teaches you stuff all. Theres no emergency braking, you don't have to have the faintest understanding of oversteer or understeer etc. Knowing how to reverse park is all well and good but your average p plater who gets into his/her first oversteer situation is going to totally freak out. I know I did.....

I just want to make it clear that i have not been driving on the roads. I am not stupid. I am not going to endanger my and others life just to learn to drive. I said this in the first sentence, so theres no need for people to say stay off the roads etc.

I think for now I will be trying to keep my driving smooth, and leave the heroics til later (don't want to break the car either).

I'm from the city so I don't want to drive around the block etc. with the fear of getting busted, especially with the police station just down the road.

I've read the book, and passed the online test many times. So for now I just want to learn car control.

I'm really more interested in learning manual. I had a try in a mate's astra (again just in a carpark), i didn't bunny hop or anything, nor did i stall.

In our carpark we have a big concrete support between every 2 spaces so I have just been going around there without hitting anything.

And guys I'm here asking for tips on how to drive, not for a lecture about not driving on the roads.

I want to learn how to drive properly and not just become another drive who BARELY passed their driving test like half the communters in Australia.

Thanks for the tips and keep them coming.

I learnt manual in my skyline.. Bunny hopped it a few times scarey... with traffic behind.

But practice makes perfect I guess..

If you're not confident just drive around in an auto car for a bit, then going from Auto -> Manual is pretty simple. Well for me it was.

Or hire a person to teach you or something.

Good luck!

Edit: Sorry I did read the entire posts but yea..

you dont throw your baby in the deep end when their learning to swim...

the road is for experienced and capable drivers, im not against learners or anything, but nothing pisses me off more than getting stuck behind a learner who keeps stalling coming out of a driveway, holding up a dozen or so cars untill they get it right, or being cut off because of their lack of concerntration (which is perfectly understandable) ie driving being a huge new responcibility to young drivers,

they should all be taught first off in a car park, a responcible and sensible parent would do this.

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