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Gran Turismo 3 Drifting


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Originally posted by darK

how do you get the toms chaser in gt3??

i have it in gt2... but is it a prize car in 3??

Yea, I won it in one of the championships of the professional series races from memory.. pretty cool..

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Resurrecting this thread...

Guys, I`ve been drifting in GT3 since 2nd(? can`t remember exactly) April 2001. Thats when the game was released here in Japan.

Anyways, after meticulously testing EVERY RWD car (even the Merc 600SL!) I`ve found that:

The Nissan 180SX is the best drift car. The SR20 powered Silvia`s are also good, but the S15 is a little too top endy in it`s power delivery, so to keep it sliding at the limit is more difficult than the others.

Why the 180? Well, the SR in that model (in the game) has the bulk of it`s torque around 3-4000rpm, you need this to be able to tap the accel and get instant wheelspin at lower speeds, and to be able to "steer" the car with the throttle. Also, on it`s lowest ride height at the front, the 180 has excellent stance making the front end really stable... this is apparent in the low to mid-speed corners.

The settings:


Spring Rate: (F) 5.2 ®16.2

Ride Height: (F) 89mm ® 89mm

Damper Bump: (F) 2 ® 8

Damper Rebound: (F) 2 ® 8

Camber: (F) 10.0 ® 2.0

Toe: (F) 2.0 ® -2.0

Stabilizer: (F) Level 1 ® Level 7


Brake Balance: (F) 20 ® 15


L.S.D. Initial Torque: ® 30

LSD Accel: ® 40

LSD Brake: ® 30


1st: 3.012

2nd: 2.302

3rd: 1.820

4th: 1.501

5th: 1.245

6th: 0.874

Final: 4.083

ASM and TCS: Obviously set to 0.

*edit* IMPORTANT! Super Soft slicks on the front, with normal tyres on the Rear. Also, fully tune the engine, 500+ps is perfect power, no too much for the slow stuff, and not too little for the high-speed corners like at Apricot Hill.

Explanation: Honestly, keep the Camber set to 10 degrees on the front. This "lowers" the car even more, and it increases the overall track width, giving more stable (and higher speed) drift ability. The gears ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT!!! That box is set. You won`t need 6th, and the other gears are set so close that it provides power wheelspin at any time (just select the right gear for the trackspeed).

You`ll find that you "map out" the gear changes for each track after a while. That means, you`ll be setting up the car coming in to the corner with your finger hovering over the downshift button, waiting for just the right moment to shift/light the tires up.


I have drifted Grand Valley in a 180 sliding absolutely EVERY corner (both hairpins aswell) and...


The handbrake is the key, if you want to start your drift waaaaay back from the corner. Get up enough speed, get the position right, then mash that handbrake and slide until you enter the corner (rear wheels locked of course) then hammer the accel to take the corner.

I tried to teach my friend to do this, but he didn`t have the patience. As soon as I can figure out how to post up movie clips from a camcorder, I`ll post the Grand Valley clip, and some others too if people are interested.

You probably think by now that I`m some kind of virtualdrift psycho, but all this came about when I was living in the countryside in Japan, with no decent people to hang with for about 6 months.

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...aaah, any hints on how to get movies up?

I think a 30 sec clip is about 2-3 meg, so the full length 1 lap movie would be at least 9 meg. I got 12Meg/sec ADSL so it`s no prob to dowload big files (well, any size really!).

Thanks in advance for any advice.

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you need to have somewhere to post them. Most ISP's give you a certain amount of space on their server when you sign up. Dunno if this is the case for you. In any case, you need to have somewhere you can upload the movie so others can download it.

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I not even at that stage.

What about actually getting the video off the camera, and onto the computer?

Or can I just plug the Video out from the TV straight in to the computer for a "live" feed and cancell out the camera altogether?

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That's kinda tricky. you need a video card which has video capture. Then you plug the camera into it and use somehing like Microsoft Movie Maker (which comes with Windows) to make the files.

You could however hook the ps2 upto the caputre card rather filming it first.

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Sweet... thanks GFX.

I'll sort some hosting a get the file up and let you know!

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Thanks Leon, but my prob is getting the recorded bit from the camera (or PS2) to the PC...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't think I drift... think with my car its more like powerslides...

I get so much wheelspin on it the car slides out of a corner and then keeps sliding for as long as I keep the accelerator down :D

Super soft on all 4 as well, anything else and its uncontrollable.

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just a query to all the guys with the north american versions of GT3....where the Silvias are known as the '240SX'

question is we all know the 240SX uses the KA24E engines...so do the specs of the 240SX cars in the game change too? ie showing different power ratings from the 180SX?

I'm playing the japanese version btw....so i'm just curious if they did more rather than a name change.:alien:

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok.....i need help on drifting.....i just started and i cant quite get it right. i try peoples specs, my own specs....some work, but most dont. i need help on how to do a good, long, nice looking drift. can one of u plz tell me a few tips, hints, methods, whatever on how to do some damn good drifting.

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ok, first, don't use AT.

Secondly, don't use a car with over 550ps. Any more than that and the car gets too "unmanagable" with on/off throttle changes.

Get into the habit of "tapping" the throttle button... give it a bootful to get the tail out, then just as the car is at the point where it might do a 180 turn, back-off FOR A FRACTION OF A SECOND, then "tap" the throttle again... and again... and again, in quick succession. All this time your steering from full lock (either way, depending if it's a right/left-hand corner) to center, to full-lock again, balacing the steering inputs with the throttle tapping. Use the brakes ONLY to keep the tail-out attitude in control.

When you've mastered a good drift be it at Trial mountain, or the Big loop at Complex String, then you can get into using the handbrake to start the slide waaaaaay back from the corner...

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drifting kinda suxs in GT3 I rekon.....drifting with a MR2 turbo is around 80-90kms...looks slow when driving, but when watching the replay..looks really fast.

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