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I wanna buy a gtr r33... help

Guest Devilish Angel

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just read through this thread again.

Originally posted by Devilish Angel

...and i guess about insurance... hrmz... 19k a yr... unda 1k per month... so hrmz... but still doens't sound too bad... taking into consideration i won't be recievin it until after the hsc which is in like another 6 months

Sorry can you just explain this one for me? You are doing youre HSC in 6 months and you still have time to teach piano at least 10 hours a week? My sister is doing her HSC and she really only has a few hours on the weekend. When i did mine it was the same, i had to quite all my jobs to study. Also, if you are prepared to spend 19 grand on insurance (still dont believe it) cou could just get a little crap box and save for 2 or 3 years and buy a R34 GTR!

My final comments: If you are prepeard to spend such exuberant amounts of money on insurance alone just buy a GTR and do what Blitz said. Do a driver training course, and also make sure you look at a few more important factors of the car other than just the colour. When you get in a few months id like to see it and im sure plenty of people here would out at a cruise or something. Make us eat our words.

So i guess we can all expect to see you in a GTR/GTT ina few months right?

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Wow... it really amazes me every time I look at threads like this one... want a turbo upgrade - help, want to buy a r33 GTR - help.

you have to read through 4 pages of comments like "your stupid, who in there right mind would do that, you have no idea" etc.

like blitz and a few others have done and said, "I think that a cheaper car with less power is possibly a better idea and this is why cheaper insurance, not as dangerous" etc. don't just criticise, be constructive in your criticism also.

To have have my $0.02c,

If you have a budget of $60k (which your going to spend all of) then a GTR would be probably one of the better options (as compared to a rear drive turbo, and before you jump on me I do know how ATTESSA works) in my opinion... espically seening as Devilish Angel is not that interested in mods and racing (I'm going on what she is saying and giving her the benifit of the doubt) they are a nice well balanced car with plenty of mod cons to help out like ABS and the like. The safety refinement is much higher also than your 1989 nissan pulsar. While a GTS-25t (or GT-T) is a similar car it is rear wheel drive and in my opinion a more dificult car to drive espically in the wet.

Now things that need to be considered are the following (some have been mentioned earlier):

1. Insurance, this is the most important to know roughly what your going to be paying. So far we have seen rough quotes from NRMA ranging from $13,000 to $38,000, so Devlish I would start to ring some insurance companies now as you'll possibly get a lot of "no thanks" and "the cost of your car quotes". Try Just cars (131326), Young and Cool (4751 8844 or 1300 307 066), and Famous (www.famousinsurance.com.au) as I think these would probably be your best bet. I would suggest having comprehensive insurance as if you crash your car or it gets stolen then bad luck you loose you car. If you hit someone else then you pay for them too. (think worst case and ferrari or something)

2. Talk to few of the guys that own them on running costs (OZ GTR97V, fatz, Blitz, Prank to name a few). Oil, filters and the biggest is tyres. From my time spent on the track tyres make a HUGE difference to the way a car handles and performs (which transfers to the street). I just put some Continental Conti Sport 2 tyres on my rear which are excelent in all conditions and last a while and it cost me $465 a tyre. I'm hoping to get 6-8 months out of them.

3. Do a driver trainging course as these I'm sure are excerlent value for getting yourself out of sticky situations. The best advice I ever had was from someone that is not a driving instructor or a race driver and that was to drive defensivly and try to not need those skills which you have learnt. If you need to see what a car can do then come out the Eastern Creek and take it for a few laps with the Team Track Day crew or on a wednesday night with the Team Drag crew and see what is like up close but in a controlled and safeish environment. I'm sure that if you have time between studying and looking for your car that if you want to come to a track day (the next one is on the 24th July) we will send you out in a few cars to see what they are capable of... just remember that these guys drive like grandmas on the road and have also been driving for quite a while. Just because it is done on the track doesn't mean that you can SAFELY do it on the road... there are HEAPS more variables on the road.

4. Don't forget to factor Rego, that will cost approx $800 at least I would think.

5. Think about where you will be driving it and what you will be doing with it, where it will be parked etc... GTR's are a big target to many people for many different reasons. Espically with "P" plates.

6. Take on board the advice that is given here, good or bad. Remember that the people on here have a wealth of experience and knowledge to offer you. Just sometime our jealousy gets the better of us... and yes I am VERY jealous!

Hope this helps, sorry for the length.

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My 5c worth......

what about a GTST, i got one and im 20, they are really cool cars, how are you going to afford this car? is ur parents going to pay? what about the repairs and insurance?

Maybe u should start off with a gtst then go on to a gtr, ur so young!

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Guest Oz Elitesport

Hi Devilish,

You sound just like my sister...she's your age as well. Once she has set her mind onto something, she won't change it. Maybe its a 17 year old thing.

Anyway, I'll give u the senario of what will most probably happen. I'm guessing your folks dont know too much about GTR's and think its just a Nissan. Once they see the attention that will be coming your way and the rising maintenance costs they will make you sell it. Believe me your dads going to be lecturing you every time he sees you until the car is out of his garage.


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Originally posted by Majanal

blah blah blah....

......3. Do a driver trainging course as these I'm sure are excerlent value for getting yourself out of sticky situations. The best advice I ever had was from someone that is not a driving instructor or a race driver and that was to drive defensivly and try to not need those skills which you have learnt. If you need to see what a car can do then come out the Eastern Creek and take it for a few laps with the Team Track Day crew or on a wednesday night with the Team Drag crew and see what is like up close but in a controlled and safeish environment. ........

.......blah blah blah

Don't tell me you didnt pay attention tush! Sorry for the hijack in this serious thread.

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Guest skylinedude

If you get your GTR devilish i seriously hope you dont live in a ****ed up area cause a GTR attracts a awful lot of attention if you dont **** up the car first i'm sure there are alot of ppl out there that will.Especially when they know a chick owns it (no offence intended).

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:) I would love to see what car she will end up getting.

Skyline rox ! gtr,gtt,gtst,gts roxor !

Devilish, if you could, post a few pics with you in your car when you get it. Am sure the rest of the gang here would be anxious to see those pics too !

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