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doing a skid from standstill kills babies, didn't you know.

Don't worry, I continue to be a hoon well past 25, so it's not just under 25's being dickheads :D

Although, I did get a "Wilfully drive a vehicle in a way that created unneccessary noise (No Smoke)" back in January. (2 points and $240)

ooo, recent past history.. no doubt will be tended to the court. bend over boy.

True, however you will find that certain cars are targeted for no reason. Yes, people drive like knobs, yes it happens in "targeted/black listed" hoon cars however not everyone is like that. In theory cars don't attract attention it’s meant to be the driver, however that’s a total lie as now just owning one style of car is the attention in its self.

I guess it's kinda like me saying all black people steal, which is not true. The Police can’t single out every Skyline/Supra/insert import here driver. I had this conversation with the Police prosecutor before I went into Court yesterday in fact.

In regards to young people in accidents the Media and Police forget to mention the other people involved half the time. Yes we always here the stats on people under 25 but the fact of the matter is there is a higher % of people in Australia over 25 who have and are involved in more accidents then the under 25's.

Unfortunately the hoon band wagon media story still sells and will continue too, thus we will always be raped.

I dont doubt that at all about the media, but im sure the police pull over more younger drivers in cars doing stupid shit compared to an older driver.

Will the fact that i am on my Opens (age 21). not P's have any effect on the outcome?

if you were still on your P's you would have made the 6 o'clock news.

they will look at your driving history not what licence you hold.

Gordo a hoon?? no way, you've changed my whole perspective.... :D

Man my dad is 50 and i wont say he's a bigger hoon, but he loves a good skid and the occasional race as much as me or the next person... where do u think i get it from?? mums a whole other story, caught doing 130+ in 60 zone and proceeding to abuse the police officer.. calling him "a pathetic little creaton..." amongst other things... resulted in a 1 month suspension $600 dollar fine and had to go back to p's for a year.. like to see someone under 35 get off with something like that... I screamed injustice, but hey she's still my mum :D

What's your traffic history look like? Depending on a few things, the likelihood of you losing your license for this is low. A judge will take all things into consideration, but don't be stupid and ignorance is no defence in law. You cannot claim you thought flooring it at the lights wouldn't spin the wheels etc etc, you didn't mean to etc...a judge will see straight through that.

Why bend over for the law yet again?...

Sure you did a small skid, . but the mark is not from your car correct?. nor will it match. I would imagine alot of experts would agree, 'that to make a Cloud of smoke this would leave marks', you could possibly beat this.

Good luck with that!

Edited by silverbulletR33
Why bend over for the law yet again?...

Sure you did a small skid, . but the mark is not from your car correct?. nor will it match. I would imagine alot of experts would agree, 'that to make a Cloud of smoke this would leave marks', you could possibly beat this.

Good luck with that!

How do you intend to prove the mark is not from your car? Photos etc are unlikely to be taken too seriously unless they were taken at the time of the offence and of both the marks on the road and the pattern of the tyre. No expert will testify on something so trivial and if they do it's going to cost money, not to mention the smoke part of the offence could come from the exhaust.

It's up to Benny Bobo to what he wants to do, but seen as he admitted to the police that he committed the offence and the fact I doubt he has anywhere near enough evidence/time/money to fight something so small. I still think pleading guilty and doing what I said will be his best course of action.

Also remember photos are useless unless they were taken by the police crime lab. I learnt this when my car was vandalised. All the photos I took were not admissable, I needed the police to come around to take the pics.

For a start you are with in your rights to request a copy of the recorded conversation from the police officer, make sure you right down their names and badge numbers (of all officers present, including the ones waiting in the police car) note the time and rego of the cop car, if they refuse you simply say you refuse to comment until a mediator is present and make sure when you get pulled over get straight out of the car and look them in the eye dont let them talk down to you, they tend to think about things before they say it if you do. As far as the book being throwin at you for your take off, my brother got nailed by a cop for a doing a donut because there was no witness's aside from the cop he got a court apperance. in the apperance the officer claimed to be a witness that a pair of 4inch wide marks were left for about 5 meters from his vehical as he left a quite street. Now I went down to inspect the marks that they claimed to be his and it was physically impossible as his car is simply no capable of doing so as its a 81 corolla for christ sake if you put his 2 back tyres together you might make one 4 inch mark but the thing is that guttless that it barely does a donut in the gravel. This said I took him and his car down to the police station and asked to speak to the officer to explain his accusement and to look at his tyres to compare them to the marks then take note of what car it is. To this question he refused to explain, so naturally i asked him how he could sleep at nite knowing full well the that the he was wrong (this was quite funny cause i noticed the cop next to him serving someone else smerk when i said it and the officer i was talking to heard him). I told him that i didnt doubt that he did a burn out (attempt) and that he should be punished however 6mths loss of license and $800 is crap. I also explained that the road was also being resurfaced so there was loose gravel spread across the road, to which he replied he got what he deserved and walked off. After a little bit of research it turned out that the cop had a son and he was in the same school and grade as my brother and dont get along. so i have filed a formal complaint against this officer to the cheif of police for that station I also send a copy to the media and to the fair claims tribunal. So now he's under investigation.

So Benny go in there with confidence admit that you did make a mistake but emphisise that it was impossible that the marks where from your vehical you werent speeding and that you pulled over as requested, i wouldnt mention you previous history although they will already know as they will use it as 'you havent learnt your lesson'.

Good Luck

Edited by wessa02

In this circumstance denying it will do nothing to help him. He has already admitted to the offence (to the police) and his word against the police is not a situation you frequently win on.

In any other circumstance I agree, don't admit to anything if you wish to fight the charge. However with reference to this situation contradicting yourself and wasting a judges time with reasons, will likely lead to a dead end and a larger penalty.

As for wessa's advice...it's interesting, but in many cases will only annoy and aggrevate the police; which will end in a definate fine and possible additional fines that were never initially contemplated. The thing you have to realise and come to terms with is that the police basicly have infinite power and trying to go head to head with them when you're pulled over is (in most cases) useless. Just deny everything, and if you're fined, fight it in court where a judge and not a police officer decides what happens based on a balanced argument for either side.

Perhaps police should show the "footage" the police vehicles should apperently always be recording... all i say is.. no wonder the youth of australia dont have respect for the law. on that note, (off on a tangent) i am actually surprised that that police officer that booked you was actually driving the car, instead of having a automated gun taking photos of speeding cars, while reading the paper.... "stopping the road toll"

I say, we pay the police to protect and serve, and they have found a way to scam more money out of the public, without having to do anything. Yes speeding is wrong! BUT Police actually need to DO something about it. instead of sending photos..

I know this is off topic. but of all my fines, the only one i felt bad about, was the one that i was actually pulled over for.. and even then, i learnt the lesson, AND didnt get a fine!

Rant 2: Police like anyone are human, they have mood swings, they get pissed off. When this happens fines and demerit points tend to be more, Women get let off for more things, its a bias system, and not consistant.

/End rant

Bias or otherwise, the law is going slam you these days for doing any kind of wheel spin.

My bro got caught, went Option 1 (kop it on the chin) paid his $500- walked away with his car and his license- he's been smart enough not to reoffend and now we take our cars out to Willowbank and smoke the LIVING TURD out of the tyres all night long. Legally drift the FLOGIN CRAPPER OUT of them and come home with big grins on the face and are still $350- better off to spend on more bling/pwr... etc.

HOWEVER- if I was a policewoman like that bloke I'd crak it and if you were driving a commodore I say "I'm NOT TOWING THAT PIECE OF POO!!! Sod off and pay up" but let all the decent young skyline drivers off with a warning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


so how'd it go??.


I got a $360 fine (or 6 days jail) and I am guessing the normal 2 points.

There was a few mistakes in the statement the police wrote.

They said that:

1. I said "Where did you guys come from, I didn't see you. There was a red car chasing me" WTF?

2. I was in the right hand lane at the intersection and I slid into the left lane - WRONG - I was in the LEFT lane.

3. I own a Nissan 'coupe'. WRONG - I have a damn Skyline sedan.

4. Due to me "co-operating" they did not tow my car... I wish they would make up my mind cos I was originally told that it is a piece of siht that he couldnt be fcuked towing... I think he was just jealous :P lol

Also, the personal description of me by them... MUSCULAR :nyaanyaa: ... I thought it was just fat? must just be relaxed muscle :( lol

Edited by benny bobo

those are some weird statements there. did you get a chance to say that things were different from your perspective? or do they just don't care?

either way dood, as long as you get to keep your license then I guess its a good outcome. Just be careful out there and try to keep it as long as possible, losing it sucks some serious ball sweat :P

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