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Cruise This Sunday (sau Meet And Greet)


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hi all i thought id start a new thread to try to get some organisation ready for this weekend so it all doesnt fall in a pile.

can everyone who intends on coming sunday please post your name and where you are coming from so we know who to wait for and where.

as far as i know there is a fair group of people coming from launi keen to run the reverse targa stages.

launni people are meeting at the metro bus sheds bottom of the outlet at 9:30am please be early as we will be departing at 9:45am sharp and you may have to use high boost to catch us.

GMBs plans were to meet at cambeltown at 10:30am but the northern guys may be a tad late if we dont get off on time.

any north west people are welcome to meet us in town but it may be quicker if you want to meet at perth. launni people should be passing through there a bit before 10:00am

any southern people can stick to GMBs plan of meeting at Elwick Road turn off at 8:45 then head north to cambeltown.

i sagest that we all meet in a park on the east side of cambeltown on the south side of the river. anyone that went on the NS.com cruise will know where.

i think we should have a bit of a meet and greet there and then head to the east coast where we can then get some fish and chips from some of the local stores, maybe.

once on the east coast and full of food the northern guys can head reverse targa and the southern guys can head back down south via GMBs planed rute.

hope to see you all there. damo

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Just got back from the cruise,

It was a great day, lotsa fun.

Great turn up by the Hobart guys, I was 1 of 2 people who turned up from Hobart.

Also is it possible for any one who got photage of my car to send it to me, just send me a PM I have me own web server you can send it 2.

Edited by Finny
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It was a good day. I drove Damo's car, and now i want to rip that bloody bov off.

Had a good run through the passes, and The Sideling :laugh: I just wish my car was going :)

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Hi every one

Firstly i would like to say thanks to every-one who turned up, it was a great day and we need to do it again.

Secondly every one who said were comming and didn't man you guys missed out.

Thirdly i got some resonable pics and i will organise to get on sau monday or tuesday.

My wife had a good day and i am sure the other ladies did aswell.



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What a great day, Great company. Was a great days drive. We did just on 560 clicks. All the rest of other people from down south that said you was coming, you missed out big time!

Bring on the next one.

will get some pics up tomorrow


Leigh (Silver R33)

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nice to see there are some posts about already... I also had a great day and i am so happy that my little buzz box didn't miss a beat. the slush box was solid as a rock, now that i have a massive trans cooler in it. I got some ok footage on video and will try and get some pics on here when i get them.. i'll also try get some vids on. (not sure how yet. i assume same as pics)

the turnout was as follows:

R32 GTR x2 :laugh:

R33 Gtst 4door x2 :laughing-smiley-014:

R33 2 door x3 :)

R32 4door x1 :wave:

R32 gtst 2 door x1 ;)

S14 200sx x1 :woot:

Supra x1 :)

I would have loved to see some more hobart faces about but i am sure we will organise another meet and the next time some more ppl will come.. So all in all it was a great day and the weather could not have been any better. there were smiles all round and there were a couple of interested onlookers also....

Lastly I would like to thank everyone that came for making it a superb day :laugh:

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^^^^ look at that pic. the over weight supra is blocking my car out of the pic, just as well as its not as pretty as some of the other cars.

i had a top day. i would say its the best cruse i have ever been on and it was full of friendly people.

maybe us keen launni people should have a few more regular short cruses as today was tops.

sorry to ben about my BOV it realy did piss him off. i had white nuckles hanging on over the passes and the sidling but we keept our open road speed down so there was no record breaking speeds from us just fast conering. i think if my car didnt have half the amount of power that bens has he would buy it off me :laughing-smiley-014:

i was very pleased overall with my car as it managed to keep up all day when it was possibly the least powerfull car there.

oh and there was 2 4door r32s but one turned back at cambeltown.

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was a wxcellent day, and the twisties were great fun!!!!..........Lonnie did represent with the numbers on the day! :yes:

nice to see a heap of people on the day with a big arangement of cars for the cruize!

bring on the pics and videos guys!

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Hey guys Supra driver here, had a great day and hope i didn't hold anybody up as i'm not that confident in the corners (standard suspension doesn't help). :yes:

Here's a few crappy snaps that i took and hopefully i can edit up a cool vid with damo this week.

















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R33 Gtst 4door x2 :laughing-smiley-014:

Well I sat in my 4door of Luxury with my sun roof open and was able to easily seat all my imaginary bogan mates in the back with out having to get out of my car.


4 door = FTW!

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my daughter and i had a good time until she spewed :D at swansea and again on the way to st helens so we had to bail and come home 1st to clean her up and clean out the back of the skyline but it was still all good :santa:

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DAM i wish i was there, but the house had to be finished for this mornings floor layers to work. AND to add insult to injury i broke my BIG TOE, and f**k it hurts, all black and blue.

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