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Carsales Presents Sau Deca Day - Round 3


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Hey ya,

I faxed my entry form off today and got a sms from Chris confirming its arrival. Faxed off proof of payment later this afternoon also.

Please take my name off the "at risk list" now. Your making me nervous!! =)


Please confirm as I'm not sleeping now and food just doesnt look the same anymore.

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I have received all NSW entry forms as per this list:

20 Stephen Hugh-Smith (N1GTR) Supra RZ

21 Iain Anderson (A31Deviat) Cefiro

22 Nicholas Smyrnios (INTUNE) R32 GTR

23 Victor Huang (d00dz) R33 GTST

24 Chris Quick (evil weevil) R33 GTST

25 Shawn Malkic (Smoky) R33 GTST

26 Jessica Hearne (Sinful) GTR

27 Andrew Hearne (nuttshunglow) GTR

28 Anna Burns (msnismo) R33 GTST

29 Elizabeth Corr (Liz) 180SX

30 Brad Paton (Risking) R32 GTR

31 Timothy Andriesen (tjandriesen) R33 GTR

32 Samual McDonald (SAM916) R33 GTST

33 Nigel Lees - Jen (Tripin) S15 Silvia

34 Wayne Fokes (DJ Brave) GTST

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Thanks scotsman

I for the first time talking about DECA without saying crap I would like to say to those that are from VIC and unable to enter that I am sorry. you lot put on such a great event. Last time we traveled down to watch but this time we are entering so I know how you feel.

But even though you lot may not be able to enter, come for the fun Saturday night is a blast and Im sure some of the Vics can show you to sleep under your car when you have lost the room key!


thanks to all the guys and gals putting together such a fun event .

Oh NSWFTW !!!!!!!!!

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Hmmm indeed

Scotsman, out of interest, was there any spots actually held for new VIC members or VIC members who have not competed at DECA before?

I noticed that you said in another thread there was going to be 5 spots held for newbies, and 50 spots all up.

The list appears to be growing with more people slotted in attending but no one else in the reserves list moving up....

I understand your dilemma with trying to keep everyone happy but was just wondering if you could explain a little further on that?


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Hmmm indeed

Scotsman, out of interest, was there any spots actually held for new VIC members or VIC members who have not competed at DECA before?

I noticed that you said in another thread there was going to be 5 spots held for newbies, and 50 spots all up.

The list appears to be growing with more people slotted in attending but no one else in the reserves list moving up....

I understand your dilemma with trying to keep everyone happy but was just wondering if you could explain a little further on that?


There are more than five people on the list that have not competed in a DECA before. So yes this has been done but for clarification this rule was not meant to apply only to SAU members. DECA is, and will remain an open event - The AASA public liability insurance we get is for a Multi-club motorkhana. I already increased the usualy 50 spots we take on the first day to 56, because there were a lot of entries coming in.

It is true that I have added one additional spot to the main list since the first day the list was posted. But only one! This was due to an error on my behalf as I missed an email that came through from a member. So that person should have been on the list anyway, as the timing was before the entry list was full. It's just that I was a little tied up with the barrage of faxed that poured in constantly for 2 hours straight.

Look, basically i'm becoming tired of these constant querries relating to the fairness of DECA entries. Please all be aware that I attempt to be as fair as possible to all, and I have changed the way we accept entries to try to make if fairer.

I'm sorry that we can't please everyone, but it's simply a limited spots event.

At the end of the day it's more than likely that only 5+ people who have sent me an entry form will miss out anyway.

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I've only noticed 1 person being slotted in - Matt, 57. I'm pretty sure he is one of these people who haven't competed at DECA before, so he's been slotted in. But i'm only making an educated guess here.

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(paulr33 @ 9 Aug 2007, 11:44 AM)

haha , couldnt disagree more Big nuts

This is going to be a Slaughter and Vic’s need to be prepared to lose in such a way as we might as well sell our cars at the end of the event as to not shame the Skyline and SAU name.

Mexicans are wrong to think that we can beat any other state let alone pretend that we can actually drive. It will be miracles if any Vic’s even make the journey to Shepparton for the event without getting lost.

I and the rest of VIC SAU would like to say we are sorry for trying to prove to all NSW members that we are better as this is just a lie and to prove this at DECA and if I can find my way there, is to by all NSW people a round of drinks, And if any NSW people try to return the favour I will throw the biggest tanty and be very upset.

I hope you can forgive me and the rest of VIC SAU and what ever you say to us about our driving ability we will greatly appreciate all NSW wise words.

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is it about time that people start selling their places to the highest bidder :-)

seeing its so popular maybe we do more or make it a 2 day event.... except i understand the issue of finding volunteers for two days could be a problem.... maybe we could do like WRX club, where you have to volunteer atleast 1 event per year.

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There are more than five people on the list that have not competed in a DECA before. So yes this has been done but for clarification this rule was not meant to apply only to SAU members. DECA is, and will remain an open event - The AASA public liability insurance we get is for a Multi-club motorkhana. I already increased the usualy 50 spots we take on the first day to 56, because there were a lot of entries coming in.

It is true that I have added one additional spot to the main list since the first day the list was posted. But only one! This was due to an error on my behalf as I missed an email that came through from a member. So that person should have been on the list anyway, as the timing was before the entry list was full. It's just that I was a little tied up with the barrage of faxed that poured in constantly for 2 hours straight.

Look, basically i'm becoming tired of these constant querries relating to the fairness of DECA entries. Please all be aware that I attempt to be as fair as possible to all, and I have changed the way we accept entries to try to make if fairer.

I'm sorry that we can't please everyone, but it's simply a limited spots event.

At the end of the day it's more than likely that only 5+ people who have sent me an entry form will miss out anyway.


Thanks for the reply. I understand that you will always be under pressure from people who don't make it onto the list. I honestly feel lucky enough that I am on the reserves which quite possibly will give me an opportunity to attend as there always seems to be drop outs. I don't envy your position at all and can safely say that I wouldn't want to be in your position. It's hard enough doing a week's paid work, let alone organising events like this :thumbsup:

I really only asked because it was in my mind and thought maybe a few people who aren't on the list might be thinking the same thing. I never suggested that the entry system was unfair. It was a simple question and you gave me the answer. End of story.

PS. Who wants to invest in "the great wall of victoria" built to keep out the south walshman :)

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Man we where asked down to mexico so you guys can learn about driving and basicaly see how much technology has changed in cars and power upgrades lol

Question do we need to bring the Generator to shep or do they have there own electricity now?

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is it about time that people start selling their places to the highest bidder :-)

seeing its so popular maybe we do more or make it a 2 day event.... except i understand the issue of finding volunteers for two days could be a problem.... maybe we could do like WRX club, where you have to volunteer atleast 1 event per year.

Thanks Syphon - I know you were only asking.

At this stage we wont be doing a two day event. A volunteer system has crossed my mind.

I think it's not realy a big issue, as we never have more than like three - five people that miss out. Basicaly to do a two day event we would need around 90 - 100 entries, and were not getting near that. Sure, probably a few people don't bother sending an entry in after the event hits 55, but I doubt if we would get to 100.

Plus a two day event would mean that the Sat night festivities would be a little lame.

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