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Drivers Doing Under The Speed Limit

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after the age of 85 they have to re-do their test every year.

i think they need to lower that age by about 25 years.

i think they should also bring in an old person plate like P plates.

but there are a lot of old people out there on the roads that shouldn't be. getting them off the road might not reduce the road toll by much, but it will save insurance companies millions of dollars a year. i bet old people make up a large amount of minor crashes/fender benders.

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people sit under the speed limit because their scared of getting caught speeding!!!

too many people getting caught speeding lately, everyone backs off the gass, TOO MUCH!

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It actually IS quite dangerous to be going considerably under the speed limit...Its been shown repeatedly that its the VARIATION in speeds which is the largest danger to the flow of traffic.

Unfortunately, rather than focusing on driver training and a more rigorous assessment of a driver's skill, state governments simply prefer the easy way out of lower speed limits and more speed cameras, while the best they can offer us for driver training is a crappy log book for L plates... disgraceful really.

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If they get in the left lane, and stay there I don't care.

If it's on a single lane road, then as you hit overtaking lanes they speed up. They need a knee capping!

ooo yeah hate that

one scenario in Sydney is the Liverpool exit on the M5

usually people entering the motorway (north bound) are doing around 60 but the motorway limit is 100

so you want to exit and you doing 100 km/h and move to the left lane only to slam on the brakes cos the person infront is doing 60-70

so dangerous, and when multiple cars are merging even more dangerous

so yes i do find people doing 10 km/h or more below the speed limit dangerous, causes lots of road rage also

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Haha thats a good one, I wonder if they would ever bring that law out here?

Its in force currently .. My azn granny got done .. it was like 70 on the 100km/h free way because she felt her tyre would blow... Shes abit nuts, however she can actually drive.

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for f**ks sake, you drive skylines. drop a gear and over take, it will take up all of about 2 seconds of your life.

I was thinking exactly the same thing really, However I always feel even legally over taking in a skyline seems to attract unwanted attention and the typical "damn kid" approach to people who drive our cars. When its them who is in the wrong!

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Argh I totally agree, I was thinking about this lately, everyone seems to be in slow-mo??

I drive along the F3 and to and from work and heaps of people are doing 90-100...wtf?

Its like everyones scared somethings gonna jump out in front of them unexpectedly, and its dangerous, I've seen someone doing considerable amounts under the limit once with a car behind him and several cars are approaching behind, the car in front moved to overtake and everyone behind nearly had a pile up.

So it's true you can get booked in Aus for going to slow? excellent.

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There worst thing on the highway is when a speed camera has been spotted, the car infront automaticly hits the picks even though there sitting on the speed limit they still have to slow down for what? Just silly.

Edited by 95SKY
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What Gives me the shits the most?... laxitives.. hehe no.. People who Drive "performance Vehicles" i.e HSV's, Ford GT's , skylines etc. even Porches, and will do 90km/h an hour in the right lane on the Freeways or 40km/h in a 60 zone, why buy the car if your gonna drive "UNDER" the speed limit.. like a granny, annoys the hell outta me.

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yeh slow drivers shits me up the a$$.

fair enuff if they do 50 in a 50 zone not fkn 30 or 40 lol.

in the learners practical driving test it even says that if u go too slow u fail coz u hold up traffic.

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its the laws,

The overall percentage of this kind of activity, is not only older drivers, if the laws were better implemented then we would see a less percentage of this issue.

Im talking about, car's speedo's can be 10% out. but the law only allows for 3% variation. depending on the state. it could be 3kms @ 100.

Its no wonder people are slowing down. Realistically, do you enjoy getting fines?

although I do know where your comming from, Some people intentionally do it, to piss ya off.

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On the highways A LOT of people are dead set on doing the speed limit as posted, thats for sure, even in rain, fog.

Must do those numerals, come what may.

Now what happens if I (//) the length of road, what speed shall you drive then?

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if you drive too slow i think u can be charged/fined with obstructing traffic.

slow drivers shit me, i dunno how in f*cks name you htink it can be safe to do 60km/h when entering a freeway

i got stuck behind some tool doing 35 in a 50 zone (50 is slow e-f*cking-nough)

two lane road, red light with a truck in the left lane, person infront of me goes into the right lane, as do i, then takes off as slow as the f*cking truck, must have been a good 400+ metere before the tool actually got passed the truck.

im not saying everyone has to be a race-car driver, but god damn use your f*cking head

*damn whered that angry emoticon go* lol

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Hmm yeah it is quite a bit of a problem i agree with you guys but for some its not their fault lol

Sometimes i find myself going like 40 in a 50 zone because the road is absolutely shot to hell and theres no way the car will get through in 1 piece of i drive at the speed limit cause it just doesn't work my car jumps all over the place...roads like parra road or hume highway have some very dodgy sections which really shit me when i drive and im sure some of you guys have that problem too especially if you car has coilovers or lowered springs

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I highly doubt you will see police officers stopping grannies doing 30 in a 60 zone saying "pardon me miss but you were doing 30 in a 60 zone..."

my ex got stopped by the cops for driving too slow - they did a breath test on her and everything. Basically, they thought she was either drunk or on drugs......

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Dangerous for who? Pedestrian or the driver?

Would you rather get hit at 30 KM/h or 90 in a 60 zone...

I highly doubt you will see police officers stopping grannies doing 30 in a 60 zone saying "pardon me miss but you were doing 30 in a 60 zone..."

ever seen a truck doing 100kmh run into an old couple in a small car doing 50km/h in a hundred zone?

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Old people should have a (OLD) O Plate

People caught speeding a lot should (FAST) F Plate

Young males should have a (SMART ASS) SA Plate

Young women should have a (RACE ME) RM Plate

Hoons should have a (HOON) H Plate

People who drive to carefully and nearly

always get ass ended (as per topic ) (CAREFULL) C Plate

These plates should be used..that way when I am approaching each car or can spot the plate in the

distance..I have a fair idea what not to do next to them...LOL

OH..and great drivers...get a G plate

Thats me ;)

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