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boost guage


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Just wondering how much a boost guage might cost and where can i get one for a good price. Also, Im wondering what sort of boost my car might be reaching now. It has turbo back 3" exhaust and Redline air filter. Cheers.

Actually, one more question. What would be the next best mod. From reading these forums it seems to be a S-AFC II

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Boost gauges will vary in price alot depending on manufacturer. Jap brands are about $350+, local brands about $150+. Not much difference apart from the name. Check in the 4 Sale section, might be able to pick one up cheap:D

Either the S-AFCII or FMIC would be my next buy, keeping in mind your clutch will eventually go with more power.

Boost might have risen slightly, possibly up to 9-10psi.

I'd have your compression checked first if your loosing oil though, might need to money for that:D

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The boost may have risen a bit - but i wouldn't say up to 9-10 psi.. Zanda's has a dump and hks pod (very high flow, only fliters rocks and small birds :P) and his was only running 5-6psi. I'd imagine that yours would be around the same.

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vdo guage and no leaks.. me thinks that the improvement made on zanda's car is a bit more than just an extra psi (his is set to 10)...

i'd say that yes 7psi IS standard - but i doubt after 80,000kms that most cars would still be doing that..

improvise - post your stock boost levels when you get the guage on to settle the argument.. :P

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why would a car's boost level change over time? if boost pressure is governed by the actuator which takes a reading off the plenum then this should be constant. given the vacuum and actuator lines don't have any cracks or leaks...

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caminperth, we can't take ImPrOvIsE's boost level as being factory anymore. His intake and exhaust mods would have free'd up back pressure and increased boost by the by. Those would be the only reasons for boost to change over the years. Except for air leaks and stuff of course. :)

If I remember from back when my car was stock (factory airbox, exhaust, the lot), the factory boost gauge used get up to 3.5, which is 6.8psi. Filter and exhaust saw boost rise to ~10psi.

BTW ImPrOvIsE, I would go for fuel control next, so yeah, a SAFC (or pfc or whatever) before a FMIC.

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adam - because things wear out over time bud..

gradenko - not after improvise's boost level for a stock reading - I meant to say it'll be interesting to see what it was like compared to Zanda's which was only 5-6psi..

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