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Adjustment Of Idle Revs Cant Be Done?!


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Posted in the DIY thread about my problem but doesnt seem to be getting any response so ill try here.

Basically my car was idling at 900rpm and it would hunt every so often but nothing major, so i cleaned the AAC as described and the hunting pretty much went away and idles much nicer now but the screw in the AAC valve does absolutely nothing??!

also disconnecting the TPS electrical plug does nothing either my revs just stay on 900rpm

is this normal? what other things can i check to make sure i dont have a problem?

and yes i made sure the car was warm before i done this so the cold start doesnt interfere

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At first i was thinking a leak but unwinding it should still increase the revs. Maybe the spring on the inside is jammed, might be worthwhile pulling it apart again to check.

What kind of turns were you doing (1/2's or wholes), when i was setting mine after cleaning the AAC it took a few turns for any noticeable difference in revs

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on the DIY im sure it said remove the TPS connection to adjust not the AAC plug

and as for the amount of turns, i done probably 2 full turns either way and no difference

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