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if anyone sees a red ss crewman with chrome wheels on it stay the f#%k back. i got rbt, and 'random registration checked' by it. i didnt think they were cops because the blue shirt wasnt on. instead they had a black shirt on with the qld badge on. THIS WAS ON THE SUNNY COAST

Actually I was reading this story below this morning over breakfast in the local quest newspaper.

There was a story of a mother and son arrested for impersonating police,

So there you go!!!

bahahaha.. that was funny.. but they wer trying to do good.


ahaha good call andy.. Hi5*

some of these stories are pretty bad, i cant say i have had a problem with the police before. but police lowering themselves to hooning to catch hoons, thats pathetic. if they just had more marked cars on the road then there would be alot less hooning.

some of these stories are pretty bad, i cant say i have had a problem with the police before. but police lowering themselves to hooning to catch hoons, thats pathetic. if they just had more marked cars on the road then there would be alot less hooning.

its all about the fundraising y0!

  • 3 weeks later...

Last week I had a falcon on my arse driving back from briz, I'm talking 2 foot off my rear for a good 2 k's. I was in the very left lane he could of went around me no prob, I gave him a few gestures to get off my arse and even slowed down to 80 in a 110k zone, he backed off and went around me... it was a cop trying to stir me up to take off ! If I see this f**ker again I will be gettting his details to make a complaint. Just not on to be sitting that close for so long on someones arse... cop or not. I am furious with myself for not getting the rego. What pisses me more is I had a friends baby in a capsule in the back seat and cruising in left lane doing under 110kph. I am fast losing respect for these guys, can't they punch up your rego details on the fly ? If so they would see I am 35y.o with an excellent driving history. And no I will not get rid of my Skyline, I like my car and worked hard to buy it and it is perfectly legal to purchase and drive one.

My 2 cents :P

Last week I had a falcon on my arse driving back from briz, I'm talking 2 foot off my rear for a good 2 k's. I was in the very left lane he could of went around me no prob, I gave him a few gestures to get off my arse and even slowed down to 80 in a 110k zone, he backed off and went around me... it was a cop trying to stir me up to take off ! If I see this f**ker again I will be gettting his details to make a complaint. Just not on to be sitting that close for so long on someones arse... cop or not. I am furious with myself for not getting the rego. What pisses me more is I had a friends baby in a capsule in the back seat and cruising in left lane doing under 110kph. I am fast losing respect for these guys, can't they punch up your rego details on the fly ? If so they would see I am 35y.o with an excellent driving history. And no I will not get rid of my Skyline, I like my car and worked hard to buy it and it is perfectly legal to purchase and drive one.

My 2 cents :)

thats gay.. must have been a smart ass cop...

hows the R34 ryan have u sorted the water temp sensor...?

last few weeks was coming back from a mates 18th.. and driving under limit and no stupid stff at 1am to forst lake.. on a saturday night.. road was wet.. and im not keen for another diff demo.. so im driving and a car come flyin up to my mate behind me.. talks to him.. comes up next to me both doin 40kph see its a cop.. white boy with crew cut.. giving me the evils and checking my car over while driving.. looks at my rego and speeds off over 120kph at least down kessels road..! im not exagerating.. im like stuff u coppa.. pull into sunnybank area do a u turn and take the back streets to my matesd place..

waht was shitty it was 1am im tierd i wanna sleep.. i wasnt doin anything it was wet.. and cause im driving a 180sx with a S14a following and my mates S13 upahead we get targeted as hoons and get a look over and then he has the nerve to speed away at an unsafe speed... bastard.. i wish testicular cancer upon u..

thats gay.. must have been a smart ass cop...

hows the R34 ryan have u sorted the water temp sensor...?

I haven't had a chance to to plug in the wiring where you said mate but yes it's always on my brain, need a weekend to myself to do some tweeking to my girl, waiting for the new walbro fuel pump and regulator also doing some research on injectors, she runs out of fuel @ 12psi 180kw matty spry dyno.

After posting yesterday I had a cop go past me last night in a 40k work zone doing atleast 100k then slowing down to probably 80k going thru ( With workers actually there working + machinery) no lights no sirens... go figure ? Approx 10.45pm Reedy Creek Rd West Burleigh. Now this bloke should know this particular section of road is notorious for massive fatal T-Bones as people dart out of a service road coming out of the Caltex servo, this intersection is always having the guard rails replaced from the last accident.

Last week I had a falcon on my arse driving back from briz, I'm talking 2 foot off my rear for a good 2 k's. I was in the very left lane he could of went around me no prob, I gave him a few gestures to get off my arse and even slowed down to 80 in a 110k zone, he backed off and went around me... it was a cop trying to stir me up to take off ! If I see this f**ker again I will be gettting his details to make a complaint. Just not on to be sitting that close for so long on someones arse... cop or not. I am furious with myself for not getting the rego. What pisses me more is I had a friends baby in a capsule in the back seat and cruising in left lane doing under 110kph. I am fast losing respect for these guys, can't they punch up your rego details on the fly ? If so they would see I am 35y.o with an excellent driving history. And no I will not get rid of my Skyline, I like my car and worked hard to buy it and it is perfectly legal to purchase and drive one.

My 2 cents :thumbsup:

I had the same thing happen to me about a year ago, a blue XR6 falcon sitting on my ass on a deserted M1, not at all obvious, he must have thought I was really stupid

yeah, got done for teh illigal drifts out in the middle of an industrial district at 3am.. Cops rocked up while i was pulled over and a huge cloud of smoke behind me, didn't actually see me doing anything, but I was obviously guilty..

anyway they impounded my car and gave me the notice to appear in court for driving without due care and creating excessive smoke and noise (whatever it is), and at no point in time did they take a statement off me..

went to court, dressed in a suit unlike half the other drink driving bogans that were there, had my best mannerson show and remoursfully (sp), pleaded guilty. The magistrate then asked if I agreed with the cops statement from the night, which was actually complete bullshit, they'd written down that I was sideways doing over 100km/h, to which I said no that is incorrect..

the magistrate then went off her tits at me calling me an idiot and a few other things, making out that I was a complete tosser for wanting to spend my money on cars and the like, then said I was either lying to her face now or I lied to the police at the time.. I then told her that I had never actually signed any statements apart from the form handing my car over, she looked over the documents then said in a really low and threatening voice "Get out of my courtroom now before I take your license" and I didn't look back.. end of matter :) didn't even have to pay for the tow haha

As stated before the police do not have Skylines etc as undercover cars. They can and only have australian delivered vehicles which are purchased new ie Fords(Falcons, Typhoons, Xr6 Turbos), Commodores(S packs, SS's, Crewmans and those variations), 380's, Aurions, Hilux's, Landcruisers(speed cameras) Wrx's were purchased previously but are no longer around.

For the guy who got a speeding ticket from an off duty officer in his own car you should have fought it as they cannot give you a speeding ticket as police vehicles need to ;

Have the speedo tested/caliabrated for accuracy every 3 months,

Has to be an approved speedo(Some have digital display and gauge display the calabration covers only one of them).

They can/could issue tickets whilst off duty for other things but should proceed by way of a traffic breach(Goes to their adjudication and they send out a fine or summons).

If you are pulled over by an unmarked police unit just leave your window 90 % up and if they are not wearing full uniform, ask for id.

Generally traffic police will wear full uniform but will be in an unmarked car. If you fail to pull over you will be given a $450 ticket or a notice to appear in court depending on how the officer feels.

Unless you are a female at 2am in the middle of the sticks good luck trying to talk your way out of not pulling over.



USE YOUR RARE SENSE. I say rare sense because it appears common sense is not so common these days.

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Buy the tool or borrow it from a friend and save yourself the pain. It comes right out. Mine was very worn compared to the new one and it was starting to show cracks. Soak it in engine oil for a day in case yours has lost all of the oil to the plastic bag it comes in. You may be tempted to get the Nismo aftermarket pilot bearing but local mechanics have told me that they fail prematurely and if they do fail they do far more damage than a failed OEM pilot bushing. I mentioned this before but the Super Coppermix Twin clutch friction disks are in fact directional. The subtle coning of the fingers in both cases should be facing towards the center of the hub. So the coning on the rearmost disk closest to the pressure plate should go towards the engine, and the one closest to the flywheel should be flipped the other way. Otherwise when you torque down the pressure plate it will be warped and if you attempt to drive it like this it will make a very nasty grinding noise. 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Also, put a clean (emphasis on clean) towel wrapped around the back end of the roll pin to keep it from shooting into the transfer case so you can spend a good hour or two with a magnet on a stick getting it out. Do not damage the shifter rod end either because those are discontinued as well. Do not use aftermarket flywheel bolts. Or if you do, make sure they are exactly the same dimensions as OEM before you go to install them. I have seen people mention that they got the wrong bolts and it meant having to do the job again. High torque impact wrench makes removal easy. I used some combination of a pry bar and flathead screwdriver to keep the flywheel from turning but consider just buying a proper flywheel lock instead. Just buy the OS Giken clutch alignment tool from RHDJapan. I hated the plastic alignment tool and you will never be confident this thing will work as intended. Don't forget to install the Nismo provided clutch fork boot. Otherwise it will make unearthly noises when you press the clutch pedal as it says on the little installation sheet in Japanese. Also, on both initial disassembly and assembly you must follow torque sequence for the pressure plate bolts. For some reason the Nismo directions tell you to put in the smaller 3 bolts last. I would not do this. Fully insert and thread those bolts to the end first, then tighten the other larger pressure plate bolts according to torque sequence. Then at the end you can also torque these 3 smaller bolts. Doing it the other way can cause these bolts to bind and the whole thing won't fit as it should. Hope this helps someone out there.
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