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Attempted Theft Of My Baby

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your best bet is a hidden kill switch somewhere in the car that only you know about, Ive heard of some very creative ones such as pushing the ashtray in (push button switch behind it), these simple switches are just as effective (if not more) as an immobiliser.

I also have spoken to a few vehicle recovery cops and they have all told me that the best defense against car theives is a club lock... I have been told by numerous cops that the first question they ask the owner when a car is found after being stolen is did it have a Club lock? The answer is ALWAYS no.

i totally agree.... a hidden kill switch which only you know about is the best defense. however, if they want it that badly, they'll just put it on the back of a truck. happened to my uncles X-Trail.

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i totally agree.... a hidden kill switch which only you know about is the best defense. however, if they want it that badly, they'll just put it on the back of a truck. happened to my uncles X-Trail.

Yea my mates dad's HSV was just pulled onto the back of a tow truck.. never seen again.

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Have to agree with the staying away from audiotech, they did my alarm and charged for all these features (microwave sensor to detect anyone inside car, self arming and self-closing windows when armed) that werent installed and the sensor that detects if the bonnet is closed broke the first time i closed it...

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I had someone break in and try to nick my car out the front of the legislative assembly, they bent the steering wheel and got the horn stuck on (lucky me!). Took a little while, but a few months down the track and it's starting to become clear that they've bent the steering collumn and stuff. It's not cool. Got an alarm fitted, massive noise makers all over the place. Love it!

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When I lived in Canberra a couple of years ago, my 32 was subjected to an attempted theft from the security carpark under the units I lived in, in Kingston.... no security system, but they sheared off the boss kit trying to break the factory steering lock.... and left the $500 Momo wheel in the car.... cost me $300 to fix the Qtr window..

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Go to dick smith, grab a switch and some wire.

Make your own.

Very happy with mine. $1.50 switch. and cause of the way i have it hocked up the engine will turn over. Just with no spark. Causing the battery to flaten hopfully before the car is taken.

A carlock is a great thing aswell.

A mate had his car brocken into 2 times in a small period of time(never managed to get the car going). Put on a steering wheel lock and it never happend again.

+it turns into a baseball bat if ever needed.

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I am not sure how effective club locks are either. I remember watching one of those sensationalistic news programs and using brute force a thief can break even the best ones.

I do like the idea of a hidden kill switch though. The only way to steal the car besides locating the switch is on the back of a truck...

they aren't very affective at all, but i use one anyway on top of my security system as it just another deterrent to help warn off your average joe who walks by

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^Thats right, And remember if a theif see a car with a crock lock and one with out he is going to go for the one thats easier to take, If you have a crocklock and an alarm + a kill switch your increasing the chance that your car will still be in the spot you left it.

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A carlock is a great thing aswell.

A mate had his car brocken into 2 times in a small period of time(never managed to get the car going). Put on a steering wheel lock and it never happend again.

+it turns into a baseball bat if ever needed.

haha, my mums old steering wheel lock "the club" actually had a disclaimer/warning against using "the club" as a club

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i got broken into 3 times in the last month. funnily enough, my alternator is F**Ked so there attempt in hot wiring failed.. "SORRY GUYS, To whoever the SH*T stains are!!* noww i have to sell my car cos i dont have the time for this!!

Everyone, be careful where you park you line, when smfn happens to it, you will miss it, like i do :(

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