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hey guys the guy i work with was telling me today that he used to get an rdo and if he wasnt given an rdo once a month they gave him 2 hours of extra pay a week to make up for not having an rdo,

he was wondering today when he got his pay slip why he didnt get his 2 extra hours for not having an rdo for the month.

can any one help out? so whats the actual go with these rdos? am i entitled to them? my work says that we dont have them but should we be getting extra money for not taking rdos?? cause we have to work a 40 hour week minimum.

your help would be apreciated. thanks

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What award? Sounds like a govt job. Good if you can get one and not want to off yourself ;)

I wish i got RDOs, but then again....my mates that get them dont exactly have jobs they love so..

Actually with EBAs etc you shoudl just hit uyp your boss :rofl: (Doubt it wil ldo anything)

the way an RDO works is like this,

you work a 40 hour week and only get paid for 38hrs. they hold onto the other money and once a month you get a day off coz you have accumulated the hours by not getting paid 2 hrs a week.

so in your mates case just get him to check out how many hours of work hes getting paid for. if hes getting paid for 38 and working 40, then ask questions but if hes getting paid for 40 hrs then its clear there is no RDO system in place.

that sounds very weird to be honest. most people that do 3 on 1 off work in mines or heavy industrial.

it consultants? man im in the wrong trade. but 1 other question, do u get paid the week off?

nope... we work the weekend of the last week in 2 12 hour shifts and thats paid at double time to make up for it.

well thats how it works out... im basically paid a wage and overtime is based on the wage divided by months then diveded by hours worked in that month and that base rate is used to calculate the OT which is double time no matter what day or hour we work it.

my sickies carry over, annual carries over and any other leave (special, carers and long service) all carry over. i get 1 rdo per month, 20days p/year annual, 16 days per year sick, 4 days per year carers, 2 days per year special and long service works out to be 3months for every 10 years or pro rata after 5 years. so after 5 years, you can start using your longservice untilits all used up and then get none after 10 years.

1 guy at my work has 2000hrs sick leave, 1000 hours annual leave and i think 600hrs long service. been there for almost 30yrs but jesus, this guys is never sick i know that much and works during xmas shut down so he doesnt have to take annual leave.

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