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Ok so i have searched for about an hour and i need to know something really simple

My engine has a really loose timing belt and i want to know if it has jumped any teeth on the cams

Can someone tell me where the small dots on the front of the cam gears should line up in relation to the marks on the timing case backing plate. At top dead centre on compression or any other condition (please specify)

Thanks in advance

Or even better would be a link to the engine manual


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There should be 3 marks on the belt itself, 1 on each cam gear and 1 on the crank pulley. To get a look at the crank pulley u will have to pull the harmonic balancer off. The 3 marks on the belt relate to the marks on the cam and crank gears. thing is as soon as the engine starts rotating these marks all go out of wack becuase the cam gears are a different size to the crank gear so the only way to be sure would be pull the timing belt off and re-install it. when my belt camr loos it was enough for the engine to totally lunch itself so i the fact u still have a working motor is proof enough that it should still be good.

Just rotote the engine clockwise until you get to the last mark on the harmonic balancer, thats TDC, now the marks(slots) on the camwheels should line with the corresponding slot on the camwheel backing plate. Dont worry if they dont exactly, as long as its within about 2mm its OK

Don't worry about the marks on the belt ( they are there to assist you when fitting the belt) . You have to make sure the crank gear mak lines up with the mark on the case ( top) and at the same time the cam gear marks line up with the slots on the backing plate but they muat line up exacly maybe 1or 2 mm out ( not cm) .

If they don't all line up your valves are misstimed, pull the belt off and strart again, there is a guide on this forum somewhere if you dont have a workshop manual.

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