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Is This Bs? Or What? School Zone


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well if you have the dough for a kick arse legal team I'm sure you could bring the calibration of the officers watch into doubt. tell them is was 7:58 by your watch then have a swiss time keeping expert testify that he has since tested your watch and found that it is accurate with the accepted world time to within 1 second, and state that VIC police perform no such test on their watches.

or you could just do the smart thing. pay the fine. wear the suspension. never make the same mistake again.

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Sad to hear things havent gone to good for you mate, but try and learn from whats happened, stand up and take whats coming to you head on, and dont let it break you, what doesnt break you will only make you stronger, if you have food on your table and a roof over your head, then your doing better than most 3rd world countries, you would be alarmed to see the condition that some people have to live under, we live in a good country... good luck with it all :D

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Not really. Ive lost my license a couple of times.

But to blame this incident when you have 12 points, is stupid.

What about all the other points accured to GET to being over your points limit?

For someone that needs thier license, getting to 12 points is very laz on that persons behalf

P Plates; 5 points. 9 months ago, in my brothers ute, got done 3 points for "Obscured number plates". It is not like i have been driving unlicenced, or drink driving, or in a high speed chase or anthing like that.

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no i bet he isnt...

but it does point out how idiotic some of you can be when you get on your high horses... and yes... yes u are... stop shaking your heads.

EVERYONE has assumed he lost all of his previous points doing something stupid, thus justifying your almighty charge forth into the riteous path and opening the floodgates to flamey/blameytown.

Obviously everyone is entitled to their opinion but seriously... back the f*k up. NO, not everyone knows the zones times... i certainly didnt obviously cause i thought it was 8:30... its just lucky for me that i dont drive through those zones at those times, but i could see it easily happening to me maybe one day having to do a later shift but now i know, but losing your license because you drove a car which had an "obscured" number plate (whatever that means... once again... no idea how that came about, so wont judge) and getting dicked doing 58 in a 60 zone because some Plods watch says its 5 minutes past 8 and thus meant to be driving at 40 is pretty harsh.

FOR SURE light the torches and assemble the mob for a good ol fashion lynching had some simpleton jumped on and posted about how he lost his licence cause some idiot cop caught him doing 190 in a 80 zone cause he was tired... or ran through someones front room because he was drunk... hardly menacing society so much that he should be off the road.

Sure... he did something wrong, however as i said its a simple mistake that anyone could have made. Unfortunately laws were made to be clear cut, yet confusing and also made so that circumstances are not taken into consideration so it is not left to the individual enforcer to make up their own minds.

Sucks mulkers... and i hope you find some way of getting off it, because to me it sounds rediculous. Hopefully at the very least you can drive with 1 point for 12 months and take extreme care NOT to do anything that could cause u to lose that one point. I would be fighting for that at the very least based on your record being "anti social" behavious free etc.

Good luck.

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inark; you're a gem, couldn't agree more with what you've said. Well done.

Having only copped 2 fines in 6 years of driving, one was for doing 104 in a 100 zone, I understand how stupid these speed limits have become, and if anyone wants to argue with me that getting a $150~ fine for doing 4km/h over the limit in a 100 zone can't be blatant revenue raising, then you're just delusional. I copped the fine, paid it, and moved on. Do the same. For what it's worth, you're not the only one it has happened to. Unfortunately this is how things are now. Good luck with everything.

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So did u get pulled over? Or did he just stop you? I thought ANY1 that stops on the side of the road has to have the lights going? A friend of mines a towie and he said no matter where he stops to pickup a car he has to have his lights flashing, id say cops would have to abid by the same rule.

I bet if u pulled over sumwhere to look @ a map for example and didnt have your Emergency parkers on a cop would prolly be able to fine u for something so stupid as that also!!

I also thought the school zones kicked in at 8:30am(-9:30am). :thumbsup:

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Some of you are so perfect.

dw mate, we all make mistakes, you were just unlucky to be caught. I live right near a primary school and i see motorists doing well over 20km/h over the 40 limit during school times all the time.

Its not the end of the world, be happy with what you still have.

Don't be such a fu(king hippy, no one's saying they are perfect, we've all had fines but the difference is we don't bitch and whine about it saying "oh what to I do now blah blah blah". I copped a speeding fine the other month and you know what, I deserved it. Suck it up, if you can't then don't speed.

AND to loose you're license this clearly isn't the first offense, no sympathy here sorry. :thumbsup:

Ni - I agree with some of what your saying but look seriously, unless you're living under a rock how the hell do you NOT understand school zones? C'mon there is no excuses. The whole number plate thing is BS but these schools zones as much as they are a waste of time (teach your bloody kids to look left and right and cross at a crossing parents) it doesn't sound ridiculous to enforce the law as much as it sucks. I've got 3 points left on my licence and I'm VERY careful, take some responsibly and HTFU.

As for those that don't know school zone times, do you read signs?

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omg, can no one see that 8.05 is revenue raising... a couple of years ago you would have been praised for doing 2km/h UNDER the speed limit.. and even 5, minutes before you were doing the right thing, its bad luck, but some of the people on here are soo quick to judge....

dont worry dude... i sympathize and know there are no kids around at 8.05 in the morning, and if they are, they are locked up in before school care....

some of the people on here are just so quick to judge you, and because its not their livelyhood on the line they dont give 2 shits.. ... i bet if ash (nismoid) who is a famous example and certainly not perfect himself, were to have done the same thing he'd be thinking how damn unfair it is to be in the situation that you are currently in... but a lesson learnt i spose... get a clock... and dont waste your time telling the people on this website about it.. because thye dont care

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Oh BS, if he did that I'd sh|t can him too, I'd shit can anyone. Why is it when every anyone does something wrong they can't accept that they were at fault and be mature about it rather than find a way to weasel out of it? What, do you want the cop to say "Well yes sir, you were breaking the law but since it's only 5 mins past I'll let you off", c'mon really as if thats EVER going to happen. I've been pinned EVERY time no matter how small the offense was. A lot of us including me drive an hour to work through 5-6 school zones, I still have my license.

Man I can understand how hard it will be and I do feel sorry for him but hey, if you break the law (which as stupid as it is he did) you're gonna cop it.

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lol its true... if it was ash he would most definately get more of a slapping then anyone else, just because its far more fun... shit... even i would jump on my high horse for that one... because its fun slapping Ash. but he wouldnt bother posting it on here because he knows what would happen and fair enough he doesnt think its worth posting it on a public forum.

however the fact it is a public forum in this particular instance i feel it is ok to post it up asking for advice as its not as simple as your basic speeding fine.

Adz - understanding school zones is one thing, i totally agree with what they did and think that theyre a great idea... we have a constant 40 zone near our house so thats a no brainer, however like a large number of the general population i dont go out of my way to find something out unless it directly affects me.

ie. I know that from 2:30pm - 4pm school zones are in effect, why? Because i start a 3pm shift and thus go through about 3 of these zones on the way to work. I dont drive at all after 7.30am because one of my shifts finishes at 7 and the other starts at 7, so the zone times are no concern of mine.

Ive looked maybe once and some how managed to convince myself its 830 lol dislexia is a bitch. But it makes more sense... why the hell would children, especially primary school children be going to school at 8am when they start at 9? unless they start at 8.30... which im pretty sure no schools do... 8:45 maybe.... the only people your likely to hit at 8am are teachers... and come on... we've all had that fantasy before... well... some.

If this all happened at 10 past... 15 past... fair enough... but 5 past?

I just checked my watch and compared it to the World Time Clock which is about as official as it gets... its 2 minutes faster... my wall clock... 3 minutes slower... my car clock... 4 minutes slower... my video clock.... 3 minutes faster... my mobile... 15 minutes fast :nyaanyaa: (its a mental thing with morning alarms) my microwave... 10 minutes slow... im sure im not the only one. So which one is right?

i should probably change em all... but i wont... i'll change the car one now tho.

Maybe instead of those stupid signs they have they put ones that flash when theyre in effect... how hard would that be and would definately be no arguing then.

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I think those signs are total BS and you'll probably remember all that hoo-ha a while back about it and how they had to change them. I think what should be done with the money these revenue raising bastards make is erect those variable LED speed signs that run on Solar. If they do that the problem is fixed! I agree unless you slow right down to 20km it's hard to read the signs and more so in peak hour when you are meant to be looking at the kids/road in front of you.

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lol its true... if it was ash he would most definately get more of a slapping then anyone else, just because its far more fun... shit... even i would jump on my high horse for that one... because its fun slapping Ash. but he wouldnt bother posting it on here because he knows what would happen and fair enough he doesnt think its worth posting it on a public forum.

Well i wouldnt be posting up

1. And try make excuses... when its my own stupidity

2. Ask if its bullshit, i mean... it clearly isnt

I've probably had more infringements than most people in the club.

Some ive been convited for, some ive beaten on the basis of it being incorrect

End of the day, if i get pinned, its my fault. I dont try and fish for excuses, take it on the chin and get over it.

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yes IF you get pinned.. like u said some of them you got off on the basis of it being incorrect... some if i remeber because they farked up... he believes this is an injustice and as such some of us think he should fight it.

So what makes his beliefs worth bagging and not urs?

Seems very hypocritical.

Plus im pretty sure most of yours are deserved.

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lol u obviously have a different logic to a lot of normal people

8.05 on a $50 police watch... no where near as clear cut as im sure your cases were.

as already established its flawed... and worth fighting on that basis and as such not to be confused with the almighty morals some of you seem to have.

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