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Motorsport Helmet

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Just a question for people who have bought a helmet specifically for track days etc

Where did you buy yours from? Im looking at getting a cheap 2nd hand one...

Dont wanna spend a heap, figure itll be cheaper than hiring a helmet each time

Cheers :D


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whats your head worth?

At the moment, doesnt sound like its worth much.

In motorsport there is a saying that alot of us stick too about safety.

If you cant afford the best or atleast good quality safety equipment then you cant afford to race.

However not everyone can afford good quality equipment, but i would never buy a second hand helmet.

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yeah be careful with secondhand helmets, if they've been in a crash before they could very well do more damage than help.

that said if you're just doin L2NS stuff then you should be able to get away with a second, as there's no real risk to your noggin.

lots of bike stores sell cheap helmets these days anyways... just get one with the right ISO standards tick. Should cost you maybe $100 max.

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Well yeah thats spot on what Im after funkymonkey.

R33 racer - I appreciate what youre saying but its not really what Im getting at. I agree that safety is very important but remember that it isnt like youre getting top of the line equipment when you hire a helmet when you go to a track day anyway - for all you know the hire helmets could have been dropped and generally abused by others who have hired them?

If I were actually competing in events, for sure, different story.

But for the occassional track day or spurt down the quarter in my street car, I dont think there will be much if any difference between a great helmet and a second hand one...

If it meets the Australian design rules then I really think it will suffice...

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Yeah new bike helmet to AS1698 standard are cheap, but the only downside is they can be heavy.

ERG are doing good SFI standard helmets that are light and only $350 which are good value.

I wouldn't spend too much on a helmet if it doesn't have HANS posts or the ability to put them in.

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Yeah new bike helmet to AS1698 standard are cheap, but the only downside is they can be heavy.

ERG are doing good SFI standard helmets that are light and only $350 which are good value.

I wouldn't spend too much on a helmet if it doesn't have HANS posts or the ability to put them in.

omg how good are the new ERG helmets ay? So light! Where are they 350 though? cheapest I could find was 450 for their full faced... unless you're talkin about the Pro X.

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As long as they have the AS1698 sticker you should be fine, its only when you get into serious motorsport under CAMS that you need to worry about stadards like Snell SA95, 2000 and 2005... SFI Spec 31.1, 31.2, 31.1A and 32.2A... BS 6658-85 Type A and A/FR... and FIA 8860-2004 (pinched from cams site).

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I bought mine from the local Harley shop or Yamaha, I think, not sure of the shop name in Elizabeth St in the city. It's just a simple open face one in black, if youre not fussy about styling.

It's got the AS.. approved sticker... lucky didnt spend much as obviously I'm not going to the track anymore now...

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