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so im driving my old hiace van today (the skylines getting resprayed). i move into the right turn lane to turn right... and the we go when the lights goes green. there is this dude in this hotted up forester and nice rims driving behind me. my van is slow and i acknoledge that so while tasking the turn into the new street with two lanes in each direction, i change into the lefthand lane so he can go around me...he seemded like he was in a hurry...

anyway while we take the turn he tries to overtake me on the lefthand side (which is illegal) and then beeps his horn heaps as he changes back to the right lane... i over reacted a bit (and stuck my finger up at him as he beeped and drove passed) and then cracks the shits and speeds up...

no ok this is where it should end but:

he now cuts in front of me and slows right down really fast trying to get me to slam into his ass. then he stops and starts to reverse!!! dude seriously what are you doing?!?!? he then moves on and we meet at the next set of lights...he shouts some words of abuse and tells me i cut him off... i say im sorry and natraly he tells me i cant drive or i should open my eyes... strange since i was actually trying to get out of the road for him...anyways...

to make it even funnier, he then proceeds to turn in this group of aparments up ahead...MY APARTMENTS! he lives in my building.... not fun.

anyway... have you had an experience like this? any suggestion what i should do when i finnaly come face to face with him as its inevitable...?

im mean in sorry if you think i cut you off, but you were overtaking on the left had side of a vehicle which is illegal and i was trying to get out of your way anyway... and why try and make someone crash into you...especially when you seem to take pride in your vehicle... strange...

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Obviosuly the man has a small dick. Proven fact.

Now, call the police and tell him he's selling Ecstasy from his apartment. (obviously finding his car so you can find out the number he lives in). Tape the whole thing and pulish on Youtube for worldwide distribution

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lol yeah see im not that type of guy... i really am not hot for the old fight or whatever... it just pisses me off that he was such a dick about it... i said sorry... its not like he has never made a driving error of some type... oh well... i'll play the nice cards and let you know how i go... :thumbsup:

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If you know what room he lives in I'd probably go knock on his door and explain the situation.. Not to stir more shit but explain the circumstances and your intentions. Say it was just a misunderstanding and that your sorry. If he doesn't also apologise at least you tried..

That way you can rest easy if he recognises you later when parking your newly painted skyline outside the apartment. Better than getting panels keyed.

All that aside he sounds like an absolute tool and deserves a punch in the face. I've had situations similar to what you're describing and it really makes my blood boil!!

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Yeah, you could do that. That's a good non-confrontational way of going about it.

It's better to sort through these type of things rather than letting them later escalate in to something bigger.. Happens too often. Nothing worse than having to worry about people who are holding grudges against ya!

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why appologise for something the other guy did wrong>???


tell mofo to go get farked lol

Its called being the bigger person...

That and as mentioned above, this bloke might be a hot head and think keying a newly painted skyline is fun.

That said take note, the old finger 99% of the time makes the situation worse.

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Nobody is going to remember a white hiace van, even if you park next to them everyday. I wouldn't worry bout him recognising you or your car, and even if he did jerry bout the van, he woulndn't be certain enought to risk getting kicked out of his apartment by keying another tenants car in the carpark, Report him to the EPA in a couple of weeks for having a loud exhaust (if he has one) or blowing black smoke, or even throwing a durrie out the window. You don't need much info either, time & place, knowing where is lives would have both those covered by taking note of what time the car is missing in the morning over a couple of weeks. Its a pain in the arse to dispute these things even if he doesn't get charged, if he goes around doing stupid sh*t like what he did to you, chances are he's a loose cannon and has done it before, therefor couldn't pin it on revenge for one particular incident.

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