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so over the weekend i got a hold of a virgin PFC, pluged it up, started the car all fine, BUT the engine check light is on, and so is my aftermarket alarm LED on the dash?

It doen't do it with stock ecu, but on with the PFC, what could this be, knock is fine, hardly registers at all.

Everything looks normal, car drives fine on base map, although S L O W.

Howeve it seamed to have cured my surge issues:




So this might mean its the ecu, no idea how. BUT in order to test it properly, i need a PFC map, for a car with simiilar mods to mine, to see if it's my map ion the current remaped ecu, or somethign else. IF you could help me that would be great, alternativaly, i coulod down load the eprom from my current ecu, and plug those figures into the PFC, but i prefer not to do that just in case.

SO can anyone help me please.


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as per the install documentation you need to disable the boost control kit.

you can disable it under ETC, FUNCTION select on the hand controller, this will clear the engine check light being on.

when the engine check light comes on, it will highlight the broken sensor in ETC, SENSOR SW CHECK and you will see BOST is highlighted, as you don't have the boost control kit, the boost senor returns no value, so the engine check light comes on and stays on

i have no idea about your aftermarket alarm led being on, but the PFC should function the same as the stock ECU in terms of the ECCS control and relays etc

thank paul

NOW do you have any maps or where i can get some for a PFC for a stock turbo, injectors, AFM but more boost. I need to see if the car still has surge issues. I am not convinced that it is the computer i think the PFC is simply masking it as it is a base map at the moment. Mond you still spins second at 15 psi. LOL

no knock so all good, not lean, but the pfc is a very conservative map, mine is much more aggressive. What i was thinking of doing is putting teh values of my remaped ecuy into the pfc and see if it is still there or not.


there are some maps on the forums, search for my DIY tuning thread and youll find some

first thing you should do is stop trashing the car on stock maps, thats a good way to kill the engine

turn the boost down to a normal level and then get it tuned properly. you can use someone else's map if you wish but you've been warned

the maps i put have put up on the forums have tons of timing in them and are very aggressive so if you just plonk it over the top and run 15psi and trash the pants off i wont be surprised if you break something

well the engine is not running lean on the stock PFC map at all, an dthe knock is unregistable. My remaped ecu has an agresive map. the PFC is not mine so i don't wan to tune it at all, simply want to see if i put a more agressive map in it, will it still surge funny.

if you have one that is more suitable for better performance and not too doie, can you point me in the right direction

My stock map at 10psi made 140rwkw and at 13psi it made 160rwkw. Then a quick tune broguth it up to 200rwkw. You drive around on the stock map ok, but its rich as f**k.

Only downside is it has a fir bit of timing advance in the higher RPMS and air flow. So detonation is a problem.

Get it to a tuner, waste of time driving around with an untuned powerfc.

the tune thing is a no go, $400 to tune a PFC i HAVE to give back. all i am trying to do is to see if my current Central 20 ecu is stuffed or not, or if it is my car.

My current Central 20 map is fairly agressive. I think i'll simply down load that map and plug values into the PFC

Hi Paul, well the boost kit off cured everything, all good, alarm light gone off too.

HOWEVER this is my current car map, 16by16 cells. Do i use the raw data to input into the car if viewed through live fiew?


rename to .bin file

Copy_of_WogsR33.zipFetching info...

the map is a 16 by 16 so there is 16 missing cells when puting it into a PFC. I took the PFC out last night, and put the Central 20 ecu in, car definatly does its little splutter, very hard to describe. I presume it might be tune related, but no idea why, seing as when i had the car tuned it was fine, and then something changed to make it like this.

The thing is it's not boost dependant, it does it at 10 psi, just not as noticable, and at 15 psi.

It's only on light throttle 20% and low rpm 2500-3500 and high boost, say 12 psi and above. like it's not getting enough of something, eaven though it show up fine on all the sensors.

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