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General Meeting - Tuesday 18 September

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It's SAU Vic Social Meeting time. That's right, Beer, Food, Beer, Cars, Beer and laughs!

These social meetings are divided into two parts, the first if your hungry is a meal from the bistro and a chance to have a chat with other members then the second is a short informal meeting.

We use these meetings to give quick rundowns on past events with video's, pictures and stories etc, to address pressing matters, tell members what's happening behind the scenes and for discussion on upcoming events. It's all pretty relaxed and fun. This is a great opportunity for those of you who don't know too many members to come down and mix as new faces are always welcomed.

Time - 8:00pm (Dinner from 7:00ish)

Date - Tuesday 18 September 2007

Location - Bell's Hotel, 157 Moray St, South Melbourne (Cnr Moray St & Coventry

St Melways Ref - 57, G1) - see map below

Note - This Pub is family friendly with an area set aside for us. There is plenty of seating (tables and chairs) and meals for all.

Who is welcome - Everyone!


- ALL Merchandise will be available for sale at this meeting. Come see me.

- This includes a new delivery of SAU Polo Shirts. So we now have both colours in all sizes.



- Dutton Rally

- Buxton Burger Cruise

- Detailing Day


- Morwell

- Drag Day @ Heathcote

- NSW Road Trip

- Annual Show N Shine / Xmas Party


Guest Speaker -


James' Car of the Month -

From Lada's to Lambo's - what will we see for Show N Tell this month

Hope to see you all there.




Hahaha Kaz shows how long its been since I've been to a meeting :O Moved back to Vic in March!! Since then been busy with No 1 and now No 2 so I have a pretty good excuse ;)

besides anything else you haven't sent me your new address/numbers for the database, so I thought you were still in WA!! :)

Send them to me when you can via PM or [email protected]

Cheers :)

Fark! I thought this was next week! I am home early but have laptops to configure and I even told someone to come next Tues as they asked me this morning when the next SAU meet is as they want to join! double Fark!

Have a good one and apologies for not making it team. :P

Will get him to come along next month. My bad.

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