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R33 Gtst Hit And Run


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hahaha good point ^^^

still if a 21yo full license driver did it they would use the term "young hoon" or "young driver" not so much P plate driver, which all pretty much means the same sh*t anyways. but when a 40yo Learner gets done speeding like only a month or so ago then the emphases isn't on the "plates" anymore. i hate the media, esp. channel 7

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eat a F***n knob, im a RED p plater and i drive a turbo skyline, have been since i got my L's 4 yrs ago. so before u go on barking bout how p-platers shouldnt have been driving a 2.5ltr turbo, you might wanna try thinking. as there is a shitload of p-platers who have an exemption to drive turbo cars, or had there p's before the rule was introduced, so therefore are entitiled to drive it. and im sure most of us do alot better job than alot of monkeys on there full licence.

yeah ok posts like this really bug me, mate your on your red p's and you got your l's 4 yrs ago hmm maybe u better park the car now cause for those stats youve either been a shit driver or lost your licence numerous times being a dickhead and could have easily been one of these "P Platers" involved in said accidents. the exemption rule and kw rule is a joke its not enforced at all and ppl get away driving big block v8s on their red p's.

" and im sure most of us do alot better job than alot of monkeys on there full licence " love this line really sums up your attitude to driving and life lol mate you better start to get a clue before u turn into another statistic cause that attitude will kill you. you dont have the experience or knowledge of an older driver so grow up :)

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fkn p platers.. they shouldnt have even been in that car.. a fkn 2.5lt turbo??

stupid fkn p platers and then they get all defensive.. wankers that lot of ya's!

These f**ken posts piss me off!!!!! You've been here for one month and just about every single f**ken post you've made sounds like it comes from a 10yr old. Coz i'm young i've been through the whole p plate thing, you have no clue how i drive or if i deserve my car. Statistics do f**k it for us good drivers but no need to say complete bullshit like that above. Think before you post arse hole.

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...younger drivers will always be over represented in the statistics.

We should all just do what we can by leading by example, that's young people and older people.

The first part of this statements is simply incorrect. Younger driver factually account for a higher percentage of accident as they, as a group, have less experience and are more likely to drive agressively. That is accurately represented in the statistics and in insurance rates. That is not to say all young driver lack skill or responsibility as many are extremely responsible nor that all older drivers are better.

The second point is spot on in that should try to teach all drivers that responsible behaviour and a fast car are not incompatable. In my opinion, the best medium for that are clubs like SAU where we show them by example and give them a chance to explore what their car can do on a track or skid pan. I'd would suggest that we as a club, and the Skyline community as a whole, would benefit from actively finding ways to do this and at least attempt to get a bit of favorable media spin.

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I have made countless attempts to correct the media by writing letters or emails and making phone calls. They simply do not want to hear. I cannot even get the courtesy of a reply, not even once. I've been speaking to my sister who is a newspaper journalist and I will be endeavoring to put some official press releases out there. I previously didn't know how to do it but now I do.

Personally I am on a crusade to totally marginalise all mainstream media. I f**king hate it. I don't watch tv, I only listen to JJJ and I read the SMH, Tele, Fin Review and Aus so that I can compile all their spins into something I hope approaches the truth. I also get information from the internet.

Rebel people!

Just remember, everyone has their angle, including me, although I hope I've spelled it out here.

I might also add that I write to our politicians quite regularly and of the replies I get, and there are not many, 50% are nothing more than acknowledging the communication, 30% pass the buck and the other 20% give a genuine answer to the questions I ask, although it's usually utter shit I appreciate the fact that they bothered.

If you want to change shit you gotta do shit. The people in power, whether they be politicians or media mongrels, thrive on the fact that most people do nothing to stand up for what they believe in. f**k, most people don't even really believe in anything anyway.

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I might also add that I write to our politicians quite regularly and of the replies I get, and there are not many, 50% are nothing more than acknowledging the communication, 30% pass the buck and the other 20% give a genuine answer to the questions I ask, although it's usually utter shit I appreciate the fact that they bothered.

1) I'd write the beer off. Obviously payment in kind for labor provided.

2) My experience has been that to get a politician to act you have to make it clearly in their best interest e.g makes them look good and get them votes. How can we create a opportunity for politicians to become engaged with the car community so they get good press from it? We have a very creative group here - anyone have ideas?

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