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Skid Day Dates For 2008! Starting The 15th March 08


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The only way to secure a spot is to pay, only then it is guareented.

Nobody who has paid has been turned away, EVER.

So, pay for a date and know that ur in. If for some odd reason you can't make it, give me some notice a I should be able to get somebody to buy your spot, or you can opt to sell it to one of your mates.

By doing this, its stops guys backing out in the last minute and leaving me with a huge bill!

But you are more than welcome to come to any skid day i run.. even if you only want to support a mate!

actually i must have mis-read that. i meant 10th may? whichever the first sau one is.

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Not a member of sau yet and money is a bit tight atm. But yeah would love to come to Lars' day if im welcome? and will come to the SAU days if i become a member and there is still spots available :D

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Ohh today was the best skid day I have run to date.

Great people, some new cars, some oldies, some girls who skidded very well.. what a total blast!

Lars in his R33 won the season trophy against Leigh in the Supra by only 1.6 seconds..

Cody won the shoot out, he was very tidy and performed well.

Eddy in his new GT skyline won the time trial. by a massive margin! he learnt very quickly and drove very smoothly.. excellent for a new skidder!

Hey Aaron, no one was more suprised than me with my performance in the time trials... it was all the car. I had soo much fun I booked for March straight away. My 17 year old son had not driven the car before and due to some expert tution from Mark, yourself and Wozza, improved greatly even winning his first round shootout!! I would recommend it to everyone. See ya next time.

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yep.. its all good. another great day at the skid pan!

John, u are more than welcome (like everybody else) to skid anytime u can book in..

Biff Barker.. that u eddy? ya, that car is super, i want it. it has SOOOO much grip! Come anytime u can man. I know ur busey, but make sure u fit it in ok!

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ha ha ha.. u supply a skid pan, i'll do the rest.. wink wink.. nudge nudge! ok!

skid track, circut.. man i don't care.. i'll make something work!

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I wrote this on another thread i started about skid days.. READ IT!

The ethos of our skid day is this...

Grab your street car..

grab some fuel and your mate,

go to the skid pan and scatch an itch..

Drive your car as it is..

learn how it acts and reacts on a slippery wet surface.

Have some fun...

Talk to some of the other drivers,

have some more fun.

Get some tuition.

Learn what your car is asking of you..

have some more fun scratching that itch,

skid around and play a bit more,

if you feel the need, grab a free soft drink.

Now you are starting to get an idea of what is happening,

Get some more tuition..

Learn some new skills,


hone your new skills,

put new skills into practice.

Grab a snag off the BBQ and eat a burger.

just for a difference, do a a bit itch scratching

try not to smile so hard that it hurts!

After about 3 skid days like this.. you will catch onto what we are on about!

Edited by psi
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Guys it only takes me and hour and forty mins to get to gympie from kangaroo point, its not really that far at all... and if you come ill even drive along side u there and back... you know "driving" what we bought our cars for...

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hey, was just wondering if there was a way I could bags a spot as I'm joining up right now? let us know how to pay for a spot and i will, i've been before and been hanging out to take my new car out!!!

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