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wrote off the 32 last night

on kwinana fwy, doing 80 k's, and over took a car in the wet, basically as soon as turbo spooled the rearend threw out as i was turning into the lane and threw me into the barrier at 80, rebounded off it hit the other side accross 4 lanes and then came back again the other way and headed directly off the side of the bridge and so I chucked it sideways and hit the barrier dead on the side and bounced back again and came to a stop back on the other side of the road...

pics up tomorrow... got a bit of a sore head from hitn it on the B pillar a few times and im startn to feel some musculer pains..

no insurance, didnt hit any other cars in peak hour traffic and im not dead.. so thats the positives.. negative is im guna have fun deciding what im going to do after i pay the transfer fee with a wrecked skyline.

pics up tomorrowheres teh pics :whistling: man felt like i wanted to cry when i saw the mess I had made.






car will be sadly missed :thumbsup: probably the nicest car I have ever driven and the time that im not being a fool i get caught out for driving by the rules.. wouldnt of happened if it was in the dry

if anyone knows of anyone who has a Skyline GTS R32 they are tryn to sell let me know.. or even if someone is wrecking a body (dont want no accident on it tho)

Edited by BANGN
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Shite :)

I lost my last 3 demerit points not being a hoon just hit boost and cops chopped me over a second of wheelspin. Bloody rain! I've had my back end come out on the freeway over taking like you did aswell it was scarey but kinda fun..

I reckon you should fix it up mate. Take it to a few good panel beaters and see what the damage really is..

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well - it wont buff out thats for sure

however it doesnt look like its sitting crooked so thats a plus

get a panel beater to have a look at it - you may have escaped with no chassis twist and only damaged panels and prob some suspension

i would first find out whether its worth repairing b4 declaring it a 'writeoff'

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yeh im lookn into it atm.. iv had a few encounters of it getn sideways in the wet without meaning too. roundabout ect pretty allways managed to catch it back peice of pie but there was somthn allways planted in my mind that this might happen one day..

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thats so far from a write off its not funny

will cost a few grand to get fixed, but new rear 1/4's are buyable direct from nissan for 800 a throw, couple of guards and a bumper, lights, fixed..

but if you can afford to fix it, ill buy it off you and fix it myself :)

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imho, its not worth buying a a gts and transfering it..as i have a charade now, i was thinking of doing the same thing when another charade with turbo came up.

when doing a "simple body swap" u have to consider, ur changing engine, wiring and otehr electricals, suspension, brakes, exhaust, driveline (gts have to lsd's) and tahts just the outside. the interior may be the same but u'll lose ur

suade cloth.

also if u buy another full car instead of just a shell, ur gonna have to take out everything from that gts b4 u can put in ur stuff, so in effect ur paying for 2 removals, one install..

im not panel beater, but the things that are gonna cost u the most are ur rear fenders. fronts are cheap. so are lights, front bumpers, and rear lights.

hell y ur at it, y not put gtr guards? kyp auto's has a rear gtr cut, give him a call, he's also go front lights and rear lights, so may beable to do u a deal.

engine's not f**ked either. even the intercooler looks untouched. hell even the boot.

but like everyone has said its ur car ur money. its just cheaper to fix it.

(btw sorry for long post. hope it helps)

Edited by J_R32
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Damage looks superficial, but id look closer at suspension at chassis.

You have GTR panels all round dont cya?

I can tell you right now brand new OEM front GTR fender(1) is about $800, bumper $600, lower bumper lip $400, if bought new from Nissan, and you'll have to wait... I know this because my 'R got ute spec'd, but his insurance is covering it, lucky for me (sorry!), but the waiting game begins.

These panels can be difficult to source second hand, but defiantly worth looking.

If it was me in your position, Id be looking at the Bee*R R324 conversion kits.

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that sucks man,and you just bought it didn't u? back of my 32 loved to step out in the wet when it hit boost it can catch u off gard very easily.

from wat i can see u need:

front bumper

rear bumper

2 front gards

2 rear gards

2 head lights

2 tailights with surrounds

then plus fitting/painting of all that stuff it's not going to be to cheap. but it's a nice looking 32 so in my opion it's worth it.

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ur old bumper got draged under the car, it had some scrapes on it but it wasnt broken, i went to go collect it from side of road but I was not willing to cross 4 lanes on the fwy to get it.. id rather keep my life. plus i got more to worry about than a bumper :(

well at least the bar didnt go to waste Ty :(

the plan was to sell this 32 and levin cos i was guna buy another rolla and buy an 86 trueno and turn it into a 10 second 3sgte.. oh well guna have to wait a bit arnt I :(

Edited by BANGN
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ur old bumper got draged under the car, it had some scrapes on it but it wasnt broken, i went to go collect it from side of road but I was not willing to cross 4 lanes on the fwy to get it.. id rather keep my life. plus i got more to worry about than a bumper :(

well at least the bar didnt go to waste Ty :(

the plan was to sell this 32 and levin cos i was guna buy another rolla and buy an 86 trueno and turn it into a 10 second 3sgte.. oh well guna have to wait a bit arnt I :(

HAHA ye your old bumper would have finished in a million peices, just remember lifes not replacable, r32 skyline are

cheers ty

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