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LOL - just got this in an email and ITS SO TRUE!!!

You go to 'Glenny/Knox' at least once a week and bump into 10 people you know

Your car has been defected.. most likely around Knox / Noble Maccas (Officer Pettit)

You go to 24hr christmas shopping at Chaddy/Knox even though there's no parking and you don't intend on buying anything

You hang around Edithvale beach as a teeny bopper but migrate to Chelsea as you get older

You take your boyfriend/girlfriend to Sky Heights for more then 'just the view'

You no longer throw hall parties because the last one you threw.. there were more randoms then your mates there

You are wrapped that zone 3 has been removed

You have more places to hang out then just Highpoint

You do not go to Bunnings to get tools but to meet street racers

You have been to the 'Wheelers'

Every time you drive down Springvale rd passing Springvale station.. the train happens to be crossing

You go to Centro shopping centres (Waverley Gardens, Stud park, Brandon park, The glen, Parkmore) ONLY to do grocery shopping

You know the whereabouts and have been to Ramsay Street

You stuffed up in year 12 and ended up in Swinburne Uni Lillydale

You stuffed up even worst in year 12 and ended up in Holmesglen Tafe

You or someone you know was beaten up by Kambo Klownz back in the day

You or someone you know was beaten up by Oakleigh Wogs

You dress better then your friends (from the west) i.e. they still wear flares

You slow down at Orrong road on the way to the city to avoid the speed camera

Anything on the other side of the westgate bridge is a hike

You or someone you know has chucked up on the sth Eastern or Eastern freeway on the way home from clubbing

You were not surprised by the riots at Noble Park Maccas

Springvale Rd is no more then 10 minutes from your house

You refuse to accept that people from Cranbourne are Eastsiders

You haven't been to Fountain Gate since Krispy Kremes became available everywhere

You exit at Toorak Rd and NEVER use etag

You drive into the 'U' at Edithvale to show off your ride (you know there's no chance of finding parking there)

You are paranoid and wind up your windows and lock your doors once you get into the slums (westside)

You made mates with Mauries/Samoans around Westall, Clayton, Dandy to avoid getting decked

You got the bus to Donnie Shoppo after school even though it wasn't on the way home

You go to Burwood Kmart at 1am coz your bored or coz you can

You have played ball at Dandenong basketball stadium for your school/friends/local team

You used to drive up and down Princess Hwy looking for drags until your car got impounded with the new hoon laws

Gettting belted by drunk yobbos is a blessing.. being stabbed/chopped/baseball batted/poled/shot.. by 20 wogs/asians not so much

You know what Wobbies World is

Before you got your own DVD burner.. you bought all your movies/games from the ethnic blokes at Caribbean Market

Being stuck in ridiculous peek hour traffic doesn't phase you

You go to Eastland shopping centre as an absolute last resort

Even as an absolute last resort.. you do not go to Dandy Plaza

You are asian and get $10 haircuts as well as tutoring from 'Jack's' in Springvale

You drive a 800rwkw SS commodore and never get hassled by cops

You drive a 70frkw Lancer with 'altessa' lights and rims and get hassled daily

You went to underage 'dance parties' at Jooce, Stylus, Moorabin town hall, Dandenong town hall, Clayton town hall

You have been to Princes or Kings

Standing on the hot, squishy 888 bus in summer next to some fat guy that wreaks of BO.. is all worth it once you get into the water

You're glad Ozone was built on top of the 'old bus stop'.. this nearly wiped out the 'Bus stop gangsters'

You've had a bbq/birthday/drink up at Jells/Burden park

You used to wag school and hang at Dandy Plaza food court

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You made mates with Mauries/Samoans around Westall, Clayton, Dandy to avoid getting decked

This one is especially true. I once helped a big samoan rugby player change a flat tyre on his ford falcon - needless to say, im in the good books now among him and his rugby mates. And this guy wasnt no 6ft samoan that weighs 90kg....he was more like 6ft 8 and weighed 130kg..... comparison purposes im 5ft6 (5ft 7 on a good day) and weigh just under 70kg.

Oh and the glenny and chady one is soooo true! haha...

oh and the ramsay street one - i actually met ian smith (aka harold bishop) at myer - man i was one excited mofo! The guy got scared when i ran up to him saying "you harold!!! you harold!!!"

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Ahh the good ol days of living in Vermont South. Those days will never be forgotten.

Whirly Bird Helicopters FTW! Dennys/The Keg was cool too occasionally. Billabong was cool too! I remember us beating the f*ck out of the Billabong Koala during one of my birthday parties. It was hell funny!

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Ahh the good ol days of living in Vermont South. Those days will never be forgotten.

Whirly Bird Helicopters FTW! Dennys/The Keg was cool too occasionally. Billabong was cool too! I remember us beating the f*ck out of the Billabong Koala during one of my birthday parties. It was hell funny!

Don't Stop, the Billabong Bop! Don't forget TimeZone 2hr 'lock-ins' at Knox

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