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Fark yeah! Timezone lockins FTW!! Those were the days everyone was racing to get onto Street Fighter 2 so they could invisible throw everyone with Guile and when in doubt, reset the game with Dhalasim :no:

Is the bowling alley still there? Spent many a day in there practicing along with Box Hill, Ringwood and Mooralbark.

Ah the memories.

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Meh, the Forest Hill lanes sucked cack. It also didn't help it was on the top level and when the elevators were so unreliable, lugging 4 bowling balls up the escalators weren't my idea of fun.

there's a bowling alley there? we usually went to the one in forest hill.
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+1 for summing up my life.

how come movie marathon didnt rate a mention? c'mon, fess up who did em? lol running between cinemas when the staff werent looking so you could actually see 3 good movies. then calling your parents at 6am to pick you up coz it was usually a public holiday and there was no public transport

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yeah all true

used to be one of the Knox wanna be bus stop gangstas

Everyone said I should be asian but I got $10 something form springvale and it wasnt a haircut

Being 16 and chased in Springvale by 10 guys with big knives ...priceless

Wobbies world was gay but went anyway

Forest Hill had a cash converters to sell stuff we borrowed after parties

NBA Jam and MK2 FTW at timezone lock ins

and I went to a private school. :)

lol nice1 bec

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I spent 21 years in Vermont South and I think that was enough. Driving to and from work in the city was the worst! I don't know whether I could do it anymore now I live in Richmond and it takes bugger all time now.

lol surprisingly accurate.

lol Leewah, sif leave vermont south, this place is the bomb-digity!

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You know you are from the east side when:

You used to hang at 7/11 on the corner of Mitcham and Canterbury Rd until the early hours of the morning.

When hanging with all your mates at 7/11, and it starts to rain, you all high tail it down to do 'sideways' at Nutrimetics on the corner of Mountain Hwy and Burwood Hwy.

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