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My House Was Just Ram Raided


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Hey Kids! This just in! I live in a house which is completely surrounded by a 7ft iron fence with a roller door fro access on the side where we park our cars. Two guys waited 10 min for my cousin to leave and saw my mum alone on the street. After she closed the door they fired their car up and drove straight through the roller door missing my car by mere cm's. As soon as I ran out the house they backed up through the neighbours fence across the road and took off. Didn't get a rego, my mum was freaked and worried that they would run me over. I reckon they thought that she was alone and an easy target. they would just force her to give them the keys. They were probably casing my place and my neighbour cos he has a skyline which he sometimes parks on the street, or they could have seen me driving up my street.

Moral of the story, no ones car is safe, even inside a compound! Get Alarms, Immobilizers and a wheel brace.

Man when are the a**holes gonna get their heads kicked in. This is getting rediculous.

I asked the cop what could I do to basically defend my property and myself, and she basically said 'reasonable force'. When I asked what's reasonable, there was really no answer.

The law is completely screwed! Crims have no respect for their victims, yet society is suppose to respect them. I say string 'em up with a noose or cut thier hands off. that will teach them. :P:D

Edited by kalel
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f**k the bar just keeps getting raised with people stealing skylines ay.

what we need to do is buy a cheap skyline shell, put it somewhere and rig the f**ker with some big bomb, ok maybe not the bomb but have it as a decoy which is monitored... by snipers.

but seriously shit needs to be done, even if maybe a group buy of decent car alarms?

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^^ in their eyes is probably just easier to go steal something..............more or less l.kely they have been doing it for a while.

but good to hear that they didnt hit your car..

we need to do something make it known that we will not put up with this shit anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hey dude I feel for ya. I was in a home invasion 18 months ago and it makes u wonder what the hell is going on with the world.

My advice? Buy a couple big dogs. Don't feed em so often. Maybe even dress up as a burglar and jump ur own fence so u can see if they eat ya..

Got my GTR behind a garage, 2 dogs, motion sensor lights & video recording, as well as being less than 10 metres from my room & swords. I really pity the fool who tries this shit on me...

Real glad ur car wasn't harmed. Rollerdoors are expensive to fix, but wouldve been far worse if theyd damaged ur baby


PS. What suburb did this happen in? Perhaps we should start logging incidents ourselves on this website and see if we can't find any patterns...

Edited by Dohmar
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I live in Woodville park, pretty much just up the road from woodville bowl.

I think we so need to set up a sting operation on these pricks and then teach them a lesson they will never forget.

I spoke to my Cousins that were around just before hand and both of them saw them as they left looking really suspicious and they had the bonet of the car up. There was no soubt that it was pre-meditated.

I am just glad my cousins kids were not here, cos they were going to stay the night until one got sick. It could have been a lot worse than it was. I won't doubt that they will have another go in a couple months probably. This time I am going to have my shit ready for them.

Luke (Heslo): I did sleep on the couch last night in the house with one of my martial arts weapons at the ready just in case they decided to come back for round 2.

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This shit is getting WAY outta hand! Glad no one was hurt however,

Hey dude I feel for ya. I was in a home invasion 18 months ago and it makes u wonder what the hell is going on with the world.

My advice? Buy a couple big dogs. Don't feed em so often. Maybe even dress up as a burglar and jump ur own fence so u can see if they eat ya..

Sorry you went thru that, but what exactly does a burglar dress up as, this?

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sorry to hear man, thats f**ked up i must live in the only area that hasnt been f**ked by bogan tools.....yet

also, what car was it that smacked into the roller door. i mean running though a roller door would do abit of damage to the front end, right? that would be a dead give away to who it may have been if you see them on the streets?

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This shit is getting WAY outta hand! Glad no one was hurt however,

Sorry you went thru that, but what exactly does a burglar dress up as, this?

Haha Very Funny...;P

Gloves, Beanies and a bandana over the face is typically the uniform of choice for theives. Boots too. the 3 assholes who came to my house being a prime example :( And yeh kalel, once u pull out a katana they tend to retreat damn quickly. Still wish I was able to pack heat. *shrug* Effectively the point is, u dress up so the dogs dont recognize u and u check if they go for ya. Train them first with a safety word, so when they lunge, u say the word and they back off. Easy stuff. Seen a couple Shepherds and a Boerboel who were trained guard dogs in this manner, more security in my mind than an entire division of cops on patrol.


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sorry to hear man, thats f**ked up i must live in the only area that hasnt been f**ked by bogan tools.....yet

also, what car was it that smacked into the roller door. i mean running though a roller door would do abit of damage to the front end, right? that would be a dead give away to who it may have been if you see them on the streets?

I think it was like a red mid 80's magna or sigma. I didn't get much of a look cos the roller door was pretty much draped over the car when it came all the way in. I was just judging that by the shape of the front of the car. The whole front of the car would have been completely f**cked, windscreen and all cos there was a shit load of broken glass every where.

Here is a rough diagram of what happened.


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Yeah I am sure, cos they were waiting outside for confirmation that my mum was home alone. They were waiting on the street til my last cousin left. my first cousin left 20 min before the last adn he saw them parked around the corner with the hood up, then they moved to where I indicated on the diagram. I was in the house watching tv like I normally do. as soon as my 2nd cousin took off, they got into the car and fired her up. I would say they were fairly injured because the windscreen was completely shattered there was glass everywhere (I have been picking it up for the last hr) and then everyone came running out and saw them back through the neighbours fence and peel off. I thought that they might be piss heads until I found out they were waiting steaking out the place and waited till my mum was alone. it certainly adds up to one thing pretty easily. Myself and the neighbours reckon they were going to try and force my mum to give them the keys to my car. soft target.

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f**k this shit im getting a gun

between defects and break in's, you cant tell whos the good guys anymore and your cars not safe ANYWHERE.

last night had a back 33 rock up out the front of my missus place checking out my car for a good couple of minutes then booted off when i went out there.

once again man, sorry to here

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