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hey all,

having a wierd prob with the auto .. not sure whats causing it, wondering if anyone else has had a similar prob

usually only happens when the car is cold, after about 5 mins of driving, and only if i have accelorated hard (usually)

the prob is it wont change out of first, will just keep revving away... one way around it is to use the "power / snow" switch to force it into 2nd gear, it will change and hold in that .. but not change up. tried using the shifter to manually change, and doesnt do a thing. then after a few mins of that it will change into 3rd and all will be fine.

any ideas ppl?



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  • 2 weeks later...

from what i was told when i had the shift kit installed they did a service at the same time. i seen ya in adelaide, i had it done @ MV auto's, they seemed pretty good so i wouldnt wanna think they didnt do something when they said they did ??

no harm in having another done tho ...

cheers for the advice


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hmm... i was thinking it could be an electronic prob, but i didnt consider the ecu having any affect on it?

i guess it wouldnt hurt at all to do a reset?

does the trans have its on comp, and if so would that be "reset" if the supply is removed too? i wouldnt think the auto comp (if it has one) would learn **** all tho, so it would have nothing to reset back to.

so i explained it ok then if you had the exact same probs i guess ....lol



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i got an alarm installed within first week of buying car, but cant say i noticed it until months later i think.

first would happen once in a blue moon, its progressivly happened more and more often til now when its on kinda a daily basis, perhaps every 2 - 3 days

was it exactly the same prob that i described, if so did it happen to you everytime you would drive the car? or occasionally like mine

cheers again


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shannon, my problem was EXACTLY what your talking about. I disconnected my battery overnight, so it may have had an effect on the auto's computer also.

Maybe you have been driving your auto a little like a manual?, holding it in 2nd till redline? *shrugs*

anyway, try disconnect the battery overnight, if it doesnt solve your problem i would suggest a tranny flush.

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Just wondering if you had an aftermarket BOV....

...too weak a spring on the valve can cause it to stay slightly open on partial throttle, ie mild acceleration.....and that seems to cause the auto box to stay in gear ever so often...

...easily solved by uprating the spring, or adding a washer or two to shim it out....

If you have a standard recirc BOV, and think it might be weak, borrow someone else's, or blank it off for a bit...just take it easy if you do...

Hope to help..



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