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Serious Rb20det Problem.. Help?


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R32 GTST 1989 (Nissan Skyline)

As of last week my RB20DET has finally started to show signs of its age.... I need help to find out what i need to do?

My car has started to pop / backfire all the time during acceleration and also during decelleration and i mean every time i change gears it pops / backfires!

Also now my cars Exhaust Temp Sensor on the dash has started to flick on and off during random drives....

And now finally my car is starting to backfire and miss aswell!

What the hell do i do and where do i start as all of this is really making me feel like its all too much,

I don't have much tools apart from basic spanners etc

Any help or advise would really help me out


Peter (BOOSTA)

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popping can be caused by unburnt fuel/running rich or even from bad fuel. most rb's pop on deceleration. in your case it might lean towards an exhaust leak. get it checked out. gasket goop is your friend. :thumbsup:

the misfiring would be coilpack or injector related. take off your spark plug cover and whilst the engine is running, disconnect each coilpack to see if you notice a difference in idle. if you don't notice a difference, that coilpack is fkd. run some injector cleaner in the tank and see if it shows any difference.

hope that helps

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Your cats over heating due to unburnt fuel from the motor burning down in the pipes, its a secondary effect of the real issue.

If its missing on low load situations, like on the overrun, then its prolly not coils.

- Check all the usuals like AFM, plugs, etc with your basic tools

- Make some coffee and search SAU like if it was going to go bust for all the other things ppl have checked with RB20's and low load misfiring.

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check the base timing. could be too far retarded, this explains all of what your saying. have you had anyone look at your car recently? anywork done? anyone tried to set your timing? etc.

if not, i'd start with the cas. inaccurate readings from the cas will play havoc with your timing.

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Well huge thanks for the replies..... QWK32 sounds like your dead on the money.

about 4mnths ago when i was an apprentice for a mechanical / tyre company one of the mechanics checked my timing belt out etc...

It looks like he didnt recheck my timming out once he put the cas back on..... i just bought a timing light and what would you know 25 degree's advanced!

Does this mean that basically my engine is stuffed? I just put the timing back to the standard 15! as the workshop manual states!

It now pops on acceleration and the miss is 20times worse, it feels like a limiter kind of... i mean like 1000rpm to 2000rpm

I just took it for a slow drive around the block and im too worried about driving it anywhere now!



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...i just bought a timing light and what would you know 25 degree's advanced!

...I just put the timing back to the standard 15! as the workshop manual states! It now pops on acceleration and the miss is 20times worse...

Hrrrm, have you got an aftermarket ECU? Putting back to std shouldnt make it worse :P

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how did you test the timing? with the loop off the igniter. most timing lights i've used (repco super cheap ones) you have to double loop the wire or just halve the value you get. so 25 becomes 12.5, which is running a bit retarded from the 15 degrees its supposed to be.

if you haven't double looped the wire and you've reset it to 15 then you are really running it at 7.5 degrees :)

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