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My 33 Got Keyed...


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Damn guys, my R33 just got keyed last night. A pretty big one aswel, around 1-1.5m and it's pretty damn deep at some parts.

Took a drive this afternoon to find someone has been playing with the right side mirror. Then when I finally stopped and saw the side of the car, there was a HUGE line scratch from the back of the right rear quarter panel to the middle of the door. So pissed ei. I try to take care of my car as much as possible and for this to happen, its bloody annoying.

Ahh well.. guess just one more reason to eventually get my car resprayed


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that really sucks. :(

do you have any enemies?

ahhaha.. I've been thinking about that the whole day. But to be honest it can be any d**khead (probably drunk or just an outright idiot) walking by because I live in a student village, so my car is in an open parking lot. So yeh, not the best place to put a skyline i know, but what choice do I have.

People got no respect for others property these days..what goes around comes around..

As much as I hate to say it, I REALLY hope so!

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sorrry to hear that bro, my 33 got keyed all the way down the side one night in freo, i was very very pissed, all it is is jealous pricks that have no money and know they would never have the same at what we have!!

and hey thats just parents not bringing there kids up right! hope u get it sorted soon bro!

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I know how you feel man. When I bought my R33, I had it proudly parked right outside my work. Right at the front door where everyone could see it. Came back to it to find a key scratch going all the way down the passanger side. From the back of the rear quarter to the front of the front quarter. I had only owned the car three days when it happened. I could have ripped someones head off!

Hopefully it won't happen again

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i had mine parked across the road from the pub the night i had bought it an come out to find someone rubbing there belt head up an down my front quarter panel. this shit happens chief its just an excuse to get body work an painting done

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Shit.. Sorry to all of yous who has had these kinds of shit done to your car. I can't believe these things just happens so bloody much. I mean what joy do they get from ruining other people's pride and joy. I mean as much as I hate to say this, but even though stealing is shit and all, like there is a point in stealing in like they get something for themself. But just scratching other people's car? Do they spoof in their pants or something from the thrill.

Oh yeah, also could not believe it. On that same night, a very good friend who owned a silvia called me at like 2am to tell me that his silv has been keyed. But luckily he knows who did it. So I think I just might let my anger out with him one night :)


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i know the feeling dude,my car got keyed and also someone reversed and hit my side quarter panel in a carpark,i did not notice it until i got home,not big damage but still,someone reversed out and did not care!lucky i was not there or i would of gone off :)

it does not matter if you car is worth 500 or 50,000,people should respect your ride and also just because i drive a skyline does not mean i dont like other cars,i love imports,v8s,muscle and euro cars,that has always pissed me off too :rant:

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Couldn't agree more. I have a lot of respect for other cars and peoples achievements. Skylines are just my thing, but if some guy has a commodore v8 pushing a few hundred horses, I still have a look and think... 'thats pretty cool'. Just cause you're not into a certain type of car, doesn't mean you have to hate it, or abuse the people and/or the cars. Just have respect. In the end we are all just 'car enthusiasts' with different tastes. Why can't people just understand that??

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Not as bad but equally as shit... knocked off work to find a giant Holden Logo sticker on my rear window! i guess they were jerks with a conciunce... excuse my spelling haha

hahaha, my mate's ford got done in a similar manner. I couldn't stop laughing!

mjscar, sorry to hear that bro!!

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lol @ the holden sticker, that's pretty damn funny!

I can't believe all the skylines parked in nb on the weekends, I would never be able to leave my car in such a place with all the idiots there. Although hopefully if someone was dumb enough to do something other decent people would see it and make them pay for it! If I'm going on a night out with some mates I will always try to get somebody else to drive or let me drive their car because this kind of stuff happens all the time. Worse is when it's a bogan who has done it simply because your car isn't a ford or holden... they're adults ffs grow up!

My other pet peeve is shopping centres, I always park as far away as possible as the majority of people who go there (mums with kids, ditzy chicks) don't know how to get out of a car without banging the door to the car parked next to them. Some of them don't even know how to get in/out of a parking spot without banging their car with the one parked next to them!

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