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The Sa Wasteland


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Il stay away from N1 items herd to many bad storys :) I might just stick to a new oem water pump its 200dollers sound good? also what would ppl gofor hks cam shafts(EX 264 9.0mm lift & IN 256 8.8mm lift) or tomei poncams not sure on size atm

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Il stay away from N1 items herd to many bad storys :cool: I might just stick to a new oem water pump its 200dollers sound good? also what would ppl gofor hks cam shafts(EX 264 9.0mm lift & IN 256 8.8mm lift) or tomei poncams not sure on size atm

IMO I'd go for the Tomei Poncams in kit form with the adj pulleys.

I run stock cams in mine with all other mods done, just to keep good response on the street.

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nightcrwler moved that 'wtb auto skyline' pretty quickly

props to you

that'd be the 2nd or 3rd time the 666core fella has done it


man the knees are bad

so sore I mentally cant think....... going to have to sort something out


if anyone has a bus I can step in front of, let me know


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at least your working.

i got told yesterday that i have no job as of friday, by no fault of mine. :D

dude, I dream every night of getting the sack.

if they sack me I can go to centreLink (went in for only time ever over my xmas break to get info - Ive never taken 1c from the Govt.) and get checked out for the partial disability pension (fact is Im no longer fit for full time work), whereas I have to be on unlimited sick leave to be checked out if Im working (and i cant do that to my bosses, there are only 4 of us so that'd be a kick in the nads to the bosses/business IMO), or have to wait 3 months if I quit. after 10yrs here I dont want to have to quit.

sooner rather than later Im going to have to find a balance. wife and myself will work part time (she hasnt worked for over 5yrs now, kids), sell the house and minimise debt, and have a better quality of "living" rather then being in pain 24/7 and not dealing with it (and looking out for buses).

there are plenty of jobs out there for those that want them, only 4 out of 100 ppl who are truely looking have trouble finding what they want, for a few months at least. not a good feeling Im sure, but hang in there and something will come thru for you soon - I have no doubt.

GL with it, chin up and hang in there.

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well, heres the story.

i started the job 3 months ago at a (wont name the place), doing a 1 year traineeship through an employment organisation. from the start i was supposed to do off-job training once a week, learning a different module of the course each week. 3 months into the traineeship the employment organisation find out the training place im supposed to do my off job training at doesnt have anyone that can actually do the training, and that is the only place in sa that could do it. so now if i want to get the qualification i should have got here i have to go interstate to get it.

so, monday i get a call and essentially they said "we dont have anyone to do the training, so your last day is on friday".

im going to get a copy of the training contract today, which i do believe will say they must provide me training for the qualification in the time allocated (1 year).

why sign me up for a contract in the first place if they dont have anyone to do the training?

i would say they have breached their contract on more then 1 account, that being not providing what they legally said they would, and giving me 4 days notice.

ive got bills to pay and i cant live on nothing, so they either compensate me or face legal action.

and by the time i go through all centrelinks bullshit i will have a new job, so i really didnt want to go near them.

oh, i also got offered to sign a mutual agreement to terminate my traineeship. i pretty quickly told him to go f**k himself.

Edited by ted180
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good work for not signing

stick to your rights, ie the signed contract specifications

best of luck withit, either way a very sour situation you find yourself in

thanks, thats what i plan on doing.

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