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The Sa Wasteland


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btw who owns a black r32 that crashed on marion rd about 30mins ago. looked like he was going to fast coming out of a side street and ended in a shop window.
lol yeah hopefully it wasnt Carl testing his new LCA

hahaha, nope was not me.... i was testing my LCA between clarendon and blackwood :woot:

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Ok got a RB20 and while just driving aorund i find my oil pressure drops under 2 and prob sits around 1 yet when i give it stick it climbs to around 4. Is this something i should be worried about if so what else should i be looking out for???

Edited by InH3aven32
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just to let people know a certain blonde girl that used to hang around me well she is trouble

she has said that she will bw keying my car and all sorts so stay away from her a few of the boys warned me about her from her sorry i wasnt listening

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