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Moved from cars spotted. Craig get "OMGWTF" or "WTFBBQ" "ILOLD" "LOLATU" "UFAILD" something like that

I think IXL005 would be good :( (I dare people to get that one)


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I had a slight issue when I was running a 400fsb where it was rock solid in prime and memtest yet BF2 would still randomly drop to the desktop. Dropped it back to 333 with the same overclok and its now fine.

Thats a memory timing issue. Either the ram isnt rated at 400mhz / pc3200 or the latency timings are out of whack... I only ever had that with cheap ram. When I switched to corsair xtra low latency ddr I stopped having problems (and got a better whetstone too)


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what is it? besides a brand of jam ? ^

Theres your standard, baseline ram which is good for what its rated for.... but barely...

Such ram is made by Hynix, Legend.... then you have the really good stuff for overclockers and system tweakers, usually its made by Corsair or OCZ or Team Extreme.... not only can they deal with faster FSB's (for when you're overclocking the FSB) but they can also support more aggressive latency timings (which makes the system more responsive as opposed to FSB which is just how >fast< the memory transfers...)...

Will definately be buying corsair next time but that wont be for another year.... need new turbos first >:(


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My supervisor is off sick, so me and my mate are making her a computer out of cardboard. i even photocopied the keyboard and stuck it on some cardboard :( that will teach her for being sick.

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My supervisor is off sick, so me and my mate are making her a computer out of cardboard. i even photocopied the keyboard and stuck it on some cardboard :( that will teach her for being sick.

If she has a cubicle, tape the entrance off and tip a few hundred litres of packing beans into it. Laughs ahoy


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I have seen a pic of that, unfortunately we don't have a cube farm here. I filled a guys draw with packing beans once, he wasn't overly happy.

the other thing u could do is use a screwdriver/ruler to pop the keys off her keyboard... then put them back on in random locations... it'll confuse the hell out of her muahahaha


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the other thing u could do is use a screwdriver/ruler to pop the keys off her keyboard... then put them back on in random locations... it'll confuse the hell out of her muahahaha


Ha did that to my mate on friday, and he still hasn't noticed.... dick

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the other thing u could do is use a screwdriver/ruler to pop the keys off her keyboard... then put them back on in random locations... it'll confuse the hell out of her muahahaha


I had a mate try that one on me. Joke backfired because I can touch type and not look at the keyboard :D

He got immensely irritated that I wasn't taking the bait. :) It all started because I gave him shit about how he's an IT 'expert' yet he types with 2 fingers at about 15wpm.

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I had a mate try that one on me. Joke backfired because I can touch type and not look at the keyboard :D

He got immensely irritated that I wasn't taking the bait. :) It all started because I gave him shit about how he's an IT 'expert' yet he types with 2 fingers at about 15wpm.

Haha. Whenever anyone says they're an expert at anything IT related, you know theyre talking out their cornhole :)

Other thing is to replace the kb with one of those touchtype keyboards without the letters printed on them. Really screws with novices...

http://www.thinkgeek.com/computing/input/8396/ heh....


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hahaha sorry bud already have HID maybe you can take my lead and try a group buy yourself

steve wanna do a group buy for headlights? i wouldnt mind new ones as mine arent too bright!!

Mark - how'd you go with your computer

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Thats a memory timing issue. Either the ram isnt rated at 400mhz / pc3200 or the latency timings are out of whack... I only ever had that with cheap ram. When I switched to corsair xtra low latency ddr I stopped having problems (and got a better whetstone too)


The board is an EP35-DS3 so DDR2. :D

The ram is fine its DDR800 and not overclocked being at 800.

The chip simply has hit its fsb wall at 400; it doesn't like 400mhz; 380fsb is fine. I haven't bothered to find where exactly the fsb wall is.

In the past I've always gone corsair, OCZ etc.. Had a few bad DOA corsair sticks (back in the ddr2700 and 3200 days) touch wood no issues with OCZ.

These days there's no need to go for the top line stuff unless your really after the last poofteenth; 1066 gear can be picked up cheap these days. Run 1:1 - thats a 533fsb of which will easily net 4ghz and beyond; providing your chip doesn't hit its fsb wall before prior. Intels are fairly forgiving to higher latency (unlike AMD) due to their mem controller design.

Save a shit load and buy decent A-data or kingston; you really can't go wrong. Stress it with memtest looping test 5 and then 8; if its bad it will show so return it for another 2.

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hahaha sorry bud already have HID maybe you can take my lead and try a group buy yourself

Mark - how'd you go with your computer

What K are yours Steve? I was going to go 8k but i dont know, i like the 10k. Its a toss up between those 2. Also where did you get them from, ive been looking on ebay, but dont want to comit to the buy haha.

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get 6k man 8 and 10 will be too blue and you'll find your self getting pulled over

and also a common miss conception is the higher the k the brighter they are bit its quite the opposite

i got mine from a group buy in R31skylineclub

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get 6k man 8 and 10 will be too blue and you'll find your self getting pulled over

and also a common miss conception is the higher the k the brighter they are bit its quite the opposite

i got mine from a group buy in R31skylineclub

Alright. 6k it is. Im a member over on the R31skylineclub forums, so might go have a look. Thanks mate. Probly would have gone the 8, but yeh, probly best if i dont get pulled over.

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