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The Sa Wasteland


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Off topic, but +1 to Service SA messing people around. I got told a few weeks back on the phone from them "Yep, you can get your full license. Just come in and get it". So I went down there and the girl behind the counter said "Nope, you can't get it for another 4 weeks. The person on the phone was wrong".

Stupid! 0 customer service skills.

Yep, service SA suck! Was supposed to get my P's back about a month ago, now it'll be another 5 weeks or so.. BULLS**T!!! Had one lesson on my L's the other day (as you have to these days) and the dude said i need to have a few more lessons to 'break some habbits' i have, these habbits are the ones i learnt from the first driver i had before i got my P's 2 years ago.... Its alittle hard to break them seeing i've been doing it for 2 years.. Also why the hell do they need me to do the VORT test? I've had my p's, there for i know how to park, do u-turns and all that shite, so whats the point????? It pissed me off so much when the dude told me that, swear i was gunna hit him at one point, not his fault tho, just doing his job! But seriously why do i havta do all that stuff again, i was caught speeding thru a few red light spped cameras (within 20k's) and this is what i get for it, 8 months (or more if i done pass the VORT) with no licence = bullshit! Stupid system!!!! But yeah i guess... its my own fault... :laugh: dont lose ya licence when your on your P ones.. it sucks what ya havta go thru to get them back!

My rant lol

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GTR Pump will fit BUT for the cost of an old S/H pump why not buy a new 040 or 044 and fit that intank.

I fitted my 044 intank, cost $20 for the lower machined nipple a hose clamp, some suitable rubber and a little efi hose.

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^^ yup, had walbro in my 33, 230 odd rwkw comfortably, stock injectors where @ 100% at times


and lower case when caps lock is on? :laugh:

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