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The Sa Wasteland


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had a good ride on the Toy Run today....little bit wind/sun burnt on the face riding up but wore a mask on the way down which helped abit.

interesting that it turned out to be an illegal event under Rann's new bikie laws.......would've been hard to enforce those laws with over 30,000 bikes there and members of 3 clubs riding together up front.........and no shots fired at each other either, lol

Toy Run was great. Enjoyed giving the little kids a passing hi-five ... hope I didn't break any of their little fingers :) The odd shower on the way up was annoying, but not enough to get wet thru the leathers and all.

It was amusing to see the stall for the FREE Australia party. Mike Rann does look the spitting image of Hitler. :laugh: Illegal event or not (under Rann's stupid laws) the Toy Run has always been a success. Was good to see the 3 clubs at ease with each other ... which was good for me and Pete as we were in the middle of it all. ;)

Heard more talk on that issue after the Toy Run Pete. Caught up with a few MRA guys and Mr Rann is running scared with this new political party being formed. Some senior MRA reps and party members have discovered that their phones have been taped too. :down:

Also heard a funny little story about how Media Mike's first wife left him for a biker :laugh: ... motive?

Edited by RubyRS4
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Jen's step dad bought a heap of F.R.E.E gear yesterday. He looks red in the face even with the mask on.

Good to hear there weren't many incidents, hear of a few trail bikes not making it all the way and a Harley or two

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There are always clowns in the crowd, which is why we chose to ride up ahead. There are always bikes coming to grief either thru breakdown, overheating or just dickheads in general.

My mate Jess was riding her VFR back down Glen Osmond after with me and Tracy riding with her. Some stupid idiot in a BMW changed lanes on us even tho he saw us clear as day! Hustling his way across intentionally waving 1.7 tons of metal. I was in a position to get out the way, but Jess was already forced off the road and into a slip lane she didn't want and almost up the gutter. We stopped at the lights and abused the dickhead. He was shit scared when he realised he had no where to go ... not so tough now ;) Hope he enjoys the "mods" to his car! :)

Edited by RubyRS4
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just throwing this out there..

EOI: Nokia 6610 Navigator, used, great condition, ill even throw in new covers for it. Pretty sure its locked to 3. $450 ONO. im looking to upgrade, nothing wrong with phone, just bored ;)

more info http://www.nokia.com.au/link?cid=PLAIN_TEXT_361455

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I'm thinking of taking my GTR wing off today, so I took the screws out to find its glued to the boot. Should I just leave it and get a crash repairer to do it so he can repaint my boot once he is done? Or just pull it off and see how it looks?

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Kudos to Damo (tryandcatchme) for the detail done to my Stagea ;)

Its the cleanest the car has been since it landed in Australia earlier this year I reckon :)

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just make sure the grommets sit tight enough so water can't get in at all.

yeah the grommets work well..

if u lazy like me and dont get the holes fixed by a panel beater, they will need to be replaced about once every 9 months cos they perish

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wow, i got a nice surprise in the mail today

2 years after a non-insured VL hit my in the rear of my old VT,

i got a cheque for a measily 450 bucks out of the 2g im owed. :(

i called RAA and pretty much said wtf, turns out he is only payin $50 bucks here and there.....

scum bag.

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Wing is gone, polished the boot up nicely too. But cannot find any grommets. I went to sprints, super cheap and clarks rubber. No one had the size I need. How am I supposed to cover up these holes? The banana in Japan used some black tape on the old GTS-t holes, maybe I should do the same?

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Craig, you'd be in your rights to ask for interest on the balance owing with adjustment for CPI.......not that it would be very much, lol.

I'd rather take it out of his hide for that sort of amount!

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