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Is there anyone on here that has knowledge on the stock markets or knows someone who does?

I'm looking into investing into 3 different places and need to speak with someone as I'm only going off what I've seen happen in the market and I'm really just making a guess but I will be looking into investing maybe over 10k so I dont want it to be a stupid one :happy:.

I know there are some people on here that have invested so I wouldn't mind talking to them either!

Thanks people!

the words 'resources' and 'mining' come to mind seeing as theyre currently so cheap, theres basically where i put what money i had left...

i wouldnt listen to me though, im pretty much broke. :blink:

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the words 'resources' and 'mining' come to mind seeing as theyre currently so cheap, theres basically where i put what money i had left...

i wouldnt listen to me though, im pretty much broke. :happy:

Having worked at BHP for the last 8 months, i'm not sure I'd agree.

18 months ago they were trading at $35 a share or something like that

2 months before the crash happened, before they declined their bid on Rio, they were at $25 per share. They dropped as low as $12 for a period before I stopped working.

Right now they're at 30.... who knows how long tho. They spent over $40 million trying to take over Rio, and it never happened. The shareholders are going to be asking questions, heads will roll.

Now this is BHP, one of the biggest. I dont know jack about shares, the markets, or any of that funky stuff, however I do know that there are very few certanties at the moment as far as floated businesses are concerned. Most of the value that was attached to the resource shares were based around projected demand from india and china, and now that china has scaled back orders (and chinalco purchased a huge chunk of rio) the whole resources market is in a state of flux. The Indians will probably review their orders in due time. If I had money tho, I wouldnt trust anything but the most conservative investments.

Buy a house in 2 years time after the prices finish their downward slide. At least then you have physical collateral.


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Great night to those who came karting with me tonight. Sad story about fishy, hope that it isn't the dreaded death knock :happy:

Cheers to flick and Luke for getting me and Jugs home :blink:

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hmm dohmar hate to agree but that mine has a big future left in it, yeas hey layed of bout 1000 ppl but there shares are still strong, i my self dont know much bout it but have been told that bhp shares will infact come back strong, i myself would love to invest with them, or another mining resource.

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Yeah last minute thing with my mates, wasn't an SAU thing but some members ended up coming along :happy: Probably should organise an SAU go kart night again eh? Keen for setting it up Dave?

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hmm dohmar hate to agree but that mine has a big future left in it, yeas hey layed of bout 1000 ppl but there shares are still strong, i my self dont know much bout it but have been told that bhp shares will infact come back strong, i myself would love to invest with them, or another mining resource.

they will undoubtably come on strong, it all depends on whether or not you want to take a long term gamble.

Olympic dam expansion project wont begin until 2014 at the earliest, it will take them 3 years to remove the topsoil before they hit the ore body. Once they hit the ore body and start refining and exporting their shares will go right up (considering OD is the biggest uranium mine in the world, let alone the copper and gold 'by products' that come out). However anything could happen in the next 5 years and the shares could go thru any sort of drama. Its one of those things that venture capitalists and stock speculators get paid big bucks to anticipate and quite frankly its beyond my comprehension.

Just saying tho, if I was starting out, I sure as hell wouldnt be investing in multinationals right now


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This months pretty mad for me also, if I get the chance next month I might get my act into gear and get one going, message me your off days from work and I'll make sure to pick a day you aren't working :happy:

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bottom line with shares they are like gambling however it is a much slower process than playing a hand at the casino and the odds overall are better. there will always be insider trading and dodgy creative accounting making it more fun :happy: if you would like to see horror stories to scare you kye look up a company called enron :blink: happy reading

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under the theory of an informed market all investors are assumed to have full knowlege and understanding of the company and therefore the price will accurately reflect the risks and rewards that investing in that company. in lamans terms people know sh*t about the company they invest in it till the price is just about right unless theres some insider trading or fraudelant activitys going on behind the scenes the price should be just about right. if its a usa comp and its not a crazy big company people may be waiting to see what there financial reports will say whenever there posted(i forget what date usa and others gota do em) and look for a bit of change in stock price around then. all advice to buy and sell is based on what the financial reports say which are about as accurate as saying yeah man my cars super fast therefore its faster than fast cars, you cant compare usa companys with those around the world because each has diff accounting standards(its getting better with IASB's but they still have differences) some companys will adjust those figures also (my old boss used to say tell me how much profit you want to make and ill make the reports say that, depending on what they want to acheive suprisingly they want people to invest in the company and records can be adjusted to encourage that. a company called enron springs to mind on paper they were doing extremely well till they filled for bankruptcy.

and in summary of the above chat to me about it next you catch me on here stock market is a risky place my friend are you sure your prepared to lose that kinda $ and if you tell me that cash is from your car loan ill kick your ass


tropic thunder was a bit average i thought had some moments but yeah i wouldnt say great, call me a wet blanket

i'll acutally be investing into 3 different aussie based stores (if i am to invest at all), ive been following them a little and even though they have dropped there was only one reason for that and it was the whole stockmarket scare.

all 3 companies haven't been doing any worse in trades and there shares are quite cheap atm.

i spoke to my works investor guy who works for NAB and he rekons those share would jump from nearly $8 to $22 by next year which is what im looking for to get some more money together for a house.

i know its a gamble but stockmarkets are a long term investment and ill only find out once ive done it although it is alot of cash :blink: ill have to think really hard on this one.

but like i said these are aussie stores. being in USA atm (just started snowing again YAY) ive seen many businesses having to close up shop or reducing prices upto 50-75% off of products not earning much or none at all and places that are vacant with nothing in them, i deffenely wont be investing anywhere in the US markets.

i'm still trying to get points of view on this from heaps of different places and people before i make my mind up because im still not quite 100% on pissing away nearlly 11k haha

the words 'resources' and 'mining' come to mind seeing as theyre currently so cheap, theres basically where i put what money i had left...

i wouldnt listen to me though, im pretty much broke. :happy:

thanks dav, but ive been told to stay away from them (mining) as its still strong yes but wont get me what i want unfortunetly and pretty much what dohmar has already said haha

if you want to know what im looking into investing pm me and ill let you know what i know already (even though is not much) it may help you out abit.

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If i had of left all my investment money in the bank over the past 2 years i would be $15,000+ dollars better off, cos thats how much money i have lost so far :(

I hope it turns around soon, it would be good to actually make some money for a change

Edited by DSTROY
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just got back from morgan, man, did i learn some valuable lessons!

1) DO NOT wake board when half cut, the face plant may not have hurt at the time, but fuuk, it cains the next morning!

2) 4 full grown lads on a 2 person biscuit + boat @ 55 mph + house boat waves = sore cock & ribs.

3)morgan police arent stupid, they can smell that my water bottle wasnt only filled with coke in a dry zone. thank-you for

the $180 fine. happy new year. (my own fault though)

4) eating nothing but chicken snitty's at the pup for 4 nights strait + beam = runs.

other than that, twas a great few days, might mix it up next nye though, have been going to morgs for the last

4 years, time for something different me thinks.

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