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Damn right there Ben, good 15yrs behind evolution. Shit i work in PQAD i see the crappy fit and finish on a daily basis, but no one seems to care. Suck when its the only financially viable GM plant in the world, but the big boss in the states get a 20 million handshake and told to piss off.

You can expect this to affect the whole state in a big way if GMH do go belly up!

Edited by Jamesrb25
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Damn right there Ben, good 15yrs behind evolution. Suck when its the only financially viable GM plant in the world, but the big boss in the states get a 20 million handshake and told to piss off.

You can expect this to affect the whole state in a big way if GMH do go belly up!

no doubt - but it wont just be us that suffers, the entire aussie car industry will get the proverbial boot up the arse - they'll have to adapt real quick or perish. it wouldnt surprise me if we see some big names fall and see the beginnings of some new companies that can cater for the new generation of vehicles


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Well unless the Government fix the Tariffs i can see a flood from Mitsi's, Toyota, Mazda and anyone else who can load a car onto a ship!

GMH's 4cyl doen't go into production until next year, if the place is still up and running then. If not im sure that will come from overseas too.

But what do you expect when you build a thirsty land barge with built in low quality!

A mate just worked it out, we loose 42% of our monthly pay ! :P

Edited by Jamesrb25
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i cant f**kEN beleive you are saying this!!!!!!!!

when i met you i clearly remember you bragging to me how u were trying to "DRIFT" up and down Gorge road and i think i even remember u telling me you hit a post aswell

i think you are one of those "immature little pricks"

oh snap :laughing-smiley-014:

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i cant f**kEN beleive you are saying this!!!!!!!!

when i met you i clearly remember you bragging to me how u were trying to "DRIFT" up and down Gorge road and i think i even remember u telling me you hit a post aswell

i think you are one of those "immature little pricks"


get your fact's straight mate , you don't know shit about me.

...yes i did edit this post :P

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i cant f**kEN beleive you are saying this!!!!!!!!

when i met you i clearly remember you bragging to me how u were trying to "DRIFT" up and down Gorge road and i think i even remember u telling me you hit a post aswell

i think you are one of those "immature little pricks"

oh snap :laughing-smiley-014:


i dont try and drift on the streets , LET ALONE GORGE ROAD ,


and no ive never hit a post , or had an accident to be frank.

i dont even f**king know you ffs , who the f**k do you think you are ?

seriously !

go crawl back under your rock you old coote

...yes i did edit this post ;)2 can play the edit game grow up

yeah nice manners there :P

first quote spot on your forget a lot of people do know you though, Adelaide is small and the things you do people remember, and Dan is hardly an old coote

your initial response is from the ol' truth hurts saying

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Better get use to it Shane. Big announcement tonight, GMH Elizabeth will be going to one shift only, Days and Arvo's will be on a weekly rotation. So one on at day shift rate (bout $150 a week less) then the following week at 50% pay.

Seems the auto industry in Australia is about to go belly up!

Ahhh yes it sucks doesn't it...Us little workers are really ruled by a much bigger monster then can ever be tamed....Sucks but hey thats the way things go, give it another 3 or 4 years and it'll come full circle again, has done this 3 odd times since i've been at this place....

Damn right there Ben, good 15yrs behind evolution. Shit i work in PQAD i see the crappy fit and finish on a daily basis, but no one seems to care. Suck when its the only financially viable GM plant in the world, but the big boss in the states get a 20 million handshake and told to piss off.

You can expect this to affect the whole state in a big way if GMH do go belly up!

PQAD eh....So how much external dealing do you do or is it all in house stuff?????

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Me too ;)

I love this response:

Boo Hoo. Get your precious unions to go into bat for you. If you didn't make so many ridiculous demands all the time for penalty rates, longer smokos, more annual leave, less of this more of that blah blah people might have a little more sympathy for you all.

Perfectly succinct. All you filthy toolbags who voted Labor in are getting exactly what you asked for. All Labor have done is undo the excellent 'work choices' legislation, and put the Unions in full power. Since Labor have been in we have had nearly every trade on strike and bitching one way or another. The 12 years of Liberal prior = no strikes.

So now businesses say 'too hard' to trade in Australia with Unions pushing up wages and workers rights at the detriment of the business actually being able to turn a profit and keep people in their jobs. Hence why so many companies are going offshore (Bonds, Hard Yakka), and you will see significantly more of this in the years to come. Unfortunately these are the people who can least afford to lose their jobs (who have bought overpriced and unaffordable properties in the last few years, who were lent 100% of the purchase price of property when they should never have been given a loan in the 1st place, who live week to week blowing all of their pay on mortgage, booze, smokes etc). These are the people who will lose their homes and start the property collapse.

Oh, and as for this response:

Of the many problems that beset the vehicle industry the most glaring is their blindness to the market. Australian made cars are the best.


Found this great post while trolling around on economy forums too"

The biggest problem in Aus is the fact that many whinging workers don't have a clue as to how business is run. I'm sure that if they ever in their lazy "please sir, more money" attitude of a life looked at why manufacturing is going offshore (as with more and more industry) then they would realise that higher unrestrained wage increases (try 27.50 for doing process line work) leads to that companies competitors (yes, they OVERSEAS competitors too) inflating the australian companies actually cost on to the public. Why? If you employ people for half the rate we pay em then you have a larger margin to work with in terms of price cutting. If a company cannot beat the competitors price what happens?

The company goes bust!!!!!!

Where's your union rep then hey?

The unions arguments that "companies can afford it" seems pretty mute then don't they.

And just what do they say to the employees who now don't have a job?

"The companies are going offshore for greed!!!!"

Of course they go offshore, not for greed, but to save what was once a profitable company from going completely bust due to ridiculous overheads.

Before boofheads shout from the rafters "what about the senior management", take a look at Aus companies that are NOT publicly listed yet thrown in for the blame with the publicly listed companies that in a majority of cases is majorly owned by overseas interests.

Support Australian companies and support private owned ones. That way you know your dollar stays here and Aus jobs won't be lost.

Getting rid of payroll tax on Aus companies only would even up the playing field as well i beleive but Herr Rudd and and SS states won't let that happen. Not whilst he has to find taxes to replace the billions the twit has frittered away on non deserving welfare recipients.

Simple things can be done but i'm yet to see a government (apart from Johnny Howard, who did recommend it to the states) that has actually got the balls to do it.

Buy Aus, employ Aus and become a Aus first country.

Anyone notice that America is doing this already by marking American goods with a "US stimulus" message on them to promote American goods over others. Yeah free market my arse!!!!!

Interesting perspective, and in-line with many of my own thoughts.

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i work in PQAD

I go into PQAD almost on a daily basis to see Jeremy or someone. I don't really know many from afternoon shift in PQAD , just Dave and Ted that I can think of at the moment.

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PQAD eh....So how much external dealing do you do or is it all in house stuff?????

Yeah all in house stuff, on CARE line, basically final inspection point on the final assembly line.

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Me too :(

I love this response:

Perfectly succinct. All you filthy toolbags who voted Labor in are getting exactly what you asked for. All Labor have done is undo the excellent 'work choices' legislation, and put the Unions in full power. Since Labor have been in we have had nearly every trade on strike and bitching one way or another. The 12 years of Liberal prior = no strikes.

So now businesses say 'too hard' to trade in Australia with Unions pushing up wages and workers rights at the detriment of the business actually being able to turn a profit and keep people in their jobs. Hence why so many companies are going offshore (Bonds, Hard Yakka), and you will see significantly more of this in the years to come. Unfortunately these are the people who can least afford to lose their jobs (who have bought overpriced and unaffordable properties in the last few years, who were lent 100% of the purchase price of property when they should never have been given a loan in the 1st place, who live week to week blowing all of their pay on mortgage, booze, smokes etc). These are the people who will lose their homes and start the property collapse.

Oh, and as for this response:


Found this great post while trolling around on economy forums too"

Interesting perspective, and in-line with many of my own thoughts.

I do agree Andrew, Labor have dropped this country in the shit big time!

But people have remember that this country has run on the back of the automotive industry since wool prices died in the arse.

People complain about the amount we get paid as production workers, but until you've worked a repetative job day in day out and worked odd hours, missing out on family life and rearranging your entire life to suit the whims of a Global company that cant produce a marketable product. Then who are they to judge.

Yes i agree we are well paid, about $27/hr plus shift loading, but working 3-11pm isn't easy, shit im basically going to be working for half wage for the next 12mths.

As for being unskilled labour, do they have any idea of how many fully qualified tradies work at Elizabeth?

I do agree with parts of those articles, but until you've worked in the job, you really are in no position to judge. (not refering to you Andrew, i can see where your coming from)

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When I reverse out of my driveway there is a creeking/cracking sort of sound from the front of my car, sometimes i will hear it around corners but very rarely when im driving.

Is this suspension bushes or something?..

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Yeah sounds like dry or warn bushes there Penny, maybe get it to pedders for one of their suspension check ups

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Me too :(

I love this response:

Perfectly succinct. All you filthy toolbags who voted Labor in are getting exactly what you asked for. All Labor have done is undo the excellent 'work choices' legislation, and put the Unions in full power. Since Labor have been in we have had nearly every trade on strike and bitching one way or another. The 12 years of Liberal prior = no strikes.

So now businesses say 'too hard' to trade in Australia with Unions pushing up wages and workers rights at the detriment of the business actually being able to turn a profit and keep people in their jobs. Hence why so many companies are going offshore (Bonds, Hard Yakka), and you will see significantly more of this in the years to come. Unfortunately these are the people who can least afford to lose their jobs (who have bought overpriced and unaffordable properties in the last few years, who were lent 100% of the purchase price of property when they should never have been given a loan in the 1st place, who live week to week blowing all of their pay on mortgage, booze, smokes etc). These are the people who will lose their homes and start the property collapse.

Oh, and as for this response:


Found this great post while trolling around on economy forums too"

Interesting perspective, and in-line with many of my own thoughts.

preach brother, preach!

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Perfectly succinct. All you filthy toolbags who voted Labor in are getting exactly what you asked for. All Labor have done is undo the excellent 'work choices' legislation, and put the Unions in full power. Since Labor have been in we have had nearly every trade on strike and bitching one way or another. The 12 years of Liberal prior = no strikes.

Yawn, you liberal fanboys are really hating Kevins approval ratings right now aren't ya :( Workchoices was a farce, the population turfed Johnny boy out because of it.

So now businesses say 'too hard' to trade in Australia with Unions pushing up wages and workers rights at the detriment of the business actually being able to turn a profit and keep people in their jobs. Hence why so many companies are going offshore (Bonds, Hard Yakka), and you will see significantly more of this in the years to come. Unfortunately these are the people who can least afford to lose their jobs (who have bought overpriced and unaffordable properties in the last few years, who were lent 100% of the purchase price of property when they should never have been given a loan in the 1st place, who live week to week blowing all of their pay on mortgage, booze, smokes etc). These are the people who will lose their homes and start the property collapse.

Good. It means when time comes for me to buy a place, the property will be cheaper ;P All these people out there who have no jobs and simple buy investment property after investment property while reaping in tax benefits are the cause the houses were inflated beyond their worth and are directly reponsible for the lack of affordable accomodation - rental properties included. I find it amusing that labor bashers myopically ignore the fact that this Global Financial Crisis (GFC) was the catalyst for many of these businesses cutting their workers. It has nothing to do with trade unions. I work in IT, we have NO UNION and we're feeling a 3% downturn since last xmas. 3% might not sound like much but its just the beginning. All of these businesses are closing/moving because they are nervous about being able to survive - its a marketplace after all and if people are scared about their livelihood and income then they're hardly going to be spending it on plasma tv's, new cars and such things - hence the stimulus package. Now I don't anticipate everyone out there to spend their refund on buying goods - a lot of them will put it on credit debt and other things that dont really stimulate the economy but would help them out marginally.

Companies like Bonds have been offshoring workers for the last decade. If you don't believe me, try calling up Telstra or Optus or AAPT and tell me if you're talking to an Australian or someone from a foreign country that's prepared to work for peanuts.


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