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The Sa Wasteland


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hehe yeah,

i watched hannibal the other day, now i feel the sudden urge to go eat people :)


haha not wrong there Craigy Boy!

That's just like watching Broke Back Mountain the other day and now I have the urge to........................oops, maybe not :devil:

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How the hell do I loosen off the power steering pulley so I can change the belt? (RB20)

Cracked the bolts holding the pump onto the bracket (so it can swivel and slacken the belt) then un did the tensioning screw thingy but the pump just stays where it is and the tension screw starts to come out.

Help? :(

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powersteering sux on a R33 you should have a nut on a long thread need to undo that like half a turn at a go takes for ever on my car if you dont know what i mean ill go take photo

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Yeah I've got that long arse threaded nut thing that I'm guessing is to add/release tension on the pulley but when I undo it it starts to come out of its thing and the pulley just stays where it is (as opposed to moving closer to the engine so I can get the belt off)


Aeropalace (Palace Aero) genuine rear bumper price 42,000 yen (including tax) will be sold at bargain bon appétit low-price items! ! ! ! !


Edited by AndrewJZX100
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