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i now have a box of stupidly expensive earls bits and pieces to go on the s14. just gotta pic up one more adaptor fitting from outlaw, and 2 90 degree bends from somewhere else and ill fit it all up.


Edited by scandyflick
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i now have a box of stupidly expensive earls bits and pieces to go on the s14. just gotta pic up one more adaptor fitting from outlaw, and 2 90 degree bends from somewhere else and ill fit it all up.


Did you get it all through Outlaw's Dave?

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hey all.

does anyone have an account with motor traders? can get cheap parts?

need 4x hec716 (ls1 coilpacks)

going external setup on the CA18det..

if anyone has hook ups let me know :P


took my car to get some work done/oil cooler fitted. picked up the car and oil cooler lines were cut to "make them fit better (too long apparently)"

once they were cut the workshop couldnt get fittings to go on them so now i have an oil cooler with cut lines and nothing to connect them with..

what can i do? claim them against the business?


You won't be able to claim against the workshop as they will say that the problem was caused by the cheap lines. if they had provided the parts then you would have a claim. bring the lines to me and i'll get the fittings on them.

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Gotta love the justice system.

The police caught the guy who broke into my parents rental property, got locked up but then released on bail a day later. Found out he was released last week on bail for beating a guy up. They can't lock him up for longer as this offence is totally different to the others.

What a load of shit.

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Hey guys I have a quick question, I did search and did find an answer but I just wanted to see if anyone has a difference of opinion. If I am fitting aftermarket CF N1 Vents to an aftermarket FG bar, what is the best method of holding them in there?

Cheers :)

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nice big plume of black smoke across the northern burbs - pgs (plastics granulating factory) has caught fire in kilburn

i could see the plume from semaphore... 30 metre tall flames as i drove past.... fireys are worried cos there are lpg tanks nearby and folks have been evacuated from their houses... looks like every cop in adelaide is down there


go for a cruise if you're bored, they got bigger fish to fry tonite lols


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Gotta love the justice system.

The police caught the guy who broke into my parents rental property, got locked up but then released on bail a day later. Found out he was released last week on bail for beating a guy up. They can't lock him up for longer as this offence is totally different to the others.

What a load of shit.

Unfortunately, thats a (fair) case of innocent until proven guilty. Until the court case prosecutes him, any further (accused) offences are to be treated without prejudice. Why cop the second offence harshly is you're innocent of the first offence?

Thats just the way things work.

I know what you mean tho. A close friend was killed in an auto accident by a crim who was on bail for murder at the time. His first offence (altho prosecuted for it) was not taken into consideration in sentencing him for killing my friend. He got 7 months added onto his already 7 years (for murder)!!! So he basically got a freebie before going to jail. FAIL

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