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amen to the feral stickers.........bugger we didnt get any on the "sound dragon" hahahaha

another quick edit ..lol for the Forden lovers or the feral..lol made extra tacky looking just for ferals

Edited by sapphiregraphics
does anyone kno a engine builder who can build me a tough 355 or 383 stroker v8 engine???

thinking of selling the line and getting an old skool muscle car like either torana, kingswood premier or monaro

Give Darren Lewis a buzz, built a 550hp 360ci for us a few years back.

Cheers for replying so quickly guys , I hear your points .

The coment about all those pesky little topics though used to be easly sorted by no one posting a coment and they would soon be on the next page and out of sight , for a while anyway . LOL

I agree that there seem to be alot more young guns on the sight now . This is probably why alot of us older members , people etc dont seem to be on as much nowdays .

With out starting a war of words though , with all these younger members on here now and driving skylines , this is what happens I surpose .

All the young ones are entitled to be active members and drive skylines aswell , (prices are cheaper these days) But this I might say is what helps give us results like yesterday. NO DISRESPECT MEANT TO YOUTHFUL MEMBERS .

Hopefully alot of them learn from this and live to a ripe old age like the rest of us . LOL

Pete and Andrew i would hate to have been you guys today! Really looks like the mods had their work cut out for them, almost time for a new keyboard maybe :O

Edited by Jamesrb25

found a couple of good posts in the Mihn article

Minh was a mate of mine. Great guy, loved life and was a laugh and a half to be around. He loved making other people happy, smile and enjoy life. What happened was tragic, it was a moment of stupidity and he did the wrong thing at the wrong time and place. The Government should really do something ie spend some money to rectify and reduce the number of fatalities in the younger generation, my generation. Banning high performance vehicles for younger drivers will do nothing nor will crushing car, its the easy and cheapest way out for the Government. There are two reason for this accident happening, that is the two drivers attitudes were totally wrong and we need to alter this. Possibly by building or reopening a drag strip like Adelaide International Race way and allowing atleast in part those drivers who value their license to have a legal means of expressing their love and passion for cars. Banning certain makes and models is the lazy, quick and cop-out way of going about this problem. No matter whether a young person is driving a Nissan Skyline, a Toyota Camera, or a Hyundai Getz all these cars are capable of doing in excess of 150km/hr and its boils down to the drivers attitude as to whether they act responsible or recklessly. So frankly they type of vehicle is not the problem, further more the Japanese car makes are a lot safer than the equivalent production year Holden Commodore or Ford Falcon in a crash scenario. The second thing that needs to be done is greater driver training for learner drivers applying for their Provisional license. It bothers me to see that P platers are not exposed to how loosing control of a car feels in a safe environment. It boggles the mind to think that inexperienced drivers should have their first real taste of lossing control of a vechile on the roads and that one and only time may be a fatal accident. The governement really needs to build a skid pan in South Australia to allow learner drivers to feel the limits of a car, allow them to better judge the boarderline of this limit and also see what happens when this limit is pass how the car acts and how little they can do if they arent taught what to do in that situation. I myself have participated in motor sport for years now and the knowledge that ive learnt in a safe environment off my own initiative to learn about my car has saved both me and my vehicle from countless potential accidence with inattentive, ill-taught, dangerous drivers on urban roads. Driver education and driver attitude is what needs to improve and the Government needs to step up and spend the money rather than say they will reduce the road toll by introducing more speed camera which blatently has nothing to do with reducing the number of fatalities on our roads. That and also fixing some of the shocking road conditions such as McIntre Rd which is dangerous as anything when obeying the observed speed limit, Magill Rd is another shocker aswell as the Parade Norwood etc the list goes on. How can a driver be in full control when large pot holes and bumps in certain roads due to poor construction and/or maintenance practically steer the car to veer violently right or left? Time for the Government to actually do some proactive rather than remarking the solution is to increase Government revenue and thus by magically solving the problem at hand. Im not hopeful of this happening anytime soon but it is what should be and needs to be done.

Posted by: David G of Adelaide 11:55pm March 29, 2009

SO MUCH TO LIST however we will try THE BIG ###### 1ONE YOUTH SUICIDE KILLS MORE YOUNG MEN THAN MOTORCARS ................................................................................


........I DONT SEE MIKE RAN DOING ANYTHING ABOUT THAT ................................................................................


........................................................ HE LIKES TARGETING BIKIES & HOON DRIVERS IN HIGHER PREFERENCE .............................. 1. driver education must be number one 2. are holdens and fords Not producing performance vehicles for the domestic market available to all age drivers 3.RACETRACKS : well the way i see it it can have many advantages including driver education , advanced driver education and of course motorsport in safe /supervised specific location . 4. RATHER THAN THIS RIDICICULOUS REGENCY PARK NON SENSE , WHY DO WE NOT ADOPT ROADWORTHY CERTIFICATES ??? 5. how many times have you had a tree/plant obscure your vision of a traffic sign 6.if our kids are eligIble for drivers status WHY is this not part of the education programme in our schools ? 7.why are our kids thinking that the police will only victImize them rather than guide them 8.more UNROADWORTHY vehicles post a risk than modified cars 9. those kids you call HOONS...I WOULD ONLY HOPE !!!!!!!!!!!!! have you ever tried to approach and communicate with them about your concerns ( they are kids ) 10 . FOR PETES SAKE STOP BLAMING EVERYTHING BUT THE LACK OF EDUCATION

Posted by: doylecrash of south australia 11:37pm March 29, 2009

they where just talking bout the acco on 5AD (i think its called)

some guy called up and said '' i dont see why these HOONS dont take it to the track, there is a race track in virginia

that holds drag racing every-month, even i race there!!''

ummmmmm, did someone forget there dimentia pills this morning?

they also say that Minh was in a near fatal acco in the hills 2 years ago, is this true?

if so, thought he might have learnt a lesson?

i cant stand people talkin shit they know nothing about, sigh, reminds me of SAU at times :D

C'mon ... SAU members know EVERYTHING :banana:

Didn't you know the younger you are, and the more you can type, the more you know? :O

they just had the minister for road safety on the radio

he thinks having a drag strip is the wrong aproach, as it just encourages hoon behaviour...

he thinks the right approach is counceling, to get the picture accross the cars are not toys, or hobbys..

this prick needs a bullet.

yeah good find Steve & thanks James....believe it or not, I agreed with some of the posts that I was trying to keep out of Minh's "Rest In Peace" thread including the likes of Martin Donnon's response but as I said to a twat that kept PMing me till after midnight this morning.....that wasn't the place for it as it was a sensitive thread that family members were going to view........hence why I said that a new thread about tracks & Mr Rann's involvement could've been started.

^Sled you did the right thing in there mate. we were all getting off track, myself included.

they just had the minister for road safety on the radio

he thinks having a drag strip is the wrong aproach, as it just encourages hoon behaviour...

he thinks the right approach is counceling, to get the picture accross the cars are not toys, or hobbys..

this prick needs a bullet.


You will never know the limits of your car until you lose control, So you can lose control in a big wide open space and know the limits are (both vehicle and driver) or you can lose it in the hills and kill yourself.


some people!!!! :D

C'mon ... SAU members know EVERYTHING :D

thanks, i do know everything. :D



yup, agreed on that one, but this bit...


... not so much. thats a bit creepy actually.

C'mon ... SAU members know EVERYTHING :D

Didn't you know the younger you are, and the more you can type, the more you know? :D

How very true.

Interesting point made by David G in the section Madaz quoted in regards to the road condition. I've been driving for around 17 years and the condition of the roads is the worst I've seen and not just in those areas mentioned by David, it's pretty much all over Adelaide. I wonder how many accidents have been caused by the incredible undulations on our roads

... not so much. thats a bit creepy actually.

come on dude............................................

................................................ you've thought about it

A majority of Adelaides roads are in a third world condition, and why, because rather than the councils doing it properly by digging the whole section out and re filling and compacting they just do hundreds of little patch up jobs. Quick bandaid on a big problem. My old boy has been in earthmoving for 40 odd years and is disgusted by the condition of the roads.

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