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I would like to personally shake hands with the person who invented seedless watermelon

id like to thank the cooking gods too for this. amen.

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SAU users used to tend to be exclusively older, as the price of the cheapest import Skyline was $30k+. However, these days I feel a large part of the deterioration of SAU is the fact that a turbo Skyline can be had for well under $10k, and this opens the forum up to a myriad of younger users, who tend to type before they think on occassion.

hope i dont add to the 'type before they think on occasion' part

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Anyone keen for a cruise down to victor one sunday in the next couple of weeks? Have lunch at the pub, chill out, get some pics etc. Weather the past couple of days has been awesome and been keen for a cruise.

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Anyone keen for a cruise down to victor one sunday in the next couple of weeks? Have lunch at the pub, chill out, get some pics etc. Weather the past couple of days has been awesome and been keen for a cruise.

I would be keen.....if i wasn't working every Sunday till 4pm

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good to hear you arent apologising for something you dont have

just about every post I have seen you make has either been you blowing your own trumpet informing the world how good you are...hows the weather up there on your high horse there champ?

I wasnt the only one to notice it...and this is why you have had an example made of you

a few cliffnotes

1. you are not funny

2. you are not cool

3. your car sucks ass

4. shouting "nice cans" at a comittee member of a car show I am heavily involved in is a very quick way to lose your right to attend it

5. no one...and I repeat no one cares what you think about anything, ever


ahahahahha well said!!!

GOLD!!!!!!! :P

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i had to lol at a mate of mine that i have not seen for a few years.... he has a tattoo of barbed wire around his bicep, and a spiderweb on his elbow and did not know that they both symolise u have been in jail


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man this place is like aids lately, do not want.

ur words say no but your attendance says otherwise, sounds like someone is keen to join my club. and andrew its not son of rajab of the fags its "gay son of rajab" thank you

I definitely don't hate NS, but observe that the vast majority of posters 1). are under 18 years of age, and tend to show their lack of maturity in their comments and posts, and 2). the vast majority of users actually don't even own a car - yet are happy to shell out advice and opinions as though they are gospel.

very valid observation, but is it really only the young 1s that start the tear work? think we've had some older emo's in our time aswell. unfortunately growing up is only optional where as only growing old is not. but eh what ya gonna do :P n yes there prob is more younger emo's than older

i find it odd there are constant posts of sau is going down hill but they still keep coming back, its like fnfurious movie. you'll all complain its no good but you'll still pay good money to go see it.

I would like to personally shake hands with the person who invented seedless watermelon

i prefer shaking hands with beef myself

n craig you prob 1 of those ppl on tv that have the million dollars in interest waiting for them they dont know about :)

and i disagree with point number 5 position 3. if he does not care what he thinks then why post on here and eager for his response.

Edited by Inline 6
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"For a long time, Koreans thought Dr. Wu Jang Choon invented seedless

watermelon, when in fact, he was the first Korean to demonstrated it in


He never claimed to be the inventor. He was merely demonstrating the power

of the genetics. However, this revered Korean scientist was falsely

credited (by and amongst Koreans) for decades after his death in 1959.

It is indeed a Japanese scientist who invented it."

On a forum

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