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nah have to disagree, i highly doubt you would get done in your car if its stock, we have taken flicks 32 through there quite a few times and never been done. The cops up there arent as bad as you think. One of the main cops up there is actually on a couple of the forums now too. He is trying to help things with the sport. The cops there are mainly just to detoure people from doing stupid stuff, the odd person might get done but considering how many defectable cars roll through there, its a very small percentage. Im sure simon will agree too when he reads this.

I think nisskid may have been one of the unlucky ones to cop a defect but i believe all he got done for was a cracked indicator and it coulda been much worse. So they arent up there to just try and screw us over.

i actually only saw this today, and i know the topic is dead but i just want to express my thoughts on the issue, as we have seen this kind of thing happen a few times in more recent times, and as im sure a lot of you know, the defecting issue has not eased.

i was only done for cop shop there, although this led me to deal with a bunch of very uneducated officers at the cop shop, who decided to send me to regency which im still trying to get off of. while i dont really want to go on too long about what i got sent to regency, heres a few of the main things: suspension too hard (has been through regency with same suspension, no problems, spring rate is not much harder then stock), exhaust too LOW, not too loud (lol, its actually higher then stock as it doesnt have a middle muffler), tyres too wide (225's, ive been through regency a few times before with 225's, they are not too wide)

now its easy to say they arnt out to screw us over, but really, what is their motive? they setup outside of a motorsport complex, they setup outside the exits of a charity cruise, and they defect a near stock 300C at a car show (AJD).

u could say that they pick on us because they know our cars are detectable, but the fact is, every car on the road is defectable, about 70% having very noticeable defects. i have said it before, and ill say it again, defecting is a tool used by the police when they have no other legal option to screw u up, defecting is easy for the officer, no court appearances, not much paperwork, finding a reason to defect someone is easy as piss, so its a great tool for them. this isnt all defecting is used for obviously, most of the time they see a car which is simply unroadworthy that needs to be taken off the road.

they dont deny they pick on imports, and its hard to blame them when there are so many dickheads around giving us a bad name, my issue is people who try to follow the law, modify their cars subtly, safely and legally, are still getting stereotyped and picked on, you can do whatever u want to make ur car legal, but police are still able to defect u for something which is extremely minor, legal or even just on suspicion.

this means u can be sent to a inspection station, a station that goes through ur car with a fine tooth comb which would fail 80%+ of cars on the road, pay a $130 fee, just so someone can say that ur car is legal. so u are being fined for suspicion from a officer which is not trained in the area of car inspection.

this is why if u get pulled over for a RBT, u get breathe tested first, you get tested by a device programmed to tell whether u are drunk or not, then u get fined if you are guilty.

you dont get pulled over because the officer is suspicious u are a drunk driver, fined for drink driving, then tested for alcohol, this is effectively what is happening with the defect system and id say its a pretty bloody big break down in justice when someone is being punished for something they havnt even been convicted of yet.

i know its a bit of a rant, but its something that has been worrying me lately, been seeing too many innocent people being defected for stupid stuff.

which means a million piece of shit ke70s with homemade guards, mismatched wheels, rust, p plates and a douche behind the wheel that cant drive to save himself.

i say bring on the defects if its getting wankers like that off the road.

ted, i saw POS dropped on their arse and straight through exhausts rolling past while i was being defected in my stock looking little 4dr for a cracked indicator lense, if u can explain to me how that is going to make the roads safer then id love to hear it.

when i play i play on No Hax Network servers

anyone here play COD4 on GA or internode

NHN| metalrain.com.au/mp_pipeline (Call of Duty 4) [0/26] << My clan

NHN| Public GunGame/mp_strike (Call of Duty 4) [0/20]

NHN| Public #3 S&D/mp_countdown (Call of Duty 4) [0/20]

NHN| Custom Map Server/mp_rvs_streets_final (Call of Duty 4) [0/20]

if you want should jump in vents with us one day and we'll go have some fun


The Man Rules

These are our rules!

Please note.. These are all numbered '1' ON PURPOSE!

1. Men are NOT mind readers.

1. Learn to work the toilet seat.

You're a big girl.

If it's up, put it down.

We need it up, you need it down.

You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.

1. Sunday Sports:

It's like the full moon

or the changing of the tides.

Let it be.

1. Crying is blackmail.

1. Ask for what you want.

Let us be clear on this one...

Subtle hints do not work!

Strong hints do not work!

Obvious hints do not work!

Just say it!

1. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.

1. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.

1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. In fact, all comments become Null and void after 7 Days.

1. If you think you're fat, you probably are. Don't ask us.

1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one.

1. You can either ask us to do something or tell us how you want it done. Not both. If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.

1. Whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during commercials.

1. Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions and neither do we.

1. ALL men see in only 16 colours, like Windows default settings. Peach, for example, is a fruit, not a colour. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is.

1. If it itches, it will be scratched. We do that.

1. If we ask what is wrong and you say 'nothing', we will act like nothing's wrong. We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.

1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an answer you don't want to hear.

1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine... Really.

1. Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as football or golf.

1. You have enough clothes.

1. You have too many shoes.

1. I am in shape. Round IS a shape!

1. Thank you for reading this.. Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the couch tonight. But did you know men really don't mind that? It's like camping.

Pass this to as many men as you can - to give them a laugh.

Pass this to as many women as you can - to give them a bigger laugh.

*edit* That up there ^^ is absolute gold, women read up ;)

if you are on your l's maybe should be learning to drive properly first before going and doing doughy's in it. dosent surprise me at all your saying it though because your how old???

oh thats right and its the school holidays. :) maybe if i put two and two together i might understand something here.

I learnt opposite lock and catching/holding slides before I learnt how to reverse park. In 5 years of driving I've had 1 speeding fine (4.5 years ago) and have never 'crashed' a car whilst driving around the suburbs. I'm not condoning him going and ripping skids in his Commy, but the blanket suggestion of 'learning to drive' involving nothing but learning the road rules is pretty narrow minded.

What would you do if you hit a river of water or an oily patch going up the freeway and the car started to slide on you?

Edited by AndrewJZX100
just pull the e-brake lol

Or learn how to drive! ;)

Just because you can do donuts and slide your car, doesn't mean you have any skill is daily street driving ... it just means you're a dickhead. There are laws against that for a reason. :)

Just because you can do donuts and slide your car, doesn't mean you have any skill is daily street driving ... it just means you're a dickhead.

This is the way of thinking I'm not a fan of. The 'ACA/Today Tonight' way of thinking. Sure, I do skids, I bust hills runs. But it is because I do skids and bust hills runs that I don't drive like a dickhead in the suburbs. It's called time and place :) Ripping a static at the lights in traffic is being a dickhead, sliding intersections in the middle of the day is being a dickhead. Co-incidently I don't do that, so I do not appreciate your comment.

And yes, I do believe car control is a skill that you can use in certain situations. When a car loses control it is scary. If you've never had it happen, you will more than likely panic and not know which course of action to take. Part of car control is not getting into sthose situations, the other part is 'damage control' (no pun intended) once you do. Having said that, I have not had to use these skills in daily driving, as I do not drive like a fkwit, because I prefer to have my fun in a more appropriate place, at a more appropriate time.

My point here is don't write someone off just because they drive their car in a different way to you, they have their reasons. I like to learn about car behaviour, tyre grip and how it is affected by road conditions, and so on. Sure, some simply like to disturb the peace or 'show off' and they ARE dickheads, but don't let their actions speak for everyone.

Edited by AndrewJZX100
But it is because I do skids and bust hills runs that I don't drive like a dickhead in the suburbs. It's called time and place :D Ripping a static at the lights in traffic is being a dickhead, sliding intersections in the middle of the day is being a dickhead. Co-incidently I don't do that, so I do not appreciate your comment.

There is always the track ;)

Suburbs or hills, doesn't matter to me. Let loose in a "controlled environment" like the track. Then you won't get any criticism from me. :)

yes to the track!

true story this, was going down pt wakefield rd and turned off near gawler to get to mates place! road was quiet so i though maybe i should gas it to see how it goes and as i was down gearing i saw something in the middle of the road! that thing was a freaken drunk dude so i slowly dodged him! and damn, just goes to show you never know what is lying ahead

yes to the track!

true story this, was going down pt wakefield rd and turned off near gawler to get to mates place! road was quiet so i though maybe i should gas it to see how it goes and as i was down gearing i saw something in the middle of the road! that thing was a freaken drunk dude so i slowly dodged him! and damn, just goes to show you never know what is lying ahead

Exactly! :)

If you wanna learn the limits of your car, keep it to the track. No excuses. Nuff said. ;)

ted, i saw POS dropped on their arse and straight through exhausts rolling past while i was being defected in my stock looking little 4dr for a cracked indicator lense, if u can explain to me how that is going to make the roads safer then id love to hear it.

while some of those people that drive the buckets would go out n get a more safer car if they got defected most would probably buy an even cheaper bucket thats more dangerous so i guess thats a major reason why most get away with it. although if there driving like a d head in these cars it really would serve them right.

part of it is probably they see you got a nice car so they figure he's got plenty of cash (which in alot of cases is not true) ill take away his car that'll bother him more than any cash fine. i had a cop say the $ 200 dangerous driving (yes i was a lil impatient in peak hour traffic and a grandma woulda waited for a bigger gap) fine is not enough for me before defecting me and not bothering with the fine. i thought to myself i was lucky couldnt really afford the $200 at the time and my cars pretty stock she'll be right. then i went home and realised i was going to regency which i then got a lil worried and thought they cant be that bad people just like to complain. i was wrong, so very wrong

what i find is a dumb correlation they make is the more money you spend on your car the more dangerous u drive. the way i look at it the more i someone spends on a car the less likely they are to risk it with something stupid. there's a reason you never see a ferrari drifting and hardly ever see them punch it.

Edited by gzilla
while some of those people that drive the buckets would go out n get a more safer car if they got defected most would probably buy an even cheaper bucket thats more dangerous so i guess thats a major reason why most get away with it. although if there driving like a d head in these cars it really would serve them right.

part of it is probably they see you got a nice car so they figure he's got plenty of cash (which in alot of cases is not true) ill take away his car that'll bother him more than any cash fine. i had a cop say the $ 200 dangerous driving (yes i was a lil impatient in peak hour traffic and a grandma woulda waited for a bigger gap) fine is not enough for me before defecting me and not bothering with the fine. i thought to myself i was lucky couldnt really afford the $200 at the time and my cars pretty stock she'll be right. then i went home and realised i was going to regency which i then got a lil worried and thought they cant be that bad people just like to complain. i was wrong, so very wrong

what i find is a dumb correlation they make is the more money you spend on your car the more dangerous u drive. the way i look at it the more i someone spends on a car the less likely they are to risk it with something stupid. there's a reason you never see a ferrari drifting and hardly ever see them punch it.

completely agree with all of that.

now its hard to know to what degree paying $$ to regency is a motivation for SAPOL, but there is certainly a lot more money in defecting cars like ours then little rust buckets, u talked about the main one, it wouldnt be worth going through regency so they just ditch the car, driver is out of pocket, regency gets no $$, that or they simply just switch vins, rust buckets can be had for so little that they can buy wrecks for nothing and just swap details and re register it.

but i think really, it comes down to the individual officers, if they were being pressured a lot to defect cars for $$ then they wouldnt be just picking on select vehicles, they would be pinching all sorts of cars, as i said most cars on the road have at least 1 very noticeable defect, and if the car doesnt, well f**k it, just do what they've been doing to imports for the last decade and pick a really petty defect, or even make one up!

if cops were genuinely interested in roadworthyness, and they just didnt want unsafe cars on the road, then they would not be targeting imports and enthusiasts cars, why? because an enthusiast makes sure their car is kept in good nick, they look out for problems, at least moreso than a middle aged women in her VN commodore. hell my old lady drives a VT, the thing is defect ridden, i could fill a page of defects on it, it even looks hotted up, big rims, loud exhaust, body kit, bright paint job, has she been defected in the many years shes had it? f**k no, and she speeds and puts her foot down everywhere.

eh, theres one basic solution, there should be a step in between regency, free of charge, a qualified inspector has a quick check over the defects mentioned, verifies those defects and decides whether to send you to regency or not, this way if your going to regency, your going for the right reasons, not because an unqualified officer thinks u should. they spent how many millions on alcohol detecting equipment to verify drunk driving, they can spend a fraction of that on something for defects.


You meet people at the 'Malls Balls'

You consider 40 degrees to be a bit warm

You drink Farmer's Union Iced Coffee

You drink Coopers

And you know It's the best beer in the world

You've been to the brewery lights's

You've eaten a Balfour's frog cake

You know that a Berliner is something you eat

You like YoYo biscuits

You grew up on Fritz & sauce sangas

You know it's a 'yiros', not a 'kebab'

You can drink SA tap water without noticing any unpleasant flavours

You've been to the Pancake Kitchen (open 24 hours)

You call the corner store a 'deli'

You pronounce graph as 'grarph', plant as 'plarnt' and dance as 'darnce'

You know that Victor Harbor is the only place to be for Schoolies.

You went to school camps as the Red Shield Aquatics Camp in Victor Harbor

You know where 'Porta Gutta' is

You have been to the club formerly known as Heaven at least once (and you were under 18).

You have been to Flashdance at HQ at least once

You've started the night on the East End then drunkly walked through Rundle Mall in the early hours to get to the West End (or vice versa)

You know that there's more than one way to have a good time on Hindley Street

Pints are the big beers

You've been to the museum on 5 different school excursion but never returned as an adult

You've been to the St. Kilda playground

You miss Magic Mountain at the bay

You know that 'the bay' is Glenelg

You would never swim at Glenelg because it's gross

You have been to Glenelg and got extremely sunburnt

You know the state floral and fauna emblem (but just in case it comes up at a quiz night)

You still call AAMI Stadium, 'Footy Park'.

You support the Crows/the Power

And you'd rather give up your first born than see the other team win the flag

You know the South Australians invited the checkside punt

You have a very strong opinion on Lleyton Hewitt

You forgave the Chappells for the 1981 Underarm Incident purely out of South Australian patriotism.

Your 'sports gurus' are KG and Cornesy

You've never watched NRL

You've been to the Christmas pageant as a child and as an adult

You've lined up for more than half an hour to see Santa at the Magic Cave

You've bought something from the pie cart

You know what a pie floater is

You've eaten a pie floater

You can't go out without seeing someone you know

You shop at Foodland

You have a Hills Hoist in your backyard

You know the Hills Hoist was invented in South Australia as was wine casks, penicillin and the retractable seat belt

At least half of your neighbours were born before 1950

You can leave work at 5:15 and miss 'peak hour traffic'

Your definition of 'peak hour' traffic is more than 5 cars at a red light

You're always running late because the public transport system is so old

You know and love the sound the ticket machine makes on public transport

You feel like punching the next person who calls it the City of Churches

You walk past at least 5 churches on your way to work

Seeing a large, Aboriginal man walking around town in a leotard and gum boots in the middle of winter does not surprise you

You know his name is Johnny

You know who Stormy Summers is

You think the 'Tiser has no journalistic integrity whatsoever.... And yet you still read it every day.

You remember John Martin's

You've been on the Pop-Eye

You know the people out on the Torrens are either tourists or rowers. No one else would go near that water.

You know where beehive corner is

You hate the new tram

You think the Festival Centre is a wonder of modern architecture.

You've used the term 'minda' as an insult

A pale/palie is a Coopers Pale Ale

You've saved up your bottles and cans from a big night out, collected the 5c deposit and then used it to buy more beer

You know what a 'stobie pole' is

You say 'heaps good'

One of the first questions you ask a person is where they went to school

You have the same friends from high school

You don't like Victorians

They stole our Grand Prix

Your dads best friend friends next door neighbour knows some one in the Hells Angels that can get stuff.

You acknowledge that, while half of our state is uninhabitable, you know that it's still the greatest.

You console yourself that, despite all our faults, at least South Australia wasn't built by convicts.

You understood and laughed at this list

You live in South Australia

And you'll probably die here too

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