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Dale, Mitch hasn't done anything that could warrant those 4 words.........someone else did but that was edited immediately.

However Mitch, as Dale rightly pointed out, discussing it with us in here won't necessarily endear you to them........probably best to sit down with Dave Keen (one on one) and discuss their liability in all of this.

ive already resolved the issues with Michael in person this afternoon.

spent 2 hours there talking with him and all is well.

counting my losses and moving on.

Dale, Mitch hasn't done anything that could warrant those 4 words.........someone else did but that was edited immediately.

However Mitch, as Dale rightly pointed out, discussing it with us in here won't necessarily endear you to them........probably best to sit down with Dave Keen (one on one) and discuss their liability in all of this.

PM sent

And what did he say Mitch? Tell the truth now because i to have spoken to TT.

What do you mean why?

you have just dragged their name through the mud by saying that they are going to leave you high and dry and now that they are offering to help you out you won't correct what you have previously said. That is why?

P.S. they found it very interesting that you were having a winge online when in their eyes they were in discussions with you and that nothing had been decided. Also that you were saying that you weren't saying anything about the incident but it was your mates that were winging, this clearly isn't the case.

Edited by D_Stirls

what was resolved is between myself and Michael.

ill post up when its all sorted and back to normal.

err, not quite Mitch, you've chosen to make this public so you can't leave this unresolved (ie. if they have actually offered to help you) cause it'll appear to the rest of us that you've been stung by them............your quote "counting my losses and moving on".

Read this, fair freeky shit, taken from ns.com

the old meat works at Old Noarlunga are pretty f**king creppy, just stand out the front of that thing gives me the chills.

my GF didn't believe that the place was abandoned so we drove up to the gate and we were looking around everything was cool until we noticed the pile of childrens bikes by the gate, then we saw another pile of dolls with no heads and the and some animal skins hanging from the barbed wire fence...... that was enough for me and i jumped back in the car and hooked it out of the there.

i asked my mother about it later on and during its time in operation they used to have to evaporating pools along the fence filled with the blood and other liquids so they would obvously evaporate out.

did some searching

"schniders alley (however its spelt). Its the place in adelaide hills, where urban legend has it, satan worshippers go to have their whatever meets."

-approximate directions -pretty sure its on the road between Kengsington rd and Greenhill rd, its on the same side as the school (think its St Peters girls??) but up further towards green hill road, there is and old wall and some gate with a path leading through..isnt that hard to miss... never been up the alley though, but driving past friends have gone on bout how its haunted. so guessing thats it.

"Kapunda has lots of caves and old copper mines and quarries..."

"uley chappel on uley rd in elizabeth/munno para. I forget the actual stories but apparently you can see the ghost of a little girl and the ghost of a lady in an oldschool white dress roaming the grounds every so often. Oh also some 'dark' figures. The actual chappel has been knocked down, but the rest of the cemetary is still there. It gets creepy at night time."

"the halfway hotel is haunted. dude hung himself in the cellar years ago when there used to be accomodation, baaad vibes down there. staff have seen a dude walking around after close when there's only 2 peeps left in the venue. lights/radios switch themselves on and off in areas have been locked and alarmed for the night. bottles fling themselves off the shelves in drive through, that kinda shit. staff member got physically pulled down some stairs when he was alone. weird, weird stuff.

finsbury hotel too - same kinda thing..."

"Apparently clarendon near mount bold resevoir a road around there is haunted and ur car stops. Some girl jumped in the resevoire and killed herself."

"The old Norwood primary school - people believe that once a grounds man who hung himself in a class room. Its made out to believe that the lights at night Flash on and off Fade in and out. If you were to look at the window you would see a white shadow moving side to side staring you in the eyes. Its also set to believe that the body of Grounds keeper Brown was buried at the school. Keeper Brown killed himself on March 29th 1940 and on every March 29th he appears around the whole school and protects himself and his grounds from any moving object within the 100 meter radius. "

"Anzac Highway seems to be a place full of ghost stories. There's one of a girl who hitchhikes on Anzac Highway, supposedly... she's meant to look like a normal person and all. If you pick her up and drive her home.. when you get to the front of her house she looks at you and her face turns all bloody with broken glass in it and stuff then she disappears. She's a ghost of a girl who died in a car crash or something".....might be cush looking for a lift.

"On Anzac Highway there's meant to be a family that all died in a car crash.. if you drive late at night their car is meant to drive along next to you with all the family member's ghosts looking over at you... freaky as."

"In primary school one of my teachers told us that he saw ghosts of a little girl and a little boy at a train crossing near Regency Road. He drove past the tracks and saw a little boy and a little girl, both in white PJ's.. when he looked back in his rear view they were both gone. "

"I'm not sure how accurate this one is but as a student at the University, especially one that uses the lifts, I find it spooky.

Anyone that has ever been to Adelaide Univeristy knows that the elevators in the 'Napier Block' of the univeristy are notoriously unreliable. Often they will go to floors (there are nine in the building) in a haphazard order. Sometimes you can wait up to three or five minutes for one of the three elevators to reach your floor. Its possible that this urban legend developed out of pure frustration, something I can relate to having had to wait for the lifts before. Anyhow here it is;

A female student at the Adelaide Univeristy campus was up all night finishing an assignment that had to be in before the next day. The deadline for it was 12 o'clock that night, and it had to be in the 'assignment completion' box outside the English Department on the University campus.

The student finished the assignment with little time to spare and quickly ran off to the university to hand it in. Needless to say it was nearly 12o'clock and, of course, it was raining. By the time the student reached the Napier Building, where the English Department was located, she was soaked.

The student decided to take the lifts as the English Department was on the sixth floor. The student became a little spooked when she noticed that the building was mostly empty - the lights were off, all the doors were closed and nobody was around. Even the cleaners exited the elevators to go home as the student got into them. Although this was not suprising considering the time of night.

When the student got out at the English Department floor (the sixth) she did note that the light was on in the last room at the end of the hall several doors down from the English Department's 'assignment completion' box.

The student handed in her assignment and pressed the button for the elevators to come to her floor. By the time that the elevator arrived a lecturer had come out of the door at the end of the hall, turned off the light and was running to catch the elevator that the student was on. The student was wet, cold, and a little self conscious about just the two of them being in the lift at this time of night when no one else was around so as the lecturer went to get in the elevator she pressed the 'close doors' button saying "sorry you'll have to take the next one". The lecturer had a shocked and terrified look on his face as the doors closed but the student tried to put it out of her mind, running out of the building to get home to avoid having an argument with him.

The next day the student came to the university to apoligise to the lecturer for being rude, but found his door locked. When she went to the English Department to find out where he was they said that he had had a heart attack last night and was found by one of the cleaners in the morning. Apparently the heart attack had not been that serious but he had been unable to press the button to call the lifts and collapsed outside of them, by the time the morning came he had died.

It is said that when you are waiting for the lifts late at night in the Napier Block at the Adelaide University they will always take you to the sixth floor where the English Department used to be (this does happen often), and if you look in the mirrors at the back of the lifts when the doors close you will see the shocked, terrified face of the lecturer who had the heart attack.

Also it is said that on really rainy nights at the university if you look from outside the Napier block at the sixth floor around 12 o'clock you will see the light at the end of the hall (visible due to a window at the end of the hall) blink on and off several times as the ghost of the lecturer vents his frustration.

Incidently I have spoken to the lecturer that now operates out of the office at the end of the hall on the sixth floor and she says that sometimes she leaves the light on just to continue the urban legend. But also she complains that often late at night when it is rainy the office does become very cold - of course the building is made out of brick and has dodgy air conditioning.

I write in mainly though because me and a few friends were wandering through the university late one night and dropped by the Napier block to see if the lights flickered - they did. (Of course we had consumed large amounts of alchohol.) "

"adelaide arcade or regency arcade is said to be haunted"

"st kilda playground and snippers alley in burnside"

"the Kapunda Girls Reformatory & St John's Baptist Church on Reformatory Road.Its mostly demolished now except for the cemetary and it gets pretty dark at night"

"There is a "Schneiders Alley" near Kensington. It is a haunted forrest (between Stonyfell and Cleland). Ive been there 4 times and on 2 occasions weird stuff.. i mean very weird stuff has happened."

"There is a "Schneiders Alley" near Kensington. It is a haunted forrest (between Stonyfell and Cleland). Ive been there 4 times and on 2 occasions weird stuff.. i mean very weird stuff has happened.

It is believed that in the 1800s a doctor had a place in the forrest where he treated patients. Apparently a demon possessed him to kill his wife kids and many of his visiting patients before killing himself. That is where the name Schneiders Alley originated..

However... such incident has never been reported - perhaps because it was too early for technology to document such a happening.

On the otherhand, there has been reports as early as the 1930s that a fireman who lost his footing on a cliff edge was burnt alive in the forrest. His Ghost is said to roam the forrests and even haunt a restaurant near by known as the Waterfall Gully Restaurant.

The first time i went there, with 2 friends.. We came to an old painted sign to the right of the path. The sign was creaking as its post was moving from side to side.. There was not enough wind (if any at all) to be moving the sign like this..

The 2nd and 3rd time nothing happened at all.. But it is still pretty spooky.. Both these times there was a group of about 15... We noticed a bunch of emos doing a cult or some weird stuff there.. could of been a weegy boared but not sure...

The 4th time however was by far the scariest visits..

I had gone there with a mate and 2 girls.. mainly to get a blowjob. However we did not even get to the forrest.. we were walking through the entry to the forrest which is also dark and in autumn covered with dried leaves...

When you step on the dried leaves you could hear your footsteps.. But my friend told me to stop as he heared excessive footsteps.. For example he said "Stop! did you hear that?"

"Hear what," one of the girls replied.

"It sounds like someone is walking with us.. There is no way only us 4 can be making those footstep sounds..," My friend replied again

The girls and even i thought my friend was trying to creep me out..

I tried to listen out for more footsteps as I could tell my friend was getting nervous and he actually meant it... but i did not hear any additional footstep noises..

10 metres down the path... my friend yelled out stop again.. Everyone froze almost immideatly.. For a second or 2 after we stopped.. We heard footsteps stopping right behind one of the girls... I mean about 1 metre behind her..

Shone the torch straight away.. nothing... We looked ahead and saw a transparent ghost in mid-air... about 3 feet from the ground looking right at us... He had a firemans helmet on.

The girls had screamed and already started running back to civilisation.. My friend and I looked in disbelief.. We have never seen anything paranormal and freaky like this.. I was in shock i couldnt move or talk.. My friend who was a body builder started yelling swear word out of fear"

The ghost had light blue electric flames all around it and pointed at us...

He said in the most fkn freakiest voice which i have never heard before...

I would be lying if i didnt say i pissed myself cos i did.. My heart was beating 100mph..

and we ran so fast we ran past the girls and to the car.. We dont like talking about what happened.. especially the 2 girls..

We have never returned since that night in 2006 "

"Greenwith House - I live in Greenwith - never been there.. House is built in 1800s.. heard a family recently left because they were heaing whispers 24/7 .. leaving the house abandoned.. people manage to get through.. some say they hear whispers..

I just read the Schneiders Alley story to my mum, she said that when she went there which was over 20 years ago they did exactly the same thing as stop! stop! someone is following us! -the footstep sound. She said they didnt see a ghost though. Freaky.

Anzac Highway seems to be a place full of ghost stories. There's one of a girl who hitchhikes on Anzac Highway, supposedly... she's meant to look like a normal person and all. If you pick her up and drive her home.. when you get to the front of her house she looks at you and her face turns all bloody with broken glass in it and stuff then she disappears. She's a ghost of a girl who died in a car crash or something".....might be cush looking for a lift.

that one i dont believe for a second....i saw it on youtube overseas...... the other ones....maybe....there can be a few creepy moments around lonsdale where my mate was murdered.....also....in morphett vale where a school friend was run over and killed......when my missus mum died in her sleep and my missus found her the next day, the alarm went off and whitney houston's song "i will always love you" came on the radio....was pretty freaky stuff for a 18 year old

hmmmm interesting. does anyone believe these? cos im not to sure about someof them

i do believe them

i can honestly say ive seen a ghost myself.

my mums finace committed suicide back in 97 i think it was, via gasing himself in the car in the garage, about a week before this all happened i had a dream that someone close was going to die, i didnt know how,when or where, then yeah a week later that happened. not long after it all (after the funeral etc) i was in bed trying to get to sleep when i have looked down at the end of my bed and there was a ghost there, couldnt see a face or anything like that, had a big hood on. after that had happend, all i kept hearing was "im sorry, im sorry", "it wasnt meant to be this way"

and yes it all freaked me out at the time,

just made me believe that they do exist and they are not something to muck around with as they can be quite powerful beings.

What posses toothless bogan to egg you on to do a burnout! Sorry dip shit i actually can afford a car and a dentist!

What posses drop kicks to break into the CAMCO SA P/L site i work at in the Botanic Gardens, hot wire the mini excavator and trash the gardens and resturant!


Good to hear your cars back on the road Dave! :(

Just heard about the EXCTO thing too BOOF, not good at all mate. Hope they dont stuff you around too much with it, damn auto industry and outsourcing everything overseas shits me big time!

Yer its ghey...Oh wells holden's and the major bidder for the company couldn't come to a conclusion so they have no choice but to shut us down :banana:

Gotta take the positives outta it though and that is the government training that you get and all that sorta stuff so kinda taking it as a fresh start...12 years down the tube i guess

well... Ive witnessed a UFO on 2 occasions (with other witnesses)

had a ghost stand right behind me, seen by mo bro and the freaked-out cat, then pass by and away (olds farm house)

also had a red orb ball come thru the broken screen door into my bedroom (olds farm house), many years ago

the study room is always cold, nasty feeling, sometimes you just have the urge to Get the f* outa there. door always closes itself, or opens itself. freaky

I used to live in this dero house (while our new house was being built) on Grand Junction Road, it was never dark because of all the streetlights - just an eerie orange. I swear it was haunted. One room in particular, always unsettled and cold and the door would shut itself. Also the stove turned itself on once and also dark shadows. Creepy.

just made me believe that they do exist and they are not something to muck around with as they can be quite powerful beings.

Powerful? rofls

If people arent afraid of the living then why should they be afraid of the dead. Hell, I'm alive and I can pull people down stairs, close doors and rattle crockery :(

And since they're already dead, they can't kill you. They probably just get bored floating about the place and decide 'heh lets screw with this living persons head, watch what happens when i open this door' and then shit themselves laughing


My aunties house in Collinswood was apparently haunted, toys would turn on in the middle of the night (toys that needed to be physically switched on i might add). Apparently a little girl died there.

Family friends bought the Grand Junction Pub in Quorn, apparently its well known as a haunted pub.

Yer its ghey...Oh wells holden's and the major bidder for the company couldn't come to a conclusion so they have no choice but to shut us down :(

Gotta take the positives outta it though and that is the government training that you get and all that sorta stuff so kinda taking it as a fresh start...12 years down the tube i guess

If your looking for some work. There might be a job going on night shift at my work. Pretty easy job. Making irrigation piping and stuff like that. It's down at Ottoway. 38 hours a week and on night shift you get 30% extra on your pay. My father inlaw and Weazy's dad is shift manager.

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