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ill have eyes on the front of the house, the usual parking space, and the car itself (which will be parked elsewhere as of friday morning).

if they come back, they'll have their faces all over a half dozen cctv feeds.

Unless they wear masks... Which is something i'd do when trying to steal a car.

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ill have eyes on the front of the house, the usual parking space, and the car itself (which will be parked elsewhere as of friday morning).

if they come back, they'll have their faces all over a half dozen cctv feeds.

See if somehow a camera can get plates of cars driving by. If you see the car again and can get the plate number, you can make a pre-emptive strike and give it to the cops and report it on suspicion of a planned car theft ... as opposed to suspicion of defect :blink:

Or just do what I did when a slow moving car did the same thing and returned one night ... stand out front with a big fu(k-off stick!

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Sie müssen das lokale reichsfuhrer für irgend solches "regency" Überprüfungen. Sie müssen in den Leder auch gekleidet werden und mit Ihrem eigenen Schmieröl kommen. Wir können und tun Körperraumsuchen. Und wir sind am Samstag geschlossen, weil Samstag ein heiliger Tag ist.

Alle mögliche Fragen, meine kleine Aufladung lecken?


lol, love google translator:

You need the local rich fuhrer for any kind of "regency" inspections. You also need to be dressed and come with your own lubricating oil into the leather. We can not and do Körperraumsuchen. And we are closed on Saturday because Saturday is a holy day.

Any questions, my small charge lick?

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nice boots man. i rate em. how much and where?

$500 daklinic i think im the only 1 in adelaide with em so dont steal my style :blink:

they only seem to have them in white at the moment if you keen to go back to your fruity ways, overall i reckon i liked my last solomons pair better than these cause these remz are a lil heavier and while the skin makes em look better you cant slide on the lace area of the boot. good thing about them is theres a lot more flexibility of your ankles for doing grinds.

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Just got informed by my better half (Tracy) that some possible schools kids on a bus, travelling the opposite direction to her, threw a rock at her car and has busted the windshield. :blink: All happened so fast for her, so she's a little shaken and unclear. But she said she noticed the school kids on the bus, then BANG! Stupid stupid kids.

Farking pissed off now. Grrr!

Yes, we get a free windscreen on our cover ... but thats not the point. I wanna teach them some manners and lessons in safety :blink:

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thats just f**king wrong....dont they look at the news?? that poor bastard damian de wit????......stupid flamin mongrels...i would teach them a lesson...id put them in intensive care...i dont give a f**k how young they are...they put my missus or kids in danger and the unholy hand of hell will be unleashed.....

on another note...glad to hear she's kind of alright

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Yeah, our 10yo lad was in the car at the time too. They're both okay ... thats the main thing. Still not happy about it, but I've calmed down some.

Don't think Tracy will drive down that road anymore. Not long ago she hit a big dog which damaged her car ... now a rock gets thrown at her car! ... and we only got it back from the repairers 2 weeks ago. The Woodville North area is just full of ferals and stupid people. :blink:

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so, i just turned off my music and was about to put my computer away when i hear a car idling in front of my place through my mostly always open window.

so i have a look outside and see an ea/eb ford with no lights stopped at the base of my driveway, so about 20 feet from my window, and i hear;

voice 1: "this one?"

voice 2: "yeah, this one, its always here."

they sit there for a few seconds more, and slowly drive off before gunning off a few houses down.

opposite my place is a another street, so my paranoid mind can only conclude that they were talking about my place.

so im thinking i might park the 200 elsewhere for a few nights.

If you can pay for my petty to get there ill sit in my car down the street abit and camp it out for a couple of nights if u wish haha. nothing works better then some guy sitting in a car staring you down to get you to move the hell on.

Edited by Jack88
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Could i have a little help please fellas.

I am trying to do my pump again, and i am stuck as where to mount it.

Could you tell me from the following pictures, which way i need to mount it.




Last week when i tried, i tried doing in the same way as the third picture shows. Any help would be greatly appreciated, as my car is my daily, and i have work tomz.

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yep i will be booking my car in there soon Damo...

Abe i think your will have to try the way it is in pic 1 mate....well at least i believe thats how mine is mounted....good pumps but suck hardcore when its close to 1/4 tank.....happy fueling

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I have now cut the "C" clip off the bracket...bad move, i must say.

I have mounted the pump as in Pic 3...no good, cant get it down into the tank correctly.

I have test fitted the pump as in Pic 2...still no good.

With Pic 1, it would be impossible to connect the pump to the stock fuel rail on the cradle, as the nipple would be above it. The only way around it would be to run fuel line from the pump straight to the top of the tank.

I have also tried just having the pump attached to the cradle with just fuel pipe...still didn't like it.

...and now since i have cut off the "C" clip at the base i cannot get the stock pump back on as the hose clamp i have is slightly too big...it doesn't go that small.

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o yeah guys.. I just got this email.

Regarding your account: OwnagePranks

The following video(s) were found to be in violation of the YouTube Community Guidelines:

* China Fun Asian Restaurant Prank Call - OwnagePranks - (OwnagePranks)

Because this is the third violation of the Community Guidelines in six months and you have received previous warnings, your account has now been terminated. Please be aware that you are prohibited from accessing, possessing or creating any other YouTube accounts.


The YouTube Team

seems OwnagePranks got owned.

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