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Hey all,

Three days ago I was driving along when I noticed a black Magna VR-X absolutely flying up behind me. It was a two lane road so it could overtake me however there was a Z3 in the other lane. The Z3 and I were staggered so the guy in the magna took the chance to make it through the gap. Actually he didn't have a choice as he was going to fast to stop. He made it through the gap which was lucky because the gap was pretty small and closing. He passed me doing around 120 km/h.... in a 60 zone.

I pulled up behind him at the next set of lights. His lane took off slowly so I overtook. I thought "I'll slow him down" so after overtaking I kept in line with the car in the left lane preventing him from getting past. I only did this for say 5-8 seconds and then pulled ahead and went back into the left lane.

I then took the next left and while taking this corner the guy in the Magna locked up his breaks while changing lanes and he almost went up the gutter doing so. I thought to myself what a wanker can't even drive. Soon after thinking this I realised that he hit the breaks to cut me off so he could abuse me. Mind you this is all occuring on a major street in Perth.

I look behind in my mirrors and see him reversing and doing a u-turn in order to come after me. The Fight of Flight decision making process was quickly decided and I decided Flight was the best answer so I quickly went down a side street and sure enough he was following me. I was going pretty quickly and continued to do so. I went around the block 2 times however he was gaining on me. My 200m lead was now 100m. Unfortunately I was in my 1 litre Charade at the time and the 38kw at the flywheel weren't really doing me any favours.

It's funny what goes through your head in these situations. It was at that point I thought "what can he really do if I just keep on driving". The fuel tank was full so I thought that if I just keep driving he will need fuel before me and I can get away. My objective was therefore to avoid places where I had to stop such as traffic lights so that he couldn't get out and abuse me.

So I started to drive slowly, he caught me and followed me slowly, revving his engine and all that. Then he overtakes me and cuts in front of me diagonally and parks it. I decide to reverse so he reverses after me. I stop and so does he although he almost hit me again in the process.

It's a bit of an anti climax however, I realise he has left a gap so I take off up the inside and as I'm going past just stare at this guy. He was about 35 or something like that and pretty mad. I was able to take the next left and he got caught up in traffic and I think he gave up.

The blood was pumping for quite a while after I got home. What's wrong with some people? In a way I realise I provoked him a little but surely that's not a normal reaction to that situation after all he was the one doing twice the speed limit and almost took me out in a big way.

So if your in Perth just be careful of all male Magna VR-X drivers, he probably carries a gun with him now days just to prevent his prey from getting away. lol.


PS - I thought these Magna's had ABS however it obviously didn't as the skid marks are still there today.

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your first experience? i see ppl drive crazy and f*kn screaming their heads off everyday, seriously there are some crazy ppl out there. but only wen they are inside the car, once u step out of the car and tell them to get the f*k out, they just wined their windows up and shout then drive off. weak k*nts

Edited by ztuned
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Road rage is so stupid.. hate d**kheads that try to take it to the next level. Yeah, lets go crazy and kill someone over someone slowing down in front of you. Could you imagine if people did this while walking around in the city, just go nuts because someone was walking slowly in front of them? Steering wheel warriors ftl.

Although it's hard in the heat of the moment to remember this, but always get regos and report to the cops. Either that or get a friend that has access to a database to run a search, find out his address and then brake fluid his car. :happy:

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There's no excuse to drive like that on public roads. The Magna dude was intentionally trying to intimidate you. That's just weak. He probably had a sh!t day, or wife cheated on him, or boss fired him (maybe the boss and wife hooked up lol) but there's no excuse for taking his anger out on other drivers...even crappy little sub-50kW Charades :P

That guy will get it back one day. And good on you for not acting like an idiot. We've all driven slow in front of wanker drivers, so no guilt there mate :happy:

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HAHA u sure did agrovate him lol, i used to carry a paintball gun in the back just to have a laugh but got busted with it one time. Now i just keep a baseball bat handy sorta hidden in tha back just in case..... i wana go play some ball or something :happy:

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oh yeah, might want to leave out the part where you knew you were going to piss him off... haha

but seriously if he's going to try and kill you with his car over a little traffic incident then I dunno... probably could've happened to someone else if it didn't happen to you.

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hahaha dood u purposely took measures to piss him off. what he did was over board but in future dont provoke people!

Thats pretty much it hey. By no means justifys his actions, but you did start it :wave:

But ALWAYS stay on the main road, just a better chance of people seeing what happens, or stopping to help etc.

Anyway, little story about a road rage incident I had a few years back. Coming home one night through the city, I went around a corner, some dude was jay walking, I almost collected him, due to his not walking where he should have been. So he cracked it, jumped in his 4b caught up real quick and then tried to run me, and my car load of mates off the road. Next set of traffic lights we got to, one said mate opened up his door. This guy jumped across 4 lanes of traffic and went left instead of the right he wanted to go. Moral of the story, drive around with 3 big mates all the time :D

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some dude got shot in melbourne a couple of months ago after aggravating a road rager. you never know these days. if he's a dangerous driver he'll kill himself driving stupidly sooner or later. let karma do its job.

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Provoking some people is nearly dangerous.

Some people are actually mental out there, some are not...I'm unsure what category I fit into.

Ah for the love of road rage!

Not normally one to get upset on the roads, but on one occasion I have been known to stop mid traffic, get out of my car and approach the woman behind me who quite obviously was having a bad day and decided to act in a moronic manner behind me, at me.

It was a narrow two way street, *Its about now I was loving the width of my 33* :nyaanyaa: after her offensive, dangerous and aggressive actions I simply out on my indicator, pulled over, jumped out and approached her car... she took off before I could calmly ask her, if there was a problem with her vehicle malfunctioning or if she was just a rude bitch. I'm hoping she will now think twice before she tries to harass someone off the road. It was hardly rage, as I was completely calm at the time :yucky:

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