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Sorry guys,

I got out on the wrong side of the bed today !! If this 'Ideas' forum is for serious ideas - Why are there threads on Smiles and Avatars. Surely stickers are more important (sic). And SDU must be over it by now.

Why has NSW club got 2 VP's ?? I'm sure each deserves a pos on the board, but maybe there should be a distinction ??

If the club is advertising itself as a national club, why do we have seperate state clubs ?? May be a recipie for disaster ??

How is the board elected ? I know that to start off with , ppl who are doing the most get the positions - But what is the policy on board members moving forward ?

What is the board doing to encourage new members to bring forward their ideas for the club/forums ongoing ?

How can VIC, NSW, ACT, QLD, WA etc chapters be integrated into a national club ?


We should be encouragng as many ideas and opinions as possible to these forms, so to enjoy the longevity of the club.

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Guest Boxhead
Originally posted by brendanf

If the club is advertising itself as a national club, why do we have seperate state clubs ?? May be a recipie for disaster ??

exactly my point, why have it skylines australia if there will not be one organisation.. personally the having each state as a club is very anally violated, and i mean without lube

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Originally posted by brendanf

Sorry guys,  

I got out on the wrong side of the bed today !! If this 'Ideas' forum is for serious ideas - Why are there threads on Smiles and Avatars. Surely stickers are more important (sic). And SDU must be over it by now.

Originally, these forums were set up on my web site (www.mysfit.net) and i set them up in 20mins because of everything happening on SDU, so this idea's section was originally for idea's regarding the forums because they were rushed. But now, they are for any idea's whatsoever, but they still sorta circle around the forums.

Originally posted by brendanf

Why has NSW club got 2 VP's ?? I'm sure each deserves a pos on the board, but maybe there should be a distinction ??

NSW has a treasurer, secutary, 2 vp's and me, the pres. And believe me when i say we all have our roles. Our bank account has 4 signitures on it, 2 needed everytime there is money withdrawn. Currently it has been an expensive excersize and we have all been needed to contribute to this, i am personally down about $300ish dollars. There has been a lot of work to get this going and we are 90% of the way through with just our CAMS affiliation and insurance to look after before we can start taking members.

Originally posted by brendanf

If the club is advertising itself as a national club, why do we have seperate state clubs ?? May be a recipie for disaster ??

We discussed this between the admins for a very long time, it worked out better financially to have seperate entitys with the same backbone, so to speak. Also because we were going to need a fair few cars in each state to make it an option - so far i dont think we have anybody from NT and only very few from TAS. George and Paul can elaborate on this. I will bring it to their attention.

Originally posted by brendanf

How is the board elected ? I know that to start off with , ppl who are doing the most get the positions - But what is the policy on board members moving forward ?

The board wasn't elected. Because it was originally an idea of 2 or 3 of us. When some crap went down with SDU it just made us pull our fingers out and do it. There was never anything to start with, so nothing to create an election from. All this is covered in our club charter which will be given to each paying member. George can elaborate on this.

Originally posted by brendanf

What is the board doing to encourage new members to bring forward their ideas for the club/forums ongoing ?

Nothing apart from this forum. At the current time there are no financial members here anyway. Once we start taking membership fee's, we will look at more ways for the members to put foward idea's, but the club will probably remain internet based, and what better way of putting forward idea's than a forum? everybody has my email address and there are contact details on the main site if they would prefer the idea didn't go public.

Originally posted by brendanf

How can VIC, NSW, ACT, QLD, WA etc chapters be integrated into a national club ?

Because we will all be running from the same charter and all be using the same forums. It is currently national with members from nearly every state posting on these boards.

Originally posted by brendanf


We should be encouragng as many ideas and opinions as possible to these forms, so to enjoy the longevity of the club.

I agree 100%! I promoted this section a lot when the forums first started.

Brendan, I really appreciate you asking all these questions and taking an interest in the club as a whole.


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Originally posted by brendanf

I got out on the wrong side of the bed today !! If this 'Ideas' forum is for serious ideas - Why are there threads on Smiles and Avatars. Surely stickers are more important (sic). And SDU must be over it by now.

All ideas weather they be serious like this thread or silly and trivial like smiles etc are welcome.. We encourage any Ideas

Why has NSW club got 2 VP's ?? I'm sure each deserves a pos on the board, but maybe there should be a distinction ??

You can have as Many VP's as u want.. really this is something that isnt very important, its not uncommon for businesses to have a couple or more vp's

If the club is advertising itself as a national club, why do we have seperate state clubs ?? May be a recipie for disaster ??

This is because of ease of administration.. there are so many reason's why its set up this way.. basicaly u need AGM's etc.. and these need to be attended by all board member's.. could u see all these ppl flying over from every state for a silly compulsary meeting?? Each state needs to have seperate abn's etc.. Alot of organisations are run this way.. especially smaller and starting out ones..

How is the board elected ? I know that to start off with , ppl who are doing the most get the positions - But what is the policy on board members moving forward ?

Well this is my own personal view on this.. But ppl who attend cruises and show general interest will be approached to help out with events and maybe new positons when they arise..

There are alot of ppl who get really exited, want to do this want to do that... but 90% are all talk.. PPl who are genuinely interested in the club are always noted between us.. and will be promoted as we see fit..

What is the board doing to encourage new members to bring forward their ideas for the club/forums ongoing ?

Once we have members etc.. we will look more into this.. not a huge priority at the moment

How can VIC, NSW, ACT, QLD, WA etc chapters be integrated into a national club ?

if u really wanna know.. go to department of fair trading website's and start reading and consider all the legalities.. after a good couple hours u will soon see why things have happened as they have...

We should be encouragng as many ideas and opinions as possible to these forms, so to enjoy the longevity of the club.

Totally agree here mate, as the club idea was first discussed on a cruise with me and christian... the club will of course follow a direction we and other club exec's see fit, this will not always be what everyone wants as u can never please everyone, and if u try to please everyone that is then a real recipe for trouble..

I really want this club to be set up right and last a long time.. I will not be here forever and i want it to continue past that.. there is alot of clubs starting up.. full of late teens and 20'somethings who have seen fast and furious, gone and bought themselves x car and put stickers on adn say there car enthusiasts.. These clubs will die very quickly.. The best part of skylines Australia is meeting new ppl and the friendships which arise from it, and having a common interest Skylines..

as christian has said.. thanks for showing a interest in the club brendan, lets hope ppl will be showing the same interest when membership fee's etc will start being collected.. :)



Urmine :)

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Originally posted by brendanf

How is the board elected ? I know that to start off with , ppl who are doing the most get the positions - But what is the policy on board members moving forward ?

The commitee positions will come up for election every year at the Annual General Meeting. We are yet to set up a regular General Meeting schedule, be it monthly or tri-monthly or whatever.

This will be determined by the number of members and the regular activities that are being run (SuperSprints, Track Days, Councourse, Motorkhanas etc). Eventually, if we get the numbers, I can see it being a very active club. As well we can be involved with other clubs at many events.

Keep 'em coming Brendan. The more questions from everyone the better :(

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Thanks for the history ppl, I understand where you are coming from.

I goota say THANKS to all involved in setting up the forums and the club as it stands today - Everyone has been very helpful - And I have learnt heaps along the way.

I'm sure there a lots of ppl out there that would like to contribute to the forthcoming success of SAU. I know I want too - just gotta get my Skyline.

You guys ust have lots on your agenda - hey.

I know WRX clubs can get heaps good discounts on parts, insurance, tunes, clothes and other stuff.

Anyone know how many Skylines there are in Australia and broken down by state, this may make a good 'penetration' benchmark. Also may explain lack of participation in NT and TAS.

Let me know if there is anyhting I can do to help - I am very good a making fairy bread ;-)


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Just a little follow up to Christians post about Selling Rules....

I think anybody selling stuff should be made to State where they are from....Nothing worse than getting excited about an FMIC and then finding out he's in Perth and I'm in Sydney....maybe we should make everybody go back to there original signup and post where there actually from,,,or make the seller fill out a pop-up questionare before posting.....just a thought


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