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Hi all,

well what a saga my car has been, I will save that for another post......This particular problem I think I can fix:


Driving along, 4wd light is on, no big issue, has happened before and was fixed by restarting the car or wiggling the relay in the boot.

So, I turn the car off, and try to turn it back on and no go.

Stereo Works, Lights Work, Dash Background Lights Work.

Engine warning lights don't work, power windows don't work, and obviously wont start.

Battery reading 11.7V

I check the Fuses and the "Start Signal" fuse keeps blowing. (I cannot remember if it blows with the key in the On or in the Start Position)

So I think i have narrowed it down to:

- Dodgy Ignition Switch Barrel or connections to it. (ie a short to ground)

- Dodgy 4wd relay (ie shorting to ground)

- Dodgy wire between the ignition barrel and the Ecu.

I am hoping it is not the ECU.

Anyhoo, I'll give an update of my fault finding, just putting it out there incase anyone else has had similar/same problem.

PS: I have searched, It helped me figure out what the fuse was for!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Mate, I have the same problem - one minute she's fine, turn the car off went inside, came out and nothing - windows dont work, wont start... everything else works (radio , lights etc).

Have you had any developments since?


I think you just need a new battery ... I know it sounds corny... but trust me, if the battery doesn't hold charge everything is a 'no-goer...' before you spend the bucks and take it to a mechanic... buy a good $70 battery and see how you go.

  • 1 year later...
Hi all,

well what a saga my car has been, I will save that for another post......This particular problem I think I can fix:


Driving along, 4wd light is on, no big issue, has happened before and was fixed by restarting the car or wiggling the relay in the boot.

So, I turn the car off, and try to turn it back on and no go.

Stereo Works, Lights Work, Dash Background Lights Work.

Engine warning lights don't work, power windows don't work, and obviously wont start.

Battery reading 11.7V

I check the Fuses and the "Start Signal" fuse keeps blowing. (I cannot remember if it blows with the key in the On or in the Start Position)

So I think i have narrowed it down to:

- Dodgy Ignition Switch Barrel or connections to it. (ie a short to ground)

- Dodgy 4wd relay (ie shorting to ground)

- Dodgy wire between the ignition barrel and the Ecu.

I am hoping it is not the ECU.

Anyhoo, I'll give an update of my fault finding, just putting it out there incase anyone else has had similar/same problem.

PS: I have searched, It helped me figure out what the fuse was for!


Hey did you end up fixing your problem because now I have the same thing with my R33 GTR. From one second to the next - was going to drive home from work and nothing. Same fuses as yours cone....lights come on, no dash lights but. Was it your barrel?


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