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The Best Use For A Obasan Bike Ever...

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afaik obasan are a type of rider who cuts erratically n shit... kinda like the hoons of the pedalling community in japan.

haha, best go at an "I know japanese but I don't know this word so I'll have a stab" translation. I thought you were a nihon-go student funkeh.

I hope you don't tell japanese people your gammy is oji-san... they may think it strange.

haha, best go at an "I know japanese but I don't know this word so I'll have a stab" translation. I thought you were a nihon-go student funkeh.

actually i thought obasan meant aunt or something, not grandma, but in the context of a bike rider it was the type of people who cut across you with no warning? Kinda like the "you drive like an old woman" thing in english.

meh I'm probably wrong, japanese doesn't seem to be my forte.

actually i thought obasan meant aunt or something, not grandma, but in the context of a bike rider it was the type of people who cut across you with no warning? Kinda like the "you drive like an old woman" thing in english.

meh I'm probably wrong, japanese doesn't seem to be my forte.

nah, people refer to their aunts as oba-san too...

apparantly im an 親父 ...an old man of sorts...!!! PEH! all that and i havent even hit 30/....

actually once you hit 30 you can categorically consider yourself an old man...

i keep telling my kids..IM NOT OYAJI!! im still 29 dammit!!

well, if you want to be picky

obaa-san (with the long a) is grandmother (or any random old lady)

oba-san (short a) is aunty (also used to refer to friends parents etc)

oyaji adam .... hahahaha

I'm quite famous for my oyaji gyaggu (old man jokes)

oh and yeah, I always called it a 'mama chari' as well dodgybrooks.... maybe that was just Kyushuu though?!?

Edited by insanity
well, if you want to be picky

obaa-san (with the long a) is grandmother (or any random old lady)

oba-san (short a) is aunty (also used to refer to friends parents etc)

oyaji adam .... hahahaha

I'm quite famous for my oyaji gyaggu (old man jokes)

oh and yeah, I always called it a 'mama chari' as well dodgybrooks.... maybe that was just Kyushuu though?!?

I live in Kanto, so it's probably not just a local thing.

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