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Guest terrance

oh man, i was reading this and when you said make him happy, i was like "sweet, thats what i meant". i was happy.

but then i saw the ps. now im sad. *tear* i was trying to be nice. sincerely. why must my actions be second judged?

*brain flash* are you trying to instigate something with me?


I just was out with him and I wanted to bash the fck out of him coz he was being such a fck,

i am fkn crying right now because of this shit

he doesnt fkn care that my friends and I are there for him

especially ME!!! I am begining to wonder if I wanna talk to him or not because nothing I say is taken in by the dumb fck,. He....its pointless talking this sh it coz no one knows this bloke

He was drinking solid from bout 5 till 12

its fkn horsesh it. I have no fkn idea what to do and its making me depressed because I keep thinking that I try to help yet nothing ever happens. I just cant believe that he thinks that no one cares for him. I care more than he will ever know

And if I catch anyone trying to start shit on here, watch out c*unts. I swear that I WILL hunt you down because this isnt your problem. I appreciate any help but no fkn shit to be started on here. Plz, I dont need it right now. I thank all that gave advice, and more advice given I will be SOOOOOO grateful. I just dont know what to do when he does this shit to me. I know he is going through this terrible time but I am an emotional person and this is affecting me so bad at the moment. I am looking for someone to take it out on. And I fkn hate that about me. Anyone who knows me will know some of the shi t that I have been through. >>>>Ash<<<< I know how you feel bro, when my brother died, I had to call up my parents and let them know, not many ppl know that but hey, nows the time to get everything out i guess. One more time, no shit to be started on here. Plz.



Guest terrance

oh, yeah. tis a relationship forum, but you get the odd guy/gal that wants to kill themselves after a breakup. i dont know if the threads i remember have been pruned or if they are still there. they had some good advice. if i find it, i'll let you know.

bah, disregard the whole thing. sorry

Guest terrance

does he really want to off himself? if you really feel its not a cry for help kind of thing, perhaps you should get his olds in on it. if he isnt close with them, then the people he is closest to most (whether it be mates, gf, whatever)

you mentioned he told you he tried it once already. did he say how? were there any marks on him? perhaps he's only been thinking about it and by telling you he wants to see your reaction if he really did decide to do it. again, this goes to cry for help.

i had a mate that wanted to kill himself. i had two ways to go. show him sympathy, empathy. smother him with love. or, call his bluff, tell him to just go do it. scare the f*ck out of him

i went for the second. i pulled out the knife slammed it on the table and told him to go for it. poker face and all. i didnt flinch and stared him in the eye. he sh*t himself and went outside for a smoke. i followed and had one with him. we chit chatted about unrelated shit. after the smoke i asked him if he was good. he said yeah. that was a couple years back. he's ok now.

but im not telling you to do that. the situations may be extremely different. looking back, what i did was dangerous. but like you said about your mate, you got so sick of his gay sh*t you wanted to bash him. i felt the same and decided to gamble thinking all he needed was to be scared straight. if something like that happened to one of my mates now, i'd probably go the other way and do what i can to make them happy. (i dunno depends on my mood)

i dont know whats wrong with your mate, whats caused it all. but if he feels he has hit bottom and wants to give up, tell him that theres actually a bright side to hitting bottom. theres no other direction to go but up.

anyway, im f*cking tired and am going to bed. i have a mate who is a dr and works at a clinic. theres also a therapist at his clinic (hott too btw) and if u want, i can get you her card. offer's there.

Originally posted by terrance

anyway, do u know why did your dad kill himself? (legitimate question)

i know why.

And people that know me... know. That's the way it will stay.


Frustrating isn't it? It's just the way it is. Just remember that you gotta be stronger than them. Maybe look at getting away with a few boyz for a weekend ?? or better to be a whole week.

no booze nothing. just kick back and relax. Maybe some beans will drop, maybe they won't. But at least he's outta his routine of drinkin!

Thanks everyone else!

I know you's are all here for me! :D

But i'm alright, done very well with it all. Just my mentality... and that i'm good with dealing with emotianl stuffs i suppose.

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