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I received a slip from the postman today saying I've got a Registered Post article awaiting my collection.. I can't really imagine what it could be.. I haven't bought anything online that is not accounted for..

My sister's boyfriend said that's how they send out speeding fines.. is this true? I don't think I've been hit by any speed or red light cameras, I'm pretty sure I would have noticed if I did..?

Should I be concerned? Anyone else received a random registered post article? lol..

I received a slip from the postman today saying I've got a Registered Post article awaiting my collection.. I can't really imagine what it could be.. I haven't bought anything online that is not accounted for..

My sister's boyfriend said that's how they send out speeding fines.. is this true? I don't think I've been hit by any speed or red light cameras, I'm pretty sure I would have noticed if I did..?

Should I be concerned? Anyone else received a random registered post article? lol..

it could be any number of things- concert tickets, confidential personal information you've requested from a goverment agency, etc, etc....

Definitely haven't bought any tickets.. The only competition I think I've entered was on Saturday lol, doubt they would have picked a winner by now.

I wasn't sure about the speeding ticket stuff coming via registered post, last time I got a red light camera ticket (years ago) it came by normal post. Also when I got done for driving with undue care and attention the summons came via regular post.. I think?

I guess I just have to try not to stress tonight and find out tomorrow morning. Been mulling things over and I can't imagine when I would have got done speeding.. if I have been it would only be a couple of klms over the limit.. I think I've only gone through one very late orange light - so doubt it's a red light camera..

The only other thing I can think of was a slight road rage type incident, if you could call it that, where I overtook a guy going about 30klms under the speed limit on a scooter when he moved over onto the shoulder. He didn't like how I overtook (was in my WRX).. I genuinely thought he was moving over to let me pass - guess not? Strange old man.. strange and slow.. Normally thought that sort of stuff would be followed up by a police phone call or visit, not that anything really happened.. so I don't think it's that.

Sigh, ok.. I'll try to stop stressing now and post an update tomorrow.

EDIT - Does jury duty come via registered post? Maybe it's that..

Edited by Simmo1985
i thought u didnt get in trouble if you have NEVER registerd to vote :)

Yeap, mate got a $180 fine last year...

All you gotta do it register and then turn up on election day, once your name is crossed off it does not matter what you do from there... :)

I go for the free labour or liberal sausage sizzle... (I vote on who gives me free food)

well, the last two tickets I got were registered post...this was probably a year and a half ago but...

Cops---> >_< <---- Jon

Double checked, Nays last ticket came via regular mail...

Ive never got one :D

(Not joking either)

I got a sinking feeling that it's going to be a summons. I apparently reversed into a motorbike in like August last year and it got knocked over and scratched a car door (not in the skyline, VS commodore). I didn't even know I did it until I got a phone call from the police the following night. It was at night time in a dark car park.. the motor bike must have been black, must have only just knocked it and had it roll forward and fall on to their door.

Cost me $900 to get fixed up, they coulda bought a better car for that much lol. Cops came and questioned me about it in like March this year (around six months after the incident and some 9 months ago now). After interviewing me and I had a chance to explain the circumstances (tinted windows, stereo on - reasonable level, windows up, dark car park, tow bar musta nudged the bikes wheel) they said they'll either scrap the matter, issue me a ticket for reversing when unsafe (like $20) or a ticket for driving without due care (court appearance). They said they'd let me know regardless, but I haven't heard anything from them since.

I hope I'm wrong, would be a sh!tty thing to have to go to court for, thought this matter resolved many moons ago. Time will tell.

Edited by Simmo1985
relax mate its just mail.. sounds like someone suffers from anxiety !

it could be absolutely anything really, just relax. hell, it could be a prize or a present from a family member or something?

Yeah, I think I do have anxiety.. with my run of luck lately though it's hard to not think the worst immediately. All will be revealed tomorrow.

Just picked it up...

Security recall from Subaru. I used to own an 03 WRX up until a few months ago. "Engine Hesitation and/or Shut Down caused by Vehicle Security System - Model Years 2002 to 2005 Impreza WRX and WRX STI".

What a relief... Now to book into the doctors to get some medication for my paranoia lol.

Just picked it up...

Security recall from Subaru. I used to own an 03 WRX up until a few months ago. "Engine Hesitation and/or Shut Down caused by Vehicle Security System - Model Years 2002 to 2005 Impreza WRX and WRX STI".

What a relief... Now to book into the doctors to get some medication for my paranoia lol.

thats good news dude, i hope it ruin a whole nights sleep over it

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